Urine Therapy

423 Reviews

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March 7, 2010


First I have to thank God for something that truly works. Reduces Pores, Softens Skin, Reduces Scarring SUPER FAST. Quickly eliminates pimples.


Secrecy, smell.

Notice the negative reviews are from people WHO HAVE NOT TRIED IT!!!! This is simply amazing. Speaking as a 30 year old woman with brown skin and scarring. This has been a blessing. I totally give God thanks and praises for me stumbling upon a website where someone talked about how UT worked miracles. And it has. I had a severe break out, and I used UT and within 2 days it was totally clear. BONUS, my scarring is fading in an AMAZING way after 3 weeks of use~ I simply use a cotton ball of mid stream fresh pee pee, and apply it to my face at night. If I won't be out and about I also apply it in the morning. GREAT.. Please don't knock it till you try it.
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February 21, 2010


Clears bumps quickly
Easy to use
Fast, fast, fast
Evens skin tone and improves complexion
Safe for sensitive and dry skin
Completely safe


Application is up to personal preference, so it can take a bit of experimentation
A clean diet and plenty of fluid intake are important for effectiveness
Not socially acceptable (Western Society)

I started UT about 5 or 6 days ago and I've had AMAZING results. I'm 24 and have had hormonal acne since 14 or 15. Two weeks before my period, I start breaking out and continue to do so until a day or so after it starts. I had little success treating the bumps with cleared up very fast on their own after my period began. Absolutely nothing prevented my acne, although some products made the breakouts slightly smaller (and even this didn't last). So I was slathering harsh chemicals on my face for nothing. Not only that, but I was considering taking BC pills JUST to (potentially) help my acne. About 5 or 6 days ago, I started applying urine to a clean face in the morning and at night. I only use fresh, mid-stream urine and allow it to dry on my skin and then I leave it. I'm a vegetarian and I make sure to drink alot of fluids -- THERE IS NO SMELL!!! My period will start in a week and my skin looks great. My complexion is more even, I have no big bumps, only a few small ones that are going away (from before I started). I do have two dry patches on my skin, so after the urine dries, I apply a moisturizer mixed with some jojoba oil (Dan's). The dry patches are from washing my face with a bar soap for a couple of days and then applying BP (again, before I started UT). I have dry skin to begin with, so that didn't help matters :) By normal standards, I should be fighting with 6 or 7 inflamed pimples, sometimes a cyst or two. The texture of my skin should be terrible right now and I should be red and splotchy form the "treatments". Instead, my skin looks very nice and is improving every day. Yesterday, a woman at the grocery store told me I have "lovely skin. Just beautiful." I have NEVER been told my skin is pretty during this time of the month. I was shocked. If anyone has hormonal acne and doesn't want to risk harmful chemicals, give UT a try. It's free and perfectly safe so there's nothing to lose! I wish I had
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February 2, 2010


Reduces redness, and appearence of blemishes on face. Although doesn't clear the acne, it does blend it better in with my natural skin tones. It makes it soft and moisturized (I find on UT I don't have to use a moisturizer). Also, I can now wear make up after just two days of using UT (when my acne gets bad, there's no point in wearing acne 'cause my skin's so dry, and it just flakes, and doesn't cover anything). Love it.


The only con I found is trying to find something to put it in, and use to put on my face. Also, since it doesn't come with instructions, you have to experiment a little bit with how long you leave it on, if you wash it off at all, what to use to apply, best times, etc.

I have used it before and my skin cleared up nicely. Eventually it came back, but I'm just starting the UT again and I am very happy with the results. Not a lot of things give me hope, but UT does.
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January 23, 2010


Not only does it help reduce acne, but it makes my skin softer and smoother. I think it's supposed to help with aging too (I am not old enough to fairly judge). It's free, easy, always available. Doesn't hurt to try. Can also use on cuts or other infections, and there's a host of other good things UT can do.


I agree that the stigma associated with it is tough because you just want to tell everybody. Can feel weird to do if you live with multiple people and feel like you have to "hide" that you do it, and the vessel you might use, etc. I'm on the brink of deciding "What the hell" and telling people anyway. Also, it takes a little while to get used to, and for it to not seem disgusting, but not too long because the results are fast.

I put "moderately severe" for my acne because that's what it used to be. Now it is very light. I've had acne since before I even started middle school (I am now mid twenties). I tried all sorts of things, of course, very little worked. This vitamin B5 treatment I tried seemed to work but it was high maintenance, expensive, and dried out my skin (and other side effects). I had to stop after forgetting my pills somewhere. One day I decided to go the healthy route and completely quit using Benzoyl Peroxide after reading some awful things about it. I broke out pretty badly for a while, but stuck to my guns. Eventually I decided to try UT, and took pictures and everything. I did it 3 times a day at first, only on my face (now I do it once, most days), and had really good results in the first 2 days. In 8 days (which is when I stopped taking pictures) my zits were practically gone, the ones left were small. The pictures really helped me appreciate the results. I have now been doing UT for about 2 years. I stopped for a while once when I was dating a guy and rarely home, and I did start breaking out more often (but not nearly as bad as before) so I started up again and my skin went back to normal. I do still get zits occasionally but my skin is a million times better than before, I even feel comfortable without makeup. I am going to try more internal stuff to get to the root causes now, like a colon cleanse, liver flush, and oral UT (drinking it). I know UT doesn't work for everyone. This might be related to if you are taking medicines, or maybe if you have toxicity problems (a whole different subject, but sometime I am getting more interested in for overall health reasons). I have recommended this to one other person in real life, and she has also had positive results and does it regularly now, and she had severe acne. She does face, chest and back. She is not clear though, just much clearer. Topical treatments can only go so far after all.
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January 19, 2010


free...so, that's nice.
I can't believe how quickly it evened out my skin tone. It did take a little time to help with blemishes. But, once it kicked in, it made a huge difference.


well, its pee.
But, Im a big girl, I can handle it.

This may not work for everyone. But, what's to lose? You just have to get past the whole "Im putting pee on my face" thing, once that's conquered you'll be glad you did. I had the cystic papule type for the most part, some smaller whiteheads, but I am 99% clear now. I had tried everything except Accutane, didn't want to go that far. There are those who will ridicule, but who cares what they think? If it gets you clear, you're clear and that's what matters!
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January 9, 2010


FANTASTIC results!!! The BEST COMPLEXION i EVER HAD since I HAD ACNE for sooooooo LONG!! Breakouts are small and minimal and acne and acne scars are fading DRAMATICALLY FASTT!! Seriously, again, its a MIRACLE!!


For me.. NONE!! I eat lots of vegetable and fruits and drink lots of water.. and my pee doesn''t stink too much!! As the LORD said "its our FOUNTAIN of LIFE aka URINE"!! By the way, as i researched, URine comes from greek word "UR" which indicates heaven's sent.! *smiles*

This is just my update since 5 days ago.. i mean.. its ONLYYYY my FIFTH DAY using urine.. And seriously.. my left side of my face is TOTALLLY CLEARED UP!! On the other hand, my right side of my face left with merely small shrinking drying up acne, since i had it FLARED UP REALLY BADLY cause of drinking and partying hard on NEW YEAR's EVE!! I had NEVER.. i mean... NEVER come across or thinking such a thing ever before could be THE CURE for my acne.. And you know what... i have been eating all kinds of junk food here and there.. during the URINE THERAPY.. but the best thing is.. its only one or two small tiny pimple popped up compared to 15-18 cystic acne before.. SERIOUSLY... i mean SERIOUSLY.. GOD already had given a CURE to all of US in OURSELVES... but it is best to abstain from red meat and junk food.. if you don't wan't your PEE to stink badly.. SERIOUSLY.. try it!! I''ll pray for your success cause i seriously want the best for you as it really helped me tremendously!!
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January 7, 2010


My skin toned, my big active zits became smaller, redness went away, scars fading, perfectly hydrated, skin toned, GREAT complexion! Fast results too! It's free too, and completely natural.


Um, like everyone says, it's pee. But trust me everyone, it's so worth it!

I'm 15 years old, and have struggled with acne since I was maybe around 9-10 years old. I didn't care for my skin during the first couple years but recently have been trying all sorts of products to help clear my skin. I used to do proactiv (didn't work), mask treatments, the cleanser-toner-lotion thing (which is the last thing I've been doing until I broke out), and everything else. I finally got sick and tired of those pesky little red dots all over my skin and decided to try something totally new. I was hesitant to try this one out, but after reading SO many good reviews, I decided, why not? It's my own body. So last night, I peed on a folded piece of toilet paper and applied it to my whole face. I slept with it on, and this morning when I went into the bathroom- I couldn't believe my eyes... My forehead (which I have the most trouble) was so radiant! Like other people mentioned, my skin was glowing!! I'm not even kidding. I noticed that my two zits that are around my left eyebrow have gotten drastically smaller and less red, while my whole face toned out. I was so thrilled!! So I'm going to continue using UT because of the quick change I noticed. I'll keep you posted on future changes, but am pleasantly surprised at this. I would have never known. I thank whoever came up with the idea... this is a strange one you have to admit. So what I'm continue doing is use this around 3 times a day, for at least 15 minutes, then wash it off with an face lathering antibacterial cleanser. I'm going to continue wearing it overnight and washing it off in the morning. Try it! What's there to lose? Seriously.
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January 6, 2010


active big zits shrink, fresh wounds heal so so fast, scars are visibly fading, pores shrink, skin is perfectly hydrated


NONE, get over the smell it's just pee...

urine smells bad, urine has bacteria in it..BLAHBLAH!!! people who say that obviously haven't done any research yet and just say what they think from their shallow mind :) just a little info, poop is the real waste of your body, urine is a liquid just like sweat & saliva.. i did the urine lotion for about a month before (once a day every morning) and my skin was slowly improving but somehow i stopped & forgot bout it.. this time my breakouts were getting so so bad & my scars were really bugging me, i remembered the urine lotion and i've been DOING IT FOR ONLY 2days now and the RESULTS ARE SIMPLY AMAZING!!!! (this time i used the "lotion" almost every time i went peeing so like 4-5 times a day and i even made a mask of it) no matter who says what, results are results. PLEASE PLEASE TRY IT EVEN FOR JUST 1 DAY, WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE?? start on friday night and do it all weekend and i promise you will see results!! but make sure you're eating somewhat healthy like a week before you do it to get best results, doesn't have to be crazy-healthy & drink lots & lots of water or hot green tea is even better and pee on a cotton pad(always let some of the first pee out and use mid-stream) and wipe your whole face with it and leave it on. if you want to, stick the pads on your face until they dry out. if you really really want to wash your face but i'd recommend not to for the short weekend boost... what do you have to lose? you want to get rid of your acne right? just do it, enjoy it, and be super happy!! yeay :)
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December 21, 2009


reduces redness,scaring,and scabs, free


smell and could never tell anyone

im 13 and have started to get pretty bad acne. i was stupid and started picking at most of my acne and they became bad scabs that most turned into scars. i have tried everything to make the scars less red and smaller. i decieded to try it and i only have tried it this moring and one of my scars is already smaller and less red.
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November 2, 2009


It's free, and has been more effective than anything I have tried as of yet.


Arbitrary social status preoccupations.

Have tried almost every other method available, with this being the one to completely work. It's simple, takes no effort-time-money, and has worked perfectly for me. I had moderate but frequent cystic eruptions, and poor skin tone for years. This brought out cysts, faded scars, evened out tone, and more. Acne severity listed is pre-urine therapy. Now severity is "clear".
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