
621 Reviews

Zinc Gluconate

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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May 11, 2012


Strengthens immune system


Temporary use to be safe

Great vitamin for your immune system it just isn't good in the long run for your body because it makes you copper deficient. Pretty much i broke out like crazy from TAP WATER...who would've thunk it...i tried to stay healthy and drink about a gallon of water a day and the chlorine in my water made me nauseous and slaughtered my immune system. I finally got to the bottom of it and figured out what was causing my acne because I hadn't broken out in years. Combined zinc and vitamin C every day and boom goes the dynamite. Drink 8 cups of FILTERED water Take 2 25mg zincs throughout the day Take 2 ester C (vitamin c supplement) Wash face with cleanser in the morning Wash face with cleanser at night BE PATIENT. Enjoy your new skin. seriously.
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May 4, 2012


Clearer skin!
A natural remedy



My acne used to be severe. I've been on Accutane twice, as well as birth control, and now it's not severe anymore. However, my skin is still finicky. I know now that for me, it's at least partially linked to diet. The only acne treatments that have EVER worked for me have been internal - Accutane, birth control, dietary changes. Topical stuff does squat for me. Which is why zinc intrigued me. I had a flare up last weekend (stupid dairy), and after reading reviews of zinc on here, I decided to try it. The spots from the flare up - both of which were inflamed - shrank to scabs overnight. The scabs have pretty much flaked off since, and I haven't had any more breakouts. My complexion looks clearer, brighter and prettier, and I'm honestly shocked that it worked this well. I didn't have bad acne post-Accutane, but the small bumps I was getting were fairly persistent. Not this past week. It did give me some nausea, even with food. I bought 50mg pills of Nature's Bounty chelated zinc. It wasn't MISERABLE nausea, but after a few days of an achy stomach for about an hour after taking it, I decided to split the pills in half and take 25g in the morning and 25g at night. Problem solved. I'm really excited that I found this. Thank you to everyone who's written a helpful review. I was really scared to get off Accutane, and I'm glad to know there's something safe, affordable and natural I can keep taking to maintain my pretty results :) All I can say is give this a shot. My expectations were exceeded.
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April 12, 2012


Boosts Immunity
Made skin soft
Clearer overall complexion
Reduces scarring
Healthy and natural


(apparently naseau, though I didn't experience that symptom myself.)

I'm 22 and I've had acne since I was 14 or so. It has gotten worse and worse throughout the years, and over the past 2 years, started scarring my face. I was getting ready to spend a lot of money that I don't really have to see a dermatologist and go on accutane (which has a lot of bad side effects, I hear) Here's a list of some of the things I've tried. I've tried nearly everything: Prescription topical benzoyl peroxide Clean and Clear Neutrogena Proactive (multiple times) Murad St. Ives Almay Mary Kay and many MANY more that i just can't remember. I've also tried almost every home remedy such as eggs, and so on. Egg yokes did make my skin softer for a short period of time but didn't help acne. I started taking zinc last Thursday after reading all of the great reviews on this website. Since everyone talked about having naseau, I only took zinc after I had ate a really good meal. I never experienced any naseau that way, so I highly recommend to just go by the reviews and don't risk getting sick! After 4 days my acne had cleared up by about 80%. I was in disbelief! I wanted to wait a full week before writing a review though. Now my acne has cleared up 95%!!!!! I still have some red marks from zits that I had last week, and I had one new zit on my cheek this morning, but that is it. Which is a miracle because last week I had about 20 (noticeable) zits, and about a million whiteheads and blackheads. Zinc really is the only thing that has worked for me. Ever. I wish I would have known about this 5 years ago. I take 50mg a day, one day I was getting a little anxious and took 50mg in the morning and 25 at night. Both after eating and I didn't have any bad side effects. I've also noticed nice improvements even besides the acne going away. My complexion looks clearer, as a whole. Even with a zit or two, my skin looks very pretty and clear, like the zits don't even matter! My skin is also a lot smoother, wh
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April 12, 2012


cleared up acne, whiteheads and blackheads



i am 26 years old and have had moderate acne for at least 10 years. i have tried a lot of washes and spot treatments but nothing has worked like zinc. i created this account just to review zinc and tell other people to try it. i take 15 mg twice a day and noticed results in just a few weeks. 2 months later, my skin is completely acne free! i also don't have as many whiteheads or blackheads. do yourself a favor and try zinc. it is cheap and easy to use.
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April 11, 2012





Had I known back when I was 15 (35 years ago), I would have killed to have known the benefits of Zinc. Started about a month ago with 50 mg, 25 am-25 pm. No breakouts to speak of. Healing on back and other areas is continuing. My life has taken a change that I could have never imagined. I have a 16 year old with mildest acne, who breaks out ocaasionally. Took him to Dermatologist 2 months ago (before I found out about Zinc). Dermatologist prescribed Clind/BP roller and a harsh drying agent. Boy uses Clind only with good results. If it fails, I've recommended Zinc to my son. He's hesitant about the nauseau since he's on the football team, trains every day and is very active. We'll see. Anyway, I couldn't be happier. I wish good luck to all of you who at least try it. It has really changed a long, long history of physical and emotional pain. :)
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March 20, 2012





Wow. Cleared my acne in a week
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March 11, 2012


- Clearer skin
- A more even complexion
- Softer skin (a nice surprise!)
- Zinc is cheap


- None!

I created an account on this site just to rave about what zinc has done for my skin! I'm a 28-year-old woman and have been dealing with adult acne since I was 13. I've taken accutane twice, birth control, and antibiotics several times to control this problem, all of which only worked short-tem. I started taking zinc because I heard it prevented cold sore, and my skin cleared up at the same time. I attributed this to a topical treatment. My doctor recommending stopping zinc because he was dubious about its benefits. After stopping, I started getting the same old painful, large zits! I finally made the connection, and after starting zinc again, I haven't had one new painful breakout. My skin is on its way to looking great once again! I take 50 mg of zinc in a divided dose (with breakfast and dinner).
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March 8, 2012


Good for skin
It clears up hormonal acne .


Stomach aches (You must take it after you ate ! )

This is the best thing ! I wash my face one of two days with Garnier Pure 3 in 1 and I take 30 mg of zinc each day (one is 15 mg, I take one am and one pm)! I spent 4 bucks on 30 pills.
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February 29, 2012


-almost no side effects


-MUST be taken with food

50mg of Zinc Citrate per day with my lunch has been the greatest surprise of any acne treatment I've ever tried. Keeps my acne at bay, and when I do get a flare-up, it seems to help eliminate my zits faster.
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February 28, 2012


-It clears acne


May cause stomach aches

This is the best product anti-acne ever. I've suffered for years, but now with zinc everything looks fine.
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