
756 Reviews

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April 10, 2009


Didn't burn... I've had pimples since I was 8 so I've gotten used to them. I finally decided to do something about it and it's working great.


The stuff feels really gross for about 20 minutes, but then you get used to it. But it works great.

Awesome sub. for proactive, would reccommend to teens and adults with acne.
April 7, 2009





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March 27, 2009


it feels fresh on my my skin
it had no bad effects


doesnt really do anything

but if it does work it dries out the pimple and leaves a brown spot that takes a while to go away

you should give it a try see if it works for you f it does great and if it doesnt dont use it anymore doesnt dry out your face
March 23, 2009


Easy, cheap, doesn't really affect your nightly routine. Good use for those annoying small toothpastes they always give you at the dentist.


Burns a little, but after a few minutes, it's easy to ignore. It's sticky when you first put it on, and it's a little hard to remember that the slight itchy feeling is toothpaste, not a normal itch.

Use toothpaste if you are thrifty, have good self-control, great dislike for your acne, and extra toothpaste. Make sure that you use paste, not gel. Gel doesn't work, and it's harder to put on. If you have a severe acne problem and possibly mental problems such as anxiety, extreme emotional periods of time (emo), extreme stress, or a self-destruction problem, don't put toothpaste on any deep lesions or cuts, as it will burn and be very unpleasant. Put it on the acne around the big problem areas. If you need motivation to continue with toothpaste (for those of us with extremely sensitive skin), take a picture that you have of you with clear skin. Put it on your sink, carry it in your wallet, wherever you know you will look at it. Look at it when your face feels like it is burning off, or you decide it is stupid. You realize that you look great acne free and you will be motivated to do what it takes to get rid of your acne. Cheers!
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March 23, 2009


This actually works! It doesn't burn or anything, my acne isnt that severe so I think it only burns for people with severe acne but for me it was no discomfort at all


None really its litteraly no cost, if you don't have toothpaste in your bathroom, go drown yourself now

It works, its cheap. Go to your bathroom and try it now, what do you have to lose
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March 17, 2009


Cooling, fresh, does not have any burning effects like the others said.(maybe i'm using the wrong toothpaste?)


Doesn't do much to my pimples

A few small pimples/whiteheads instantly reduced in size after applying for 15 mins. It's cooling as well, I didn't experience any burning to my skin. I applied it to some of my huge pimples as well, but i see no effects.
March 9, 2009


It doesn't cost $30 plus S&H like all those "guaranteed to work" products they have on TV. It's easy to use, and doesn't take 20 minutes. It doesn't stink to high heaven, which is a major plus for me. I hate smelly products.


If you have any open sores, or if you tend to pick at your face it can sting a little. Depending on how long you leave it on, it can make your eyes sting and water...But it's not that big a deal if you ask me.

If you're like me, and have tired everything under the sun and NOTHING has worked, I say go for it. After all, the worst that can happen is you find another thing that doesn't work for you. Sensitive skin can be a small issue. But I have extremely sensitive skin and I can handle it. If you want to get rid of your acne bad enough, you'll deal with it. After all, what's five minutes of discomfort if it means not spending an hour in front of the mirror groaning over finding ANOTHER new pimple? Tips: Don't slather it on. That's a horrid idea. Only use enough to put a LIGHT layer on the problem areas, wait about five minutes -brush your teeth and wash your hands to pass the time-, then rinse gently with warm water and PAT dry. I say pat dry because its easier on your skin, and doesn't pull at it. It's going to feel a lot like your skin shrank for a few minutes, and RUBBING at it will make it seem worse then it is. So do your self a favor, be kind to your face!
February 25, 2009


its works


hurt but the pain is good

WORK. !! not on sentive skin !
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February 23, 2009


I think it works really well and makes the pimple come to a head. I use it overnight and when I'm just home doing nothing during the day.


I guess maybe the fact that you can't rub it in. Definitely remember to wash off before you leave the house.

For me it works great!! It's cheaper then the acne medicine. If you don't mind smelling minty all night long it great!!
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February 22, 2009


Helps prevent pimples


burns for the first few times and only real toothpaste not like the gel toothpaste works.

It's great thing to do in the morning. Put it on before you brush your teeth and then use warm water to rinse. It only prevents doens't treat.