Vinegar (as a topical)

606 Reviews

Vinegar Pictured:
Made from select sun-ripened grain, diluted with water to a uniform pickling and table strength of 5% (50 grains) acidity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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September 25, 2009


inexpensive, natural, smooths out skin texture and tone..all around fantastic!


none! might dry skin out a bit..just be sure to moisturize!

i have tried EVERYTHING over the years! i am 34 and i've battled with acne since i was about 12 or 13. i no longer want to take antibiotics, prescriptions or use harsh chemicals..i'm over it! i have been taking 50 mg of zinc, 2000 mg of fish oil, 1000-2000 mg of vitamin c, acidophilus, and vitamin b complex for about a month. i have been using braggs orgainc acv for about a week as a topical and it has been really wonderful! my complexion hasn't looked this good in years! i urge you to try it! be sure to use a oil free moisturizer as it may dry your skin out a bit! i wash with dermalogica clay cleanser and i have cut out dairy and sugar from my diet as well!
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September 25, 2009


Quick results, cheap


awful smell

After trying everything from Pro Active, DDF, and even Dermabrasion, I was ready to give up. I heard about AVC and how it helps prevent acne, so I decided to give it a shot. I bought "Bragg" since it had the most success stories. This stuff does not mess around. After 2 days I noticed a huge difference in my acne disappearing along with the redness. I did not dilute the AVC and applied it once in the morning and once at night after washing my face. Thank you Bragg!!!
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September 11, 2009


Soft skin, fast results, smiles c:


The taste... but don't drink it!

I've only been using it for about a three days, and I can already see some good results. I've gotten really tired of using all of those horrible factory-made cleansers and washes, because all of them I've used dry out my skin and make it look leathery and aged until it is removed (ex. benzoyl peroxide.) I've been searching forever for a good way to clear up acne naturally, and in judgment of these reviews, I think I made have found one trustworthy enough ;) Oh... and I sort of like the smell.
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September 2, 2009


skin feels smoother ?


my face looks worse and my acne is red and inflamed pissed off...

im 15 and have had acne for 3 years nothing ever worked. i bought the acv from a local grocery store maybe thats why its not working for me. do i need braggs organic kind? where can i get it ...
August 30, 2009


It actually works. I'm not even drinking it (can't stand the taste), just using it topically every night before bed.



I was surprised. I was using non organic ACV for a week and it seemed to do nothing. But I bought a bottle of braggs organic ACV since it was only $4, nothing to lose. And after 2 days of using it, I went from 15 so pimples down to 3 now. Again, I was surprised. Stuff's so cheap, and it by far beats the hundreds of products that I've tried and spend hundreds on.
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August 30, 2009


Prevented acne completely. It is the only thing that has ever made pimples actually stop "growing" and disappear.


the can't really notice it once it dries, but people have been able to smell it on me once they got REALLY close. It also burns a little when you put it on your skin...make sure to dilute me I learned the hard way

works great, the smell is really not that bad
August 26, 2009


Works within a few days, safe, natural, a skin miracle!!!!!



I'm in my 30's, never had problems with pimples, bumps, black/whiteheads etc until recently. I also have very dry and sensitive skin, so anything like Retinol would make my skin super red and flaky. On the hunt for a skin miracle, I ran across the ACV routine. At first I used it with a backing soda wash, which was to harsh on my skin. Now I wash my face with a 50/50 mix of water and Braggs ACV (takes the make up and mascara off perfectly) and then apply a thin layer of straight ACV on my moist skin without washing it off. Even though my skin is very dry, I don't need to use a moisturizer since after the initial couple of minutes of dryness, my skin becomes soft and dewy. My pores almost disapeared, my skin problems are almost gone after 2 days. This stuff is fantastic and I wish I had known about it years ago. I'm also drinking it 3 times a day and it helps great forheartburn. LOVE IT.
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August 26, 2009


Like a magic cure-all for skin problems and a million other things, AND it is safe for pregnant ladies suffering from hormone-induced acne!


No significant ones! Luckily, I enjoy the smell + taste of vinegar, but you might not. It stings a tiny bit on your skin, but unless you are a TOTAL wuss, this is much better than having acne. I think it feels kind of tingly and nice :)

Since getting pregnant I have been suffering from hormone-induced acne-- and I thought I would be all glowing and pretty!! I was afraid to use anything chemical to treat it so I figured "Hey, apple cider vinegar cures EVERYTHING, right? I'll try that!" I read the recommendations to dilute it, but ignored all that and just applied it directly all over my freshly washed face, and then swallowed a few swigs. It tingled and stung my skin a little bit, but my skin felt really smooth and healthy when it dried. The next day, all of my acne was GONE except for a few of the larger bumps (which had significantly dried and gotten smaller).... wow, talk about a miracle cure, eh? So yes, I HIGHLY recommend apple cider vinegar for treating acne, and it also works for eczema, allergies, stomach/bowel issues, and a million other things. I ONLY use Braggs brand raw organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar complete with "mother of vinegar" in it. Quality is very important for certa
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August 25, 2009


Greatly improved my skin, stops new break outs.


The smell can be pretty bad - use it in the evening and leave it on at night and no one will notice. Doesn't completely clear skin.

The only product (i used distilled malt vinegar which i found worked just as well as ACV) that has had a real affect on my acne. I apply it with a cotton bud in the evening and leave on all night. You should see a noticeable difference within a few days. If i don't apply it a couple of nights i begin to break out badly again. Hasn't cleared my skin 100% but it has cleared it to a level i am pretty happy with and not always worried or embarrassed about. I strongly suggest you try it.
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August 23, 2009


clears skin, reduces red marks, limits breakouts.


things get worse before they get better.

as i said, things get worse before they get better. at least they did for me. i was ready to give up. have been using ACV for a week now and my skin is 95% better. i have NEVER had skin this clear. unbelievable!!!
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