Spearmint Tea

9 Reviews

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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June 12, 2018
Great add on!
Great add on to your acne skincare routine. My topicals keep me clear of most of my acne. I drink organic spearmint tea night & morning to normalize my hormornal levels. I can actually enjoy pizza and other dairy without worrry because of it. I still get a couple spots on my chin around my time of the month but no big deal
March 6, 2016
Works great for chin acne for me (a woman)
If you have chin/jawline acne, it's likely hormonal. Frontier food coop sells it in bulk on [link removed], loose leaf. Have been drinking a cup most days (though sometimes I forget) for several months and it works awesome! Combined with Ylang Ylang essential oil I apply daily along my jawline. But... Sadly I have acne on my forehead that needs some other type of treatment. I think it's actually dermatitis.
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March 1, 2013


antiandrogen, tastes good, inexpensive


not for those with normal/low testosterone

I should point out first, that if you're having horomonal acne, this is not an instant cure. Hormonal acne and of course other manifestations of acne are internal causes stemming from many cases. For me, quitting sugar and alcohol, alone with refined carbs (most carbs in fact), using neem oil, and the tea have resulted in great changes in only a few weeks. When integrated into a whole body detoxification process, combined with an eating lifestyle and exercise, can be incredibly healing.
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