Tea Tree Oil

983 Reviews

Tea tree oil is defined by international standard ISO 4730 (2004) (“Oil of Melaleuca, Terpinen-4-ol type”), which specifies levels of 15 components, which are needed to define the oil as “tea tree oil.”

Among over 98 compounds contained in the oil, terpinen-4-ol is responsible for most of the antimicrobial activity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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January 23, 2008


It works reasonably well


Leaves scars, strong pungent odor

I have had cystic, severe acne most of my life. I've realized that topical treatments don't do much of anything for me but tea tree oil is a decent remedy after a breakout.
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January 13, 2008


Good as an antiseptic


No effect on acne or individual spots

I tried the 100% tea tree oil twice daily on my chin and jawline for a couple of months with the hope it would improve my acne. I had no reduction in acne size or occurance and it had no effect on existing spots either
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November 26, 2007


Dries pimple quickly. Natural product.


Drying to the skin. Can seal over a pimple, leaving infection inside. Ineffective on bumps. Strong smell.

After reading about tea tree oil here, I decided to give it a try. Mine is 100% pure oil. I dab in on pimples at night, not all over. The smell is strong but I got used to it. It has seemed to help pimples but not bumps. It's too strong to used twice daily, so I use it only at night. I have only mild acne after quitting birth control, but it's still annoying. I'm also using witch hazel at night. It's worth a try if you don't like using chemicals on your skin. I paid $11 for one ounce, but I only use a few drops a day.
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November 19, 2007


cleared the pimple


dryness, iritation, redness

Tea Tree oil really improved my skin for about a week and after that week i had one of the worst break out i've ever had. It shrunk the pimple size but not the redness. i could only put it on the big red pimples. if i put it on anywhere else on my skin a pimpe would form there. if you are goign to use tea tree oil use it in moderation especailly if you have sensitive skin. it is rough on skin and overuse makes it worse
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September 26, 2007


Left skin feeling softer, decreased the size of huge pimples. It's cheap.


Didn't help clear acne, didn't stop new zits from popping up at all.

I guess it works amazing for some people. It wasn't that great for me, but whatever. I would try and find something else.
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September 22, 2007


It gets rid of a lot of dirt and oil


It doesn't clear acne all by itself

I've been using witch hazel, followed by tea tree oil. I was amazed at how much oil and dirt from my face was on the cotton ball after I used the tea tree oil. Thats how I know that it's good at getting rid of the oil on your face. My acne isn't as bad as it was, but there are still some pimples that have come back. Also, when you use it, make sure you rub your face hard, and you only need a small amount on the cotton ball.
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June 12, 2007


Perfect for spot treatment only.


causes redness, itching and breakouts in areas where you have no pimples.

great healer goes to work immediately, doesn't prevents spots, if you have clean areas DON'T get tea tree oil anywhere near there.
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February 4, 2007


it makes pimples smaller and prevents new ones from forming


smell it smells like australia ,it also burns a bit when its put on but afer using benziyl peroxide for a year i am used to stinging skin

yes i reccomend it and just like benzoyl peroxide it takes a while to start working but people with severe acne shouldn`t use it i only get a few whiteheads
January 5, 2007




it smells horrible, it dried up my skin, and it didn't work.

DO NOT buy this product. It doesn't work at all. All it does is dry up my skin!!!And it also smells horrible.
November 19, 2006


it's a natural product.


doesn't make much of a difference.

tried tea tree oil on my jaw acne...it didn't make it worse but didn't make any big imporvements either. worth a try i guess.