
756 Reviews

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September 10, 2012


- Great Gets Rid of spots over night
-Easy to use
-Cheap as it all ready in your house


-Makes your eyes water and burns a little it but its not really sore

Works really well, i dont have many spots but for the few i do have it works almost over night, very good and easy to get rid of them, just put a tiny bit on the top of the spot at night, Leave overnigh and it will have go down by the morning.
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May 20, 2012


Reduces redness
Dries out acne


Watery eyes..

This is just great! My acne is slowly but surely disappearing. I leave it on for about 15-20 mins and then wash it off with warm water. It's a bit hard to get off, but it works, :) MOISTURIZE AFTERWARDS!!!!
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May 10, 2012


Helps a lot
Leaves face feeling fresh and tighter


Burns a ton when putting on.
Leaves minor burns.

This helps a lot but it is not permanent. The results sometimes vary but overall, its good. Do NOT leave it on while sleeping. I've had this on for only about 20 minutes and my face is a little burned.
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March 24, 2012


Clears skin quickly
Leaves my face smelling minty :)


Leaves acne scars :(
Burnings eyes a little

I'm really glad I found this... Ive never had acne and then one day I randomly woke up and my cheeks were grossly full of acne, I have no clue where it came from I hated it so much I looked hideous... I was going crazy till I found this... I'm so glad, it's cleared away my acne quickly in only 3 days my face is almost fully clear... I didn't leave it on over night as others did, I'm using optic white and I know that would burn my face really bad, I was my face with an exfoliating scrub then apply toothpaste leave it on for about an hour or two, wash it off then go to sleep... It's worked wonderfully, the only thing I really hate is that it's leaving scars behind, but as soon as all the acne is gone I will use lemon juice for the scars which is a MIRICLE on scars, fades them very quickly... Over all I love it, my skin is almost back to how it was....
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February 21, 2012


Smell Good
Reduces Redness


Burns eyes a little

I totally recommend this. I put it on my zits at night and I slept with it..And the VERY NEXT morning it was GONE! Now I barley have anymore acne.. Im not lying. Everybody that has acne..STOP what your doing and go try this method. :)) I really hope it helps for all of yall out there that are suffering with Acne.. I dont have acne bad,But I do a little.. So I highly recommend this to everyone. <33
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February 3, 2012


Smells good
Reduces redness slightly


None that I experienced
Possibly dries out skin over time

For all of you skeptics out there (like me) I've heard really bad reviews about toothpaste on zits causing MAJOR inflammation and just overall stinging. I had four little mountains pop up on my forehead overnight and today after school I decided to do a little experimenting. First of all you only need a THIN layer of WHITE toothpaste, not gel! Seriously, within an hour they deflated and now are really not noticeable! I think the redness may have gone down too. I don't think this would be best for everyday use, but its totally fine as a quick fix, just be sure you moisturize! :)
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December 19, 2011


It actually works overnight
Great results
It cost 3$


I don't like the smell

This is a cheap alternative to expensive acne treatments, and painful extractions! I absolutely love this and a little tip use it overnight
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October 28, 2011


Dried up pimple/zit so easier for it too fall off
Reduced swelling by alot!
Reduced redness!
Faster results than waiting out
Fastest easy thing Ive tried.


Tiny sting (not that much)
A little annoying, because having white on your face
IS NOT OVERNIGHT MAGIC, just like everything it takes it time. ( but still FASTER )
This did not happen to me, but if you do it TOO MUCH it could scar. ( easy enough to coverup though)

Works very well for those nasty sits you get occasionally. What I did was kept it on overnight, but would not suggest keeping it on all night if you have sensitive skin. It was the fastest thing I've tried, I've used so many types of acne cleansers, they all work for a little and then stop. This does the trick for the huge ones. I would not recommend this daily, it is an occasional thing. OVERALL: Try it, you never know if this could do wonders for you, it works pretty well! BTW I used Aquafresh ;) do not know if it makes a difference but don't use gel!! ONLY WHITE PASTE!
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October 27, 2011


Tutns pimples that hurt into pimples that are actually poppable


A little dryness

Do not leave on overnight!! Wet skin first then apply, leave on until burning sensation goes away then wash face with water. The next morning it will be better
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October 11, 2011


-Takes away Cystic acne in a 1-3 days more or less depends on skin type i suppose
-Easy to get ahold of
-Scars litterally peeled off the skin to bring up clearer brighter skin :)
-dries up pimples in a few hours so maybe a good thing to try before a date or social event


-Burned my skin the first time i tried , had to wait 3-4 days before the burned skin peeled off

Toothe paste is the mega miracle for cystic acne i couldnt beileve when i got this cyst on my chin how BP couldnt get the cyst down nor SA but the tooth paste showed swelling go down and redness in only one night. It was amazing i would deffinitely try this on one spot first because it does burn the skin and im a medium brown tone and the butn mark showedd horrible. Try using more natural home remedies , i use this site all of the time and i went from moderate acne to very light acne , actually i have no acne to be perfectly honest except one trouble spot which is my chin which refuses to die down but the bumps arnt that noticble , only to me so im ok. Try maybe... - baking soda + water as a scrub -ACV as toner -Green tea + water + spray bottle as a toner -Honey for cleanser And i see this site is mainly adults talking but for the teens that see's this, im only 15 lol So yes this will even work for you :) Chow.
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