Vitamin E

361 Reviews

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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April 28, 2009


Great moisturizer, cheap


Oily, didn't really do anything for my acne

I've been using a liquid form of Vitamin E for about 2 weeks now. It really hasn't done anything, good or bad, for my mild acne. However, it is a great moisturizer, so I will continue to use it at night.
March 24, 2009


Works like a charm. Red spots gone within days. Brilliant for cracked lips.



I use a highly concentrated liquid Vitamin E by SOLAR 20,000 IU (Always check the IU to make sure the product that you use is strong). I mix a few drops with sesame seed oil (as and oil) or Vaseline (as a mask). The sesame seed oil is rich in Omega 3s. The vitamin E oil I buy can be applied to skin and digested, so I have some Vitamin E internally as well. I think somebody said this earlier, but to help with the grease, use a warm cloth or steam your face to open the pores before applying the oils. Another great oil to have is fish oil and Spirulina (internally, you don't want to smell like fish) Since Ive started taking Spirulina, my acne has decreased tremendously. Also a daily antioxidant does wonders.
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March 17, 2009


I used it at Night and the next morning I found my marks faded a bit. And it made my skin alot smoother.


Greasy and Thick and it also smells like doo doo butter (poo) but worth it. And dont put it on pimple. It might make it worse.

Will continue using it for a couple of months....This is awesome and worth trying
March 4, 2009


Gives an ACTUAL glow, heals discoloration, the most RAPID and effective skin care treatment physically available.


Sticky, but temporary.

Have only used it for a few days, but notiving the differences. My main reference is my mother. You would think that the term "glow" was only something you hear in the movies, but she ACTUALLY glows with her religious use of vitamin E. It's a wonder there are thousands upon thousands of beauty products, but THE BEST of them all is something that costs 4 bucks. And if you think about it, it makes sense: God already supplied us with the things we need, and Vitamin E is a natural oil.
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March 3, 2009



Just a hint for everyone who says the vitamin E oil is sticky or absorbs slowly. Take a face towel and run it under warm water (not hot). Wring the face towel out and put it over your face for a few seconds. This will help the vitamin E oil absorbe into your skin faster. I've used vitamin E for moisturizing and general face care. Take it from someone who's been doing this since the late 70's!! I've solved the "sticky face" problem. =)
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February 24, 2009


yaaa bro


oily .

its been about two days since used . but wellll seee ;)
January 23, 2009


I've been using Vitamin E for about a week, and I have noticed a great difference in my skin. Even after the first night i noticed that it had reduced the size of my acne and had even dried some of them up.


It's very thick and sticky when applied to the skin, but it's worth it. Best to use at night.

Using vitamin E oil works better then the usual typical acne products that are out there
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January 23, 2009


Ive been using jamieson proVitamina e oil. It dramatically reduced discoloration and acne scars the second it was applied. Made skin softer and didnt make me break out at all, if anything cleared up acne.


a bit sticky, but worth it

AMAZING product, recommended for sure if you have tried everything else.
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December 21, 2008


great finishing touch for clear, healthy skin; creates a beautiful glow; smooths away marks left by hyperpigmentation


is not enough by itself (at least, wasn't for me)

Use this as part of a daily regimen to improve the overall clarity and health of your skin. I take a 200 I.U. vitamin E capsule daily along with 30 mg Zinc and 1000 mg chewable vitamin C. Additionally, I apply Zinc powder (from the capsules) topically to my t-zone and cheeks a couple times a day after washing my face. I seal the powder in with 10% benzoyl peroxide cream (Nuetrogena On the Spot, Murad, etc) and follow with a good spf 15 moisturizer (Olay for sensitive skin, for example). I've found that applying zinc topically greatly increases the benefits of the vitamin. Prior to beginning this regimen, I had taken Solodyn (an oral antibiotic) for the three months. Solodyn COMPLETELY cleared my moderate acne while the vitamins I've been taking since have worked to maintain my healthy, glowing complexion. I am truly amazed that taking the above viatmins daily has kept my skin in a near-perfect state all on its own.
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November 30, 2008


it works


hard to get a hold of a big bottle

i got it for my boyfriend who has real bad acne and acne scars and he's very lazy with cleansing his face. so i made him put it after he showers at night before he sleeps. his scarring got better and i use it for my severe dry skin and it doesnt cause break outs. i thought it would because its so thick and sticky but trust me it doesnt cause more pimples. we both use it topically.
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