: Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide - 2.5%)

2390 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Benzoyl Peroxide (2.5%).

Inactive ingredients:
Water, Butylene Glycol, Carbomer, Potassium Sorbate, Phenoxyethanol, Diazolidinyl Urea, Sodium Hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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November 23, 2010


-It actually works!!


-specific time intervals
-burned my face, that it looked sunburnt
-bit itchy
-very flaky skin
-bit messy

After trying many acne products, I came across this website. I decided to buy the product and my skin started to improve in several days or so. My skin is now a lot smoother than before. The side effects were quite unpleasant, but in the end it was all worth it.
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November 4, 2010


doesn't stick, very smooth,


I can't think of

if your gonna use BP, you mind as well as use one that doesn't irritate and is very smooth. I've only used couple of weeks so I can't tell you much of my acne clearing, but my cysts are getting smaller and it is much less red. However, I find that after using this BP, new pimples are coming at faster rate, forming zits faster, and sometimes it will spread to next pore, creating several tiny zits. Not sure if it's because of BP. But so far I like it more than any other BPs I've used and definitely will keep using it. If you moisturize well after each use, you won't dry as much and should be fine.
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October 20, 2010


best benzoyl peroxide on the market
quickly kills all kinds of breakouts
easy to use


Extremely drying
alot of flakiness
only prentative

I have been using the daniel kern regimen for about a month now and after a month i have seen a lot of results. My skin is clear with the occasional pimple and my skin tone is down. Even though this is all true the more and more i use the regimen my skin begins to get dryer and dryer in places where my skin has never been dry. Its beginning to seem that im aging more everyday. Now after doing research, i realize that this treatment is only a preventative and once one were to stop using it many zits would arise. Im only nineteen and Im already seeing some of the terrible effects of BP. Im going to begin to try and wean myself off of it. For some advice of users of the treatment i would HIGHLY recommend jojoba oil use in between wash and treatment. But don't stay on BP for a very long time, its not a cure. I think worlds of this treatment due to its power and results. All of the products are great and work as they advertise. But I cant continue to use it. Now my regimen will be to wash and mosturize with jojoba... and the only use the regimen at night. I plan on switching to desert essense face wash as soon as i am done weaning myself off of this treatment. Thank you dan for being sincere and trying to help people. I can only say that for me, I cannot continue to use this BP. The moisturizer is unbelieveble(may continue to use)
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October 18, 2010


I am a 24 year old guy who never had more than one pimple at a time my whole life. Then when I was about 22 I start messing with proactive to try and have perfect skin. It messed my face up so bad, and since then I tried mad products and it just made my face worse. I finally tried the regimen, and Ive been using it for about 3 weeks and it actually is working.

3 weeks and im liking it, hopefully it keeps showing results
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October 6, 2010


Works a lot better than other products


Drying, expensive (with shipping), the whole regimen takes a good half hour out of my morning and evening, skin still very oily and not 100% clear

I've been on Dan's Regimen for almost a year now and I have to say it's the best thing i've used...and I've used everything besides accutane. It took a few months to start seeing results, you just have to wait it out. Also, my acne still isn't 100% clear, I still get breakouts here and there but they're much smaller and less frequent than before. At first, the BP was incredibly drying, even when using jojoba oil mixed in with my moisturizer. I finally found people on here using jojoba oil in between washing face and BP as kind of a exfoliation massage and, boy, it works wonders! Also, i've been experiencing more frequent breakouts on my forehead, a place where I never really got acne before the regimen. Not sure how to fix that. The only big downside is that the regimen takes a lot longer than i'd like (about 30 mins in the AM, 30 in PM), but you have to do what you have to do!
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October 5, 2010


- Clears Acne, pretty fast. About 60% gone in 1 week.


- BP is full of chemicals that will hurt you in the long run.

I used it but I just couldn't keep going because BP is dangerous to our skin. Did you know that it's banned in some countries because it's carcinogenic? Try something more natural please, always be sure to read the ingredients in products. Avoid Parabens!! Good luck (:
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October 4, 2010


I have just got it from the doctor, for free!!!
(not the one...)


made my face kind of red,dry and itchy
didn't work at first

The acne treatment was a good try, especially if you have tried everything!
September 30, 2010


- See results shortly after first use.
- More effective than anything you can buy in the drug store (in my experience).
- Really works for under-the-skin breakouts.


- Makes my sensitive skin sting, itch, peel and turn red, which is really hard to cover up with makeup.
- Expensive for Canadian customers.
- Takes a while to dry, and while waiting you can't lay down on a pillow or get close to your significant other for fear of it rubbing off onto sheets/them.

I bought the entire skin care system from, and I have to say that I am pretty satisfied overall. I have very sensitive skin, and although it does make my skin sting, red and itchy, I just deal with it to get the amazing results. Make sure you use the products exactly as described on the bottles or it will not work properly. Also, don't skip any treatments as your acne will come back fairly quickly if you do. I missed one treatment and broke out all over again. It's been over a week now and the products are finally starting to get rid of my new breakout slowly but surely. I definitely recommend this to anyone who has tried Neutrogena, Clearasil, etc. with crappy results.
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September 30, 2010


Cleared up skin significantly
Seems to be lightening up my scars


Takes a couple weeks to work. Dried up my pimples, which was awesome, but they looked crusty and moisturizer didn't really work for that.

I'm 18 years old and I've been suffering with acne for like, 6 years. It's horrible. I hated looking in the mirror cause I was so ashamed at how I looked, but this product has helped my confidence level so much. In the beginning, it made my skin look crusty and nothing took that away, but about 2-3 weeks later, all those pimples (and there were a lot) went away. My skin looks way better than before and I'm feeling more confident. I also have a lot of scars from previous acne and it seems to be lightening those up too which I'm SUPER excited about. And my skin is very stubborn. It doesn't work with anything. I've tried almost every product out there. This is the first one that's really working for me. I would definitely recommend this product.
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September 26, 2010


I have been using it for two weeks now and it has worked good for me. I have had a couple of breakouts but nothing horrible. But i do think this is a good product.


It makes my face dry and when I put makeup on their is a little peeling,

It is a good product. I think everyone should at least try it.
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