Tea Tree Oil

983 Reviews

Tea tree oil is defined by international standard ISO 4730 (2004) (“Oil of Melaleuca, Terpinen-4-ol type”), which specifies levels of 15 components, which are needed to define the oil as “tea tree oil.”

Among over 98 compounds contained in the oil, terpinen-4-ol is responsible for most of the antimicrobial activity.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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October 30, 2009


It really works!


It has a strong smell, but what's a little smell if it works, right?

Listen up people, it really works. I used to have terrible acne, even the beautician said it's hard to get rid of it. So, after trying so many different types of product that didn't work at all, I decided to try Tea Tree Oil. I mean, why not? I've been using it at night, before bed, and every morning, I wake up happy, cause my skin's slowly clearing up. Everyone at school agreed, it's the best thing that's happened to me.
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October 29, 2009


Tingly fresh clean feeling after applying, Makes your skin very clear and soft, evens skin tone, reduces redness


none to me though others complain about the smell or dryness/burning I don't get these affects I have normal skin not too oily or dry.

I've been using Tea Tree oil for around 3 weeks. I love the fresh feeling after you apply it - very tingly / cool refreshing, the smell is strong but I like it. Clears your skin quite fast, prevents pimples and evens skin tone. I use just normal tea tree oil strait out of the bottle with cotton pads firstly dampen pad and then apply small amount of Tea tree oil wipe face morning and night So far my skin tone has improved 100% less pimples and redness, pimples don't seem to flare up anymore. My whole face looks brighter and feels so soft. I recommend anyone to use not only people with acne! Fantastic product :)
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October 27, 2009


Reduces redness, soothing, tingling sensation, is vert effective as a spot treatment


Smells strong, will dry skin too mich if not diluted

This is the best thing I've ever used on my acne. I dilute a free drops in a tablespoon of 99% pure aloe vera gel, and use that as a spot treatment. It will last a very long time if used this way, which actually makes It less expensive than the drugstoe stuff by a long run. Worked much better than benzyol peroxide and salicylic acid. And it is less drying and much better for your skin. My skin is also very sensitive and dry to begin with.
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October 27, 2009


Clears face
No chemicals
Multiple Uses


Stong Smell
May burn sensitive skin (be sure to dilute)

Tea Tree Oil is absolutely amazing. I use the hemp/tea tree oil soap for a good all over scrub and then apply diluted pure tea tree oil to my face with a cotton ball. I find that the best way to prevent and clear acne is to watch my diet, avoid sodas and too much sugar. Exercise. If Im going to wear make up it has to be the pure, natural stuff.. And wash face morning and night.. then apply tea tree oil. When I ate raw foods for a week straight my face completely cleared... (I believe diet is key)
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October 23, 2009


Makes pimples disappear faster when used as a spot treatment, not drying (but i have oily skin)


smells strong, kinda expensive (but my parents are paying for it anyway, lol)

i'm 13 and have pretty bad acne. i've been using tea tree oil as a spot treatment for a couple of months and once you get used to the smell, it works pretty good. it's not a miracle, but it's the best spot treatment i've found. just dab it on your zits and/or scars before bed with a q-tip and try to ignore the stinging/cooling-ness. i found mine at walgreens in the supplements section next to all the fish oil and stuff. so yeah, you should definitely try this.
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October 19, 2009


Really clears acne, smooths skin and takes care of blimishes!


The smell and the daily applications

Me and my girl went to The Body Shop where a sales lady recommended the Tea Tree Oil treatment! So she took the sample (Small container of wash and moisturizer) home and literately in a week her face was clear! She does have bad acne, so I went back and purchased the exfoliating scrub, the regular wash, Toner, daily lotion, night time blemish lotion and concentrated spa acne treatment (All Tea Tree)! Best stuff ever!
October 15, 2009


Nice cooling sensation, gives that clean feeling after use, light tingle, doesn't irritate my skin, reduced redness and acne


Smells very strong, but doesn't last. Smells stongest and lasts longest first use. Smell also lingers for a while, but less concentrated. Probably wouldn't want to use it before you go out. Has a sort of minty smell, if you like that kind of scent

I have pretty good skin, as far as acne goes, but it always bugs me how some sections of my face are smooth and clear, while others are red and bumpy. I wanted to have all of it smooth and clear, but all the kits and washes didn't seem to work right. So, I did some research and was immediately interested in tea tree oil when I read about it. So I went out and bought it. I really love it. I bought it just the other day at Target, it was the last bottle! I used it before I went to bed, and when I woke up, my skin had visibly gone down in redness. It sounds crazy, but my skin actually feels happy now that I'm using it. I just dab a bit on a cotton ball and wipe it all over my face, apply mosturizer if I feel that I need it, and I'm good! I'm not a fan of the smell, but I guess I don't mind it too much. I can't wait for it to clean up the rest of my acne and keep it that way :)!
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October 15, 2009


Feels like its cleaning your face, great for taking off makeup


makes me breakout more, burns bad, it's expensive and you cant return ut

The lady t The Body Shop recomended this for me and it was not god at all at least from the body shop it wasnt
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October 10, 2009


You can feel it work with this powerful burn, its fun.
I use it straight from the bottle with a cotton bud but you should be aware that you may need to dilute. so far im at the flaking stage and this is the first week so it moves at a decent pace.


the smell, fine if you're not going anywhere but a little obvious if you are.

try it, its working for me, none of this body shop crap, go to a specialist health shop.
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October 5, 2009


Clean feeling, and burns. I like the burn as it feels like it is going through my skin and you know, work it's way XD


Most being don't like the burning sensation, i like it though

It works, won't work imediatly, but will work, srsly. I bought it from Body Shop with a special offer of cleanser and some mini bottle of tea three oil after applying cleaner. all in all it cost 10 euros