Sea Salt

105 Reviews

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July 31, 2014
About the time of my period, I got five pimples (two big ones) after being almost acne free for two months. I was desperate to get rid of these pimples. I tried all kinds of home remedies and used my brother's x out with no success. Finally, I tried sea salt and it worked wonders! After a day of leaving it on for about five hours, my three small pimples were gone, one cyst had completely dried, and the last pimple had decreased drastically. Along with that, I drank nearly a gallon and a half of water per day, which helped quite some. Now everyday, I spray my whole face with a salt water mixture and put salt directly onto any blemishes. For any acne sufferers out there, I highly recommend this!
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September 9, 2015
Works utterly amazing with honey!!!!
Okay so I've never posted a review for anything in my life but I simply had to for this. I've suffered from acne for multiple years and absolutely never found something that I can honestly say works. I've spent hundreds of pounds on all sorts of skin products over the years to combat my acne (I get it mostly around mouth area and cheeks) but nothing has ever wowed me as much as sea salt. when I was on holiday my acne was at its worst because it was so hot and I was sweating, every day fresh sore acne would appear and I was, by this point, giving up because there was nothing I hadn't tried! I was going in the sea everyday and one day my mum commented on how beautifully my skin was clearing, and it was the sea salt! Now I frequently use a honey and sea salt face mask and it's doing absolute wonders, I've noticed hugeee results within a week! Honestly an absolute saviour I could cry with happiness.
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September 13, 2015
What is the recipe?
February 26, 2016
Glad this has helped! How often do you use the mask?
April 9, 2016
What's the recipe?
April 12, 2016
I need help. how often do you put this in a week? for how long do you keep it on your face? and do you use toner and moisturizer after?
May 7, 2016
What recipe did you use? Did this help with scars as well? xx
April 7, 2016
I have literally tried everything there is out there for acne but with little results . I never write reviews but I had to for sea salt. I started doing research about acne and decided that chemicals and cleansers were not the way to go. I realized that ancestors never had acne because civilization was always near the ocean and people were exposed to sea salt more than today . I had acne all over my cheeks forhead and ching and after using seas salt in the morning and at night I am a 100 % clear. Even my scars are gone. Wow .
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May 7, 2016
The sea salt method cleared your skin completely? Even scaring? How did you use the sea salt? Thanks for your review, it helped a lot xx
May 30, 2016
My #1 Acne Secret!! It works
I have tried every regimen for acne and when I say everything I mean everything. My family always laughs at me because I would always be making some new concoction to put on my face. I have acne since 7th grade: blackheads, whiteheads, and cystic acne. The treatment worked for me but I didn't want to buy a new tube of BP every month. I wanted freedom. The idea of sea salt as a cleanser was appealing to me. I have combination skin. Sea salt kills germs but is natural, cheap, and has other skin benefits. I mixed equal parts of boiling water and sea salt in an empty water bottle and shook it for 5 minutes. Before you use it, make sure it cools. Then when i want to use it, I take a cotton bottle and tip the bottle upside down. Then I wipe all over my face focusing on breakouts. It might sting which will hurt but you just have to deal with it. Then I leave it on. No rinsing. I do this every night and some mornings. The first time I used it my acne stayed the same. But after two weeks my acne is 90% clearer. It's amazing. I recommend you try. Give it at least 2 weeks. And don't expect magic skin overnight. It takes time. Also make sure you are getting enough sleep, drinking water, eating healthy, and working out! These thing will speed the healing process up much quicker! Good Luck :)
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July 27, 2016
did you keep this solution on your face the entire day?
September 19, 2016
Take a swim at the beach!
I didn't grow up near a beach but while studying abroad, I lived close to one and I was at the beach all day, every day. It worked MIRACLES on my skin!! I mean, I was getting compliments left and right and was always being asked what I did. That had never ever happened to me before so the sea salt had to be the cause. It dries up acne within that same day of going to the beach!!!! Also, if you picked and got a scab, tap some sea salt mixed with a bit of water on it and it'll heal in no time! I will definitely be living near a beach after graduation so that I can have clear skin 5ever. Whats even better is that it costs nothing! Stop getting those $100 peels and just go for a swim!
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August 11, 2016
unbelievable results for such a simple thing
After a decade of fighting acne, the regimen worked for me over the past 3 years or so. However, earlier this year the BP quit working as well for some reason-- tho my face gets much worse if i stop using it completely. I randomly decided to try the saltwater routine, and I kid you not it started working day one. Cysts formed heads, small bumps dried out, no reddened face or other complaints. I've been using it every time I wash my face for a week and I'm totally clear again. Recipe: boil water, add sea salt until it stops dissolving, let cool, place in spray bottle in fridge My routine: wash face am and pm, apply salt water by spraying a paper towel and dabbing face, let dry and apply bp/moisturizer.
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February 16, 2015
washing face with only salt water
I had bad acne, clogged pores and discoloration on my face. My blackheads were the worst. I've tried almost every product including prescriptions like Retin A and Ziana, but none worked. I didn't like using harsh chemicals on my skin , so I tried natural soaps like castille soap, but it clogged my pores. I finally decided to use only warm water, sea salt, and a gentle buf puf sponge to wash my face, and was amazed at the results. My skin hasn't been this clear in a long time. I avoid using oils on my face. Instead, I make my own hyaluronic acid serum and use it as a moisturizer. It really works and reduces scars. I buy it online.
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May 23, 2016
hi there! just wondering, how long did it take your clogged pores to go away with the sea salt method? I used face wash and they broke my skin out bad in clogged pores and just wondering how long before you saw results? (just to see if this is actually working for me) thanks x
April 23, 2010


Reduces blackheads
Tightens pores


Can dry skin, so be sure to moisturize after rinsing.

I first noticed sea salt's effect on my blackheads when my nose piercing developed hypertrophic scarring and I began doing sea salt soaks every day. Though my nose was red because they were REALLY hot, the scarring disappeared and I noticed the blackheads and clogged pores that I usually have on and around my nose were disappearing. Now I steam my face with this a few times a week and in the morning instead of using a face wash I use my own premade solution of sea salt and water to rinse my face. It works! Try it.
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August 14, 2015
Okay I personally have a very long acne story which I may post on here soon. But I really just came on here to say that sea salt really helped my acne literally overnight. Before I tried the sea salt mixture I had cystic acne along the side of my face (both) and a HUGE zit forming near the front of my face (closer to my cheeks and chin.) I saw someone on YT say this worked for someone's blackheads when they used the mix on their nose piercing which made me want to try cause I had those too. For the mixture I just boiled water, let it cool until it was warm then poured it into a glass pump bottle. Next I added sea salt (I eyeballed so I really don't have an exact measurement but I tasted the final result instead. So if it wasn't salty enough, I added more but I never let it get too salty.) The first few days of using it my acne was really bad so I would pump the mixture into a cotton ball and swipe along my face and chin about 3 times per day. In the mornings, for the first week I would also mix honey and sea salt together to make a "scrub" but I wouldn't scrub my face, DON'T SCRUB YOUR FACE! I would apply the scrub as gentle as possible until it was all on my face and added extra salt to my acne bumps. I would leave this mix on anywhere from 20 - 45 min. I would just rinse off and then continue swiping my face with the salt mixture throughout the day. I've been doing this for a week and my acne is almost non-existant!! I literally just have one tiny bump on my forehead. I've been sort of lax with the honey scrub mask bc I find I don't need to do it everyday since my pores stay clean with the salt water mix. Also, there were other things that I did throughout this process of dealing with my acne --like I said before I have a LONG story which I may make talk about here soon. But try this and see if it works for you!
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May 7, 2016
Did this help with scars as well? Thanks for your review, it really helped xx
May 30, 2016
Hey thanks for sharing your success! I just want to ask after swiping your face with sea salt, do you just let it air dry for the whole day? Or do you wash your face off with water after?
December 30, 2011


Cheap, natural, effective!



I never write reviews on anything normally but since the sea salt has been so effective I had to for this. I have had acne since 16. Since then I cannot remember a day when my face was completely free of blemishes. About a year ago I went to the beach on a regular basis and noticed my face started to clear, after a while I put two and two together. I now wash my face at night with a salicylic acid acne wash and then spray a sea salt and water mixture and after about fifteen or twenty min put moisturizer on. At first I saw minor improvement and after a month my whole face was clear, no pimples, not a single one. I have tried everything (including proactive which did not help at all) and this routine has been the ONLY one that has worked. I would highly recommend trying it.
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