Vinegar (as a topical)

606 Reviews

Vinegar Pictured:
Made from select sun-ripened grain, diluted with water to a uniform pickling and table strength of 5% (50 grains) acidity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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January 1, 2008


Works well
Easy to use


Smells/Tastes bad
Can sting/burn if skin is sensitive
Burns eyes

Great remedy. I've been using Bragg's ACV for about 5 days now and it's working miraculously. I use a 50/50 AVC/water mix on my face after washing in the place of a toner, then I moisturize with a moiturizer containing Jojoba oil and aloe vera. I've also been taking about 2 tablespoons daily mixed with some type of juice or water. Overall...I've seen a major improvement and I'm glad to have come across this site or I never would have tried it. *Bragg's ACV doesn't taste as bad as some of the other brands, but it is still ACV none the less :-)
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December 3, 2007


dried my severe acne in just 3 days, kills bacteria, very cheap and effective and improves your complextion in days


Drying of the skin, a bit of peeling and smells..may burn for a while after applying. Try using an oil free moisturiser after washing off as excesive drying may occur

using it in the night can be highly effective and would slightly dry your pimple and reduce inflammation. During the day, apply apple cider vinegar to affected area with a cotton pad and after 20 mins wash off and apply oil free moisturiser... here r some tips 1. if using make-up look for oil free,water-base,wont clog pores and something with at least SPF 15 or use mineral make-up. 2.Also take two teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with quarter cup of water and drink it once daily in the morning. 3.i would also suggest drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day heaps of fruits and veggies such as apples(2-3), Banana(1), strawberries(4-5),carrots(1-2), and a glass of tomato juice a day. 6) Have at least 8 hours of sleep and avoid rubbing ur face against your pillow , sleep on ur back 7) exfoliate skin every two days with a light exfoliater 8)try to avoide eating food with vegetable oil (such as processed food) eat more salads! GOOD LUCK:)
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November 14, 2007


Works almost instantly, dries up acne fast, reduces redness in the face, affordable


smells bad, leaves bad aftertaste, may not suit all skin types!

Lately, my skin complexion has not been as bad with acne as it was when i was back in high school. my skin has its good days and bad days with acne flare-ups. I also have very mild rosacea mostly on the cheeks, which at times seems to worsen and at other times seems to get better. I have been taking a vast number of meds/creams, including tetracycline. the meds reduce the amount of acne/roseacea but only for a few days until my body gets used to the effect i guess. I started using apple cider vinegar about a week ago, and all i have to say is that it is BY FAR ONE OF THE BEST RECOMMENDATIONS I HAVE TAKEN to improve my acne and rosacea!! at first i was hesitant to try it fearing that it might worsen my condition. I am now taking 6 tablespoons daily (mixed with water of course) and i started noticing improvements on the 2nd night of using ACV. It has worked miracles! i barely get any more acne pimples, and my rosacea has cleared up drastically! Thanks to everyone who recommended it!
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May 21, 2015
Well over 1400 shirts and nearly 4000 CD's should keep me gong for a while
May 21, 2015
sorry about the first comment i forgot i had my mouse on paste lol, anyway What about if you have it on your back, chest, on your scalp, and the back of your neck ? will it help in all those areas ?
September 20, 2007


it takes the red out of thoes painful swollen pimples, its cheap!


smells absolutely terrible

i had one of thoes "stick out the side of your face" pimples today and i came home and put a warm washcloth on the spot and popped it (then it was swollen) but after that i put some of the ACV just on the spot and it is now completly flat and its not red and painful anymore. Also, i used this as a drink for a week or more and it kept me 100% clear, the only problem was i stopped using it because its kind of a pain but then all my breakouts came back. I would recomend taking 1 tbs in the morning and 1 tbs at night mixed with juice i believe it helps prevent break outs MAKE SURE ITS BRAGG'S ORGANIC APPLE CIDER VINIGAR
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September 7, 2007


reduces itching and swelling of dry skin, brings the infected pores to surface. Good for applying directly to painful red bumps. Diluted as an astringent. So far has cured part of my face from red corners of mouth, Dry eczema, and pustules.


It can sting a bit, hard to cover smell in public. And can cause your skin to look red in the areas it is affecting. However, if you let it heal and I add Amlactin for moisturizing, Can't miss a dose of that. Plus drink lots of H20.

Use it as a mouthwash, then brush. With Amlactin, it creates a PH level in the skin that discourages microbes from growing. It can help with warts/herpes, and perhaps you have HPV/HSV on your face. ACV will help that as well. Rosacea? it will still be red for a while but I've noticed my red patches shrink. Only been on it for 2 months and drastic improvements. I fill a clean sink with Hot water. Then just dump some organic ACV in the basin. I basically exfoliate circular, after rinsing hands with Hydrogen Pyroxide. That is also a good thing but can burn healthy tissue. Both need to be diluted. I add 100% ACV directly to specific bumps. I make sure it doesn't spread. Qtip. Some of the whiteheads turn more white. and the skin may crust but in a couple of days, the crust comes off and perfect skin underneath. Use it with Amlactin, it really works. My skin is smoother, and the redness is going away. Hopefully in 6 months I will be able to say that my acne/rosacea/eczema/d
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August 16, 2007


the best over the counter(and in general) treatment I've found for acne and pseudofolliculitis.

Really worked for me, with both problems. I have even stopped using benzoil peroxide cream. I find it more of a preemptive measure.


Apple cider vinegar smeels life cider vinegar. And altough it is sayed is should go away... It doens't seem to know that.

I find white vinegar less smelly, and its smeel really does leave. Also it's cheaper.

I think everyone should at least give it a try. I've been using it for a week with really great results. I'll uplaod and update in a few week, but I'd be surprised if something would change - the improvement has been drastic so far. Maybe it's the thing my face was waiting for.
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July 2, 2007


not sure as this is day 1


it smells =(

you know what's funny? science has taken us to the moon and can't even come up with a simple solution to a problem that plagues the population by the millions... all the doctors say is that acne is a hormonal problem... what on earth is that supposed to mean? that's not an answer it doesn't explain anything.Pimples, hormonal, yes... acne, hormones gone wrong? Surely the underlying problem is more specific, maybe there is some gene present or absent in people with acne that can be dealt with using molecular targeted therapy, just like breast cancer is treated. i am absolutely sure that with some effort science and medical researchers can come up with a solution formed in solid scientific and medical reasoning that works from day 1 guaranteed for every sufferer of this horrible, horrible affliction.
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April 30, 2007


Regulates pH, lightens red/brown marks, exfoliates, brings blackheads to the surface so they can be easily removed (I use the pedicure brush method for that), dries up existing acne and prevents new ones, and definitely helps oily skin.


The smell is strong and if not diluted it can burn skin and eyes.

Excellent product and extremely cheap, you really can't go wrong. ACV contains Malic Acid and plenty of other enzymes and vitamins. Malic Acid is an AHA just like Glycolic Acid only Malic Acid is derived from Apples. ACV bc it is a liquid penetrates the skin much faster then any lotion therefore faster and better results and you don't have to worry about a residue. I strongly recommend this for anyone.
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February 21, 2007


it works


you smell like a salad

i have used every acne product out there. none of them worked, until apple cider vinegar. i used to splash it on my face every night, my acne cleared up with in weeks. it as been under control since. i use it now as needed.
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July 22, 2015
Great toner for clogged pores and acne marks
Ive been using acv mixed with wather as toner since some months. It helps to calm down my acne and red marks. The only issue is that sometimes it can be irritating and it dries the skin. Appart that I its a great cheap method to help acne prone skin.
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August 16, 2015
After toning use rosehip oil, it is excellent for the face. Do the research on it! Hope this helps, try something else is what i tell people.