Vinegar (as a topical)

606 Reviews

Vinegar Pictured:
Made from select sun-ripened grain, diluted with water to a uniform pickling and table strength of 5% (50 grains) acidity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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November 5, 2012


- Clears acne deep down the skin
- Immediately reduces cyst pain
- Dries pimples and quickens healing process
- Adds a beautiful glow to the skin


- Powerful smell (though I don't mind)
- Dries the skin a little (small price to pay)

I always had beautiful skin until about 3 months ago when I started getingt pimples at the jaw lines and suddenly my forehead exploded overnight a month and a half ago. I used lots of home remedies (not consistently), a couple of products (a night gel and salicylic acid) but the salicylic acid REALLY dried my skin and I still got more pimples so I stopped using it. I started using ACV consitently 3 days ago, and man I am happy I did. I mix rose water and ACV 50:50 and I dab it on my skin with a cotton ball (You could also hold it gently over a certain area for just a few seconds) 2-3 times a day. Now don't get discouraged if you see more visible pimples because it's how it works. It brings out all the clogged pimples that are hiding under your skin preparing to attack anyday and it kills everything from deep down to the top which makes them dry and scab. Those intense acne pimples will produce the white stuff shortly after and they will go away quickly. Listen, try this, be consistent, give it a week or two and I promise you that you'll see a profound difference and you'll be on your way to reclaim your beautiful natural skin. Cheers from a third world country!
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November 3, 2012


No harsh chemicals
Works well and even helps with scarring


None really

I've tried absolutely everything to cure or at least control my acne in the last 10 years. Prescriptions, OTC products, expensive OTC products, acutane, even UT (Don't ask why I tried that before this.) ACV has worked extremely well for me in the last two weeks. It took some time to really see results, but I would rather have delayed, sustainable results, than some over the night cure that isn't really good for my skin in the long run. It works, because it's a natural antiseptic, and when diluted with a little water, it's supposed to balance the skin's pH. After years of various types of txs, it makes sense that my skin's acid mantle is all out of whack, so with repeated use I believe this product is helping to restore my skin's natural durability. I use it twice a day, morning and night, after washing my face, as a toner. I started by diluting it 1:4 vinegar to water. I'm currently using a 1:3 ratio, and I might even get closer to 1:2 with the next batch I make, at least for spot treatment. I apply it with a cotton ball, let it dry, and apply my regular moisturizer over it, because it can dry your skin out. I haven't had any cystic acne since using this, and any new pimples either dry out or come out within a day or two. I've also noticed that it has helped with my scarring. This is huge for me, and acne products and product for scarring are rarely one in the same. I also maintain a healthy vegan diet. Cutting out gluten has made a big difference for me. I'm running out of room to write, but please look in to that!! I take a digestive enzyme, EFA oil with DHA, and a calcium/mag/zinc supplement. I've been getting microderms to help with scarring. I try to get at least 10 minutes of sun on my face most mornings. I use Dr. Bronner's 18-in-1 soap, because it's one of the most natural soaps I've found. But even with all of this, ACV has made the most noticeable difference in my skin. Definitely worth trying. Give it some time. Go
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September 30, 2012


gets rid of acne
drys out all acne bumps
glowing skin
beautiful complexion



this product is firkin crazy!!! i have had acne since i was 11 so 6 years. i used minocycline, duac, and differin which cimpletely cleared me up. once i stopped because of the terrible side effects all the acne came back. i started drinking acv and taking zinc pills but it didnt do everything. finally i started applying acv topically! and holy crap for 1 week i have been acne free!! this is despite the fact that i masturbated 5 times in the last 2 days! still no whiteheads. usually i have 10 whiteheads after wacking and none after i quit for 3 days. but the acv topical is so powerful that no pimples! i will kick anyones butt who doesnt use this!! u have to give this a try!! it has 100% cleared my acne! thats crazy!!!! best of luck to everyone who wants to clear their acne. and i dont care if you give me thumbs down just please try the acv topical! i promiss you you will not regret at the very least it will help.
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September 26, 2012


-clearing breakout
-glowing complexion
-plump and supple skin


-can sting
-the smell of course

I have been pimple-free for about 4 months but suddenly, I'm not very sure why but it's probably hormonal changes, I started having a big breakout a week ago, with painful red cysts! It was depressing, especially after a heavenly period of clear skin..but then I came upon some ACV in my cabinet and thought, why not? I am so glad I tried this! I held a swab dipped with it and placed it against one really, deep cyst and after a minute, I can see a head!! Amazing. It has only been 2 days but the redness and swelling has reduced, and brown spots left from a few cysts last week just seemed to have fallen right off of my face! I'm excited for the results after a bit more time. Really..give it a try!!
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August 9, 2012


*Clears Acne
*Fades Scars (Red Marks) With time though
*Fixes Complexion (Toner)
*Tightens Face and Reduces Pores (smoother skin)
*Cheap and Natural
*Stays on Face, but smell goes away (This is good, it's fighting bacteria all day!)


*Smells (Doesn't matter to me, though it does to others)
*Stings (Means it's working)

I've been using Apple Cider Vinegar for about 3-4 weeks now. In May, during finals I broke out and it never stopped the pimples keep coming back! I got a cyst (acne that hurts) and then it spread. I used products that calmed my acne down, but I still kept breaking out in the same area ( on forehead and between eyebrows). I've been fighting that battle (acne still in the same spot) since mid july! Then I started using Apple Cider Vinegar. Alright, people could get discouraged by using this product, but it is AMAZING! You have to give it at least 3 weeks. I know... I know that's a lot of time but you will get clear skin. So in the beginning when I started using ACV, my pimples got really red, so did my acne marks! Then they started to scab (one or two pimples)... THIS IS NORMAL! The vinegar gets down the the roots so to speak. I got discouraged because they where redder and more visible... Then it happened... My acne was going away and the redness was clearing up!! I had a huge red mark that completely vanished, and I didn't even scar. I'm not breaking out in that spot anymore and my mother even complemented my complexion. Today, I didn't wear make up! Everyone, this stuff is amazing. If you can get passed the acne getting redder and scabbing (healing process) then find something else. But this gets down into your skin and destroys acne with a vengeance! I will use this for the rest of my life! Please give it a try. I put my ACV in a little spray bottle (travel size, you can buy at Target or Wal-mart) and spray on my face twice a day. Sometimes only at night, though. Remember it does sting for awhile, but that means it's working :) You can also use some cotton balls and wipe all over your face. Do not rinse off, leave it on. Even if you put it on in the morning. The ACV will work throughout the day, killing the acne. Don't pass this up, ACV is a great natural way to clear ac
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August 8, 2012


clears skin but not completely
smoothes skin


makes the whole house smell literally
makes your face smell

i use it twice a day and apply it with a cotton toner pad sold at target. it works very well but my wife hates it cause it makes the house stink badly. combined with drinking warm lemon juice i have seen better than average results and believe me this has worked better than everything i've tried and i have tried absolutly everything including accutane which is a complete scam. acne comes back after like a month after you discontinue use.
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July 31, 2012


Clear skin



I had a goal to get clear skin by the time I turned 30 and with my 30th birthday only 3 weeks away Bragg's ACV has helped me reach that goal. 3 weeks ago I started using undiluted ACV as a toner in the am and pm after washing with Noxzema, I'm used to glycolic peels so it didn't really sting me. After toning with the ACV I use Cerave Moisturizing cream (the one in the tub, not the bottle with the pump). I tried to take it internally as well, but after doing that for a day and a half I just couldn't stomach it anymore. I noticed a difference overnight and within a week my skin was 90% clear. I couldn't use ACV on my body though as it was too harsh so I started searching for other internal supplements. 1 week ago I added Michael's Naturopathic Skin Factors vitamins to my routine, within 3 days my entire face was 100% clear and now a week later my body is completely clear. Not only do I not have any new blemishes, but all of my old ones have healed, my skin tone is even and looks moisturized, my skin looks and feels smooth and all of my blackheads are gone (even a big pitted one that I had had on the side of my nose for over a year!) I love that I can get both products for dirt cheap at my local health food store. Both Bragg's ACV and Skin Factors will always be a part of my regular routine from here on out.
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July 26, 2012


ACV has a ton of health benefits.


If using as spot treatment, can cause scarring & scabbing.

I used Apple Cider Vinegar as a topical for MONTHS. At first I was just using it full strength by putting some on a cotton ball & dabbing it on my face every morning and night after washing with a cleanser. After a time I used it mixed with water. It did absolutely nothing to improve my acne. Once when I felt a developing pimple, I used some full strength on a cotton ball & held it on the pimple for several minutes. The next morning I had what looked like a small scab on my face! I admit that may have been my fault because of its acidity. I may even have used ACV for nearly a year before I had to admit to myself that it was not helping my acne at all. I used organic & non-organic-neither helped. I'm really disappointed it didn't work for me-I seem to have some sort of mutant incurable acne. I am running out of things to try. :( But I do recommend it to others because I have read so many reviews on this site & others saying that it worked. So definitely try it but mix it with water.
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July 23, 2012


So cheap
Evens skin tone
Gently exfoliates
Fades scars and red marks
Helps dry out and heal blemishes
Easy to use
Lasts forever


The smell could bother some people, but it doesn't last very long

This is one of the best products in my regimen. I've been using it for a good 3 or so years. I mix a solution of 1/2 AVC and 1/2 water in a little bottle and keep it on my bathroom counter. I do NOT use Bragg's AVC. The one time I decided to switch to that brand after reading the rave reviews, I broke out like nobody's business. I had tried to continue using it thinking it was purging or whatever, but it certainly was not. The brand I use and have continued to use is Spectrum Organic Unfiltered ( w/ the Mother ) AVC. Easily found at any health store, and very cheap for a big glass jug of it. After washing my face I'll just grab a cotton swap or fold over 2 toilet paper squares, squirt my AVC on it and tone my face. It makes you feel that little extra freshness after washing your face. Your skin may turn a bit red after application, but normally goes away in a couple of minutes. New users need to use a more diluted solution and work up to 1/2 and 1/2 because it may burn at first when using a more concentrated mixture. All 'n all this product along with my Cetaphil Cleanser and Aloe Vera moisturizer has kept me clear for over 2 years. Definitely recommended to anyone with blemish problems!
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July 16, 2012


Does not dry skin


Smells, but not a big deal

I've been using the apple cider vinegar as a topical every night for the last couple of weeks and I have seen dramatic improvement in my skin. I use it straight out of the bottle on a cotton ball every night after washing my face and leave it on overnight. I have oily skin, so this does not dry out my skin too much or cause redness like others have posted. The results were also not immediate like others have posted, but over a couple of weeks of using consistently, my skin is clearer, smoother, and less oily. I have also been mixing a few teaspoons with juice in the morning, but less consistently so not sure if this helps as well. It's not the best taste but you get used to it, and I find I actually enjoy it a little. I drink it through a straw, as I have read on other posts that it can damage the enamel on teeth. This is worth a try for anyone struggling with acne. I am so excited to find something natural that works!!!
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