
756 Reviews

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August 13, 2009


dried pimple quickly, easy to use


just a TAD messy.

this works WONDERFUL! ive tried SO MANY PRODUCTS, neutrogena, acne free,clean and clear ect, but i think THIS is the easiest and fastest solution.i just dab a spot on a zit at nite, and it noticibly reduces the size and amount of my acne in the morning. im impressed toothpaste!
August 10, 2009


it works pretty quickly and if your home alone then you dont have to worry about the awkard looks of family members when you use it!!


it can leave a few red marks

some ppl say not to use whitening paste becuase it takes off a layer of skin but that is was works best becuase it takes of a layer of the pimple or zit as well and helps it stay away a little longer. it can have a few irritations but other than that its great!!
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August 7, 2009


it is very cheap and is very easy to use...also, i know other people say it as well BUT DONT USE GEL...ONLY PASTE!!
laos, i find the toothpaste that is meant for whitening your teeth works better...


umm, only two thing, first, it leaves small scars but they fade if you use "bio-oil" after you take the paste off...also, you look very ridiculous, reemmber to take it off before you go out in public, check your face before you leave the house

DONT LEAVE the house with it have left the holuse numerous times with it still on my face, very embarrasing cause then people are like why do you have tooth paste on your face and then they are like??????? why and then you say for my acne then thy give you a weird looka dn just keep walking lmao
July 25, 2009


It's cheap, easy to get your hands on, easy to apply and produces fast results. I personally haven't experienced any burning, for me when I put it on it just tingles, feels refreshing and smells nice. It reduces spots and greasy patches over night.


You look stupid with it on and it can leave red marks where a spot once was, although this usually looks better than grease and spots. Doesn't stop further breakouts (only a temporary solution- can't change your genes or hormones)

It won't get rid of alot of your blackheads and won't prevent your skin from getting greasy again at some point therefore probably won't prevent further breakouts. However, it's great for quickly reducing most spots and gently drying out greasy areas of skin (temporarily). I swear it gets rid of some blackheads aswell. I think it's fine to sleep with it on, which is what I do but it's not a good idea to use it every night because it'll aggravate and dry your skin out too much.
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July 25, 2009


It works really quick- you see results the first time you use it. It's also something that you should already have at home and doesn't cost too much.


If you use a whitening toothpaste, it will make your skin more sensitive because whitening toothpastes are meant to take off some enamel on your teeth and when applied to your face, it'll take a little skin off.
Burns the first time (only)

It works for my skin really well, but definitely don't use whitening toothpaste!!!! I sometimes use it overnight, but then i wake up with toothpaste on my pillow and my hair stuck in the toothpaste (yuck). So I'd recommend you put it on in the morning and night when you have a couple of hours to yourself and then take it off before you go out in public or go to sleep.
July 20, 2009


smells minty fresh lol, dries up spots quick


BURNS!!!!!!! like hell for a while then you should get used to it

is to use it 30mins at a night before you go to bed or whenever you are alone coz you look ridiculous with it on lol. so just use it like the guy said " DO NOT LEAVE IT ON OVERNIGHT. If you use it for about 30 minutes as a SPOT TREATMENT only, it really works. "
July 18, 2009


I think It works better when I put a ban-daid over it over night. I saw a noticeable difference :)


It burns real bad

It works well.
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July 16, 2009


feels better in the morning, kill 2 birds with one stone in buyin the product


burns like sh*t at first, have toothpaste on your face(haha)

some people are diferent, i like this ALOT, i have accutane so i dont put anything on my face as it is so its easier for me, but if you have to put gels or foams on i wouldnt do it since itd be too many chemicals on your face. and if your gonna use it, make sure its paste not a gel
July 11, 2009


Clears my acne, leaves my face feeling smooth and minty fresh


Can burn, doesn't dry well

It clears up my zits better than my proactive; however, it irritates some people's skin. Works well for some, not as well for others. For me, it's the best thing I've ever used.
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July 10, 2009


cheap, tingly


slow-acting, gels not dries

I've left this product on overnight, and all I'm left with is gelled toothpaste on my pillow and face. It doesn't dry well, but I could definitely feel it acting on my skin. I recommend nightly treatments for a week once a month.