: Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide - 2.5%)

2390 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Benzoyl Peroxide (2.5%).

Inactive ingredients:
Water, Butylene Glycol, Carbomer, Potassium Sorbate, Phenoxyethanol, Diazolidinyl Urea, Sodium Hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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July 2, 2013
A skincare staple for acne


Clears acne
Big bottle


Flaky skin

I love Dan's BP treatment. I had been using the Clinique 2.5% moisturizer because I had trouble finding a BP treatment-- and this is the answer. It's cheaper than many other BP products around, doesn't over dry or irritate your skin, and lasts for quite some time! I only use this once a day before I go to sleep with the moisturizer (I use Desert Essence Thoroughly Clean face wash to take off my makeup/as a cleanser, so I never ended up using the regimen's cleanser) and my skin is 99% clear. My hyperpigmentation has significantly faded. This is a great acne treatment and has become a staple for my skincare routine.
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June 17, 2013
This line of product blows


can be used as a spot treatment I guess
May work for some


Nonstop flaking and drying
Hard to put a moisturizer over such a thick product
Made me breakout worse than I have ever broken out before (Cystic)

Last summer I had regular teenager acne so I thought I would give this product a try right before school starts and finally become clear. I was dead wrong. The first couple of weeks using the product, I saw decent improvement which of course had me excited, and then things turned for the worse. My skin was not only drying terribly from this line of products, but I was breaking out in cystic acne everywhere. I thought I had acne before, but I wouldn't wish the kind of acne I got from this product on my worst enemy. I was not only in psychological pain from being a dumbass trying to continue this product and going to school with a flaky acne riddled face, but I was in physical pain from the cysts and it would hurt if I smiled or tried going to sleep. It took me over 6 months to recover from that kind of acne I received and I have awful red marks and probably permanent acne scars because of it. I wish I took them up on their offer and asked for a refund. I was so upset with this I just threw it all out without thinking of getting my money back. Honestly, I don't even care about the money...I just wish I never tried this product in the first place.
June 17, 2013
Been using for 4 years


works reliably



As mentioned above I've been using this product for about four years. Prior to that, I'd tried countless other products to help with my skin. I still get some hormonal acne once a month, but the BP helps clear it up very quickly, as long as I faithfully apply it twice a day. In general my skin is pretty clear these days and I'm really happy to have found this product. The only negative is that I'm prone to dry skin, so I have to moisturize a lot to avoid flakiness.
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June 12, 2013
Best BP


blends in smoothly
doesnt dry white/ when you sweat it doesn't sweat white (drugstore BP did that)


bleachs hair and clothes
drying if not used with moisturizer
may cause rash or peel sensitive skin

When i first started the regimen i didn't want to spend $45 on Dan's products and i also didn't know if BP was gonna help so i bought the BP from the drugstore as well as everything else. The drugstore BP was amazing as it helped clear my acne tremendously, the only reason it wasn't completely cleared is because i only did it ones a day. The BP is 100 times better because it spreads easier and gets absorbed faster and also when i used the drugstore one it dried white and came off with the moisturize, this BP has not dried me out as i use it in conjunction with the moisturizer (i have dry skin). Also some people say the BP doesn't work for them but there might be a reason. my friend was using BP and it did nothing for her but when she used salicylic acid it was wonderful for her but it did nothing for me. so just remember everyone's skin is different and maybe you should try the regimen just substitute the BP for salicylic acid and see how it works for you. Good luck :)
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June 11, 2013
Love it


Goes on smoothly
It works
No residue or white blotches


Bleaches fabric/hair
not found online

I have been using this for 6 months and its the only thing that has worked for me. Previously was on minocycline for 2 years, tazorac, benzaclin, epiduo differin and clyndomycin etc. Decided to give it a try when the new year started, it is june now and I have the cleared skin since it all started. I bought the whole kit at first, but then decided the treatment is the most important part. It goes on nicely, you don't really need to use quite as much as it recommends, I have been using 1 finger length morning and night at it works well for me. Seriously thy this, give it a good 2-3 month and you should see significant improvement. My sis loves it too!!
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June 10, 2013
10% Benzoyl Peroxide Lotion/Cream Treatment (store generics)


Reduces Inflamed pimples
Great for mild or occasional breakouts


Not always effective for those with moderate to severe acne (get Accutane!)
May dry or burn face for those with extra sensitive skin
1-5% of this treatment will do nothing. Get 10% only.

This is not a cure for acne. In fact, I only recommend this product to those experiencing mild to fairly mild breakouts or those who very rarely get any breakouts. Great for spot treating those extra inflamed pimples. I HIGHLY recommend the 10% version of this. You can get it for under six bucks if you spend a couple minutes digging for it through the store's generic brands.
June 8, 2013
Thanks Dan!
This helped me clear up substantially! Thank you Dan for your regimen. I have fairly sensitive skin so I use only 1 pump on my face and 1/2 pump on my neck twice daily. I still flake in many areas even with using half of the recommended amount. It took about 6 months for my face to clear and my skin to look normal (not red and scaly) after starting the regimen. I disagree with those who state "slathering chemicals on your face doesn't work" because for me, it was the only option. I grew up eating well, stayed away from dairy my entire life (I am lactose intolerant), and drinking only water and green tea, and I still got moderately severe acne on my face, chest, and back.
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June 7, 2013
Not good as a long-term product


Eliminated major zits
Controlled oil
prevents future breakouts


Dulled skin

Acne type: Moderate to moderate sever The Benzoyl Peroxide Treatment was somewhat effective for the first several weeks that I used it. The Regimen required a smaller amount of BP to be used at first and then slowly amping up the dosage. My skin cooperated well with the small dosage of BP during the first three weeks. However, the BP started giving my skin problems the fourth week and all the time afterwards. First of all, the BP totally dulled my skin. The BP gave my skin kind of a gray cast on my face, rather than a natural healthier glow on my skin. I wish that the BP had some sort of extra ingredient where it would "renew" the skin where the acne was to reduce scarring. This probably was due to the fact that the BP was drying even with the moisturizer I applied afterwards. My skin was not necessarily face just looked like dead skin was laying on top of it. BP may be effective for the actual acne, but it is indeed harsh for the skin around it unfortunately. So for me personally, BP is not worth the damage. In addition, all of my acne scars have not disappeared. I used this product for 4 months consistently. This product may prevent future breakout, but it does not clear up the skin completely.
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June 2, 2013
Cannot rave enough!!


It's cheap and it lasts forever.
It works better than the prescription stuff.


It will make you peel some at fist.. but I'll take it any day over acne.

What a life saver! About 8 months ago I started to have the worst acne of my life. It was so bad I was even prescribed oral antibiotics. Break outs so painful it hurt to wash my face. I tried everything.. it was so embarrassing to be suffering like this mid twenties. I was also prescribed a 10% BP wash, which actually irritated my face because I have sensitive skin and rosacea to make matters worse. One of my friends had been using this product and she recommended it to me. I was like psshh I don't believe it, proactive has he same ingredient and it didn't work. So, she gave me a little bit in a travel bottle and I put it on twice a day and tried my hardest to stop touching my face. I liked it so much I ordered the treatment and the wash. Four months later my skin is completely clear and the scars are finally starting to fade out.
May 14, 2013


kept away whiteheads, blackheads, typical zits
keeps oily skin from being shiny


Caused cystic acne
stains fabrics
potentially cancer causing Benzoyl Peroxide is the best BP product I've tried. I used it for about 3 years. The problem that I faced and the reason I stopped using it was because I started getting occasional cystic acne around my chin and jaw line after 2 years of use. The rest of my face was doing quite well. Had very few if any whiteheads and regular zits. I stopped using Benzoyl Peroxide when I moved to France, where it isn't legal over the counter, anywhere in the EU for that matter. I decided I wasn't comfortable using a product that has caused cancer in animals, or stains my clothes, towels, and sheets. Since going off Benz. Peroxide, I haven't had any cystic acne, but my face is more clogged overall, my forehead isn't as clear as it used to be. I am in the process of searching for an alternative that combats my oily/shiny skin and keeps away whiteheads/small zits.