Sea Salt

105 Reviews

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September 26, 2011


Great exfolliant (especially when used with olive oil - 1-2 teaspoons of each, mixed).
Cheap and easy to get.


Gave me tiny zits on my forehead.
Wouldn't recommend it as a mask because it is aggressive.

Use it as exfolliant (preferably with olive oil) 2-3 times a week. Avoid areas where it gives you irritation or, like in my case, tiny zits (on the forehead).
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September 8, 2011
Made me break out in tiny littles bumps all over my forehead and nose. Going to the beach always clears me up 100% but I bought 100% natural dead sea salt and soaked my face it a mixture of warm water and sea salt for about 10 minutes, for some reason it got rid of all the acne I had but it gave me tiny bumps all over my face but mainly on my forehead and nose.
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August 26, 2011


made my skin look smoother/better but that might just be my opptomism


feels kind of sticky after a while

i just started this today, actually like 20 minutes ago and my skin looks a bit better but that could just be me hoping that would happen... my skin felt rilly soft though! i will try to keep posted though. wish me luck:) ps. my acne is more lightly moderate than just moderate but they dont have an option for that so...
August 14, 2011


Reduces acne
smooth skin


may dry a little

Iv been going to the beach about a week now and i can see that the salt water is reducing my acne by a lot! highly recommend
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June 24, 2010


so relaxing


stings if you have a scratch
a little messy at first

it will add to your skins beauty it even helps helps psoriasis. It acts like the dead see
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April 23, 2010


Reduces blackheads
Tightens pores


Can dry skin, so be sure to moisturize after rinsing.

I first noticed sea salt's effect on my blackheads when my nose piercing developed hypertrophic scarring and I began doing sea salt soaks every day. Though my nose was red because they were REALLY hot, the scarring disappeared and I noticed the blackheads and clogged pores that I usually have on and around my nose were disappearing. Now I steam my face with this a few times a week and in the morning instead of using a face wash I use my own premade solution of sea salt and water to rinse my face. It works! Try it.
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March 28, 2010


-sloughs off dead skin


-stings if rubbed in
-must be gentle with it

You should always be gentle when using any exfoliation product, but I am super gentle with this and do not use it everyday because my skin is sensitive from benzaclin/retin-A regimen .. the retin-a constantly makes my skin shed, so I use the sea salt as a rinse and it softens my skin and makes me feel emotionally calmer -- I picture myself being healed in an ocean on an exotic island (far from the realities of brooklyn lol) Whenever I go to the beach I notice firmer, and acne free skin, so I thought why not make pour some sea salt in my hand, add water over it and splash my face a few times.. this naturally pops my zits I NEVER SCRUB, I only splash.. leaves me with noticeably smoother and glowing skin. I lightly scrub the sea salt on my back and KP arms (I know keratosis pilaris on arms and a cystic face,, I don't have the best skin people but beauty is from WITHIN) and the sea salt really helps the KP..
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March 18, 2010


Gets rid of flakes
Prevent acne
Smooth skin


Can sting a bit at initial use

I have tried different scrubs, clothes and beads but sea salt beats them all hands down. Make sure you buy FINE sea salt.
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September 14, 2009


Easy, cheap, healing, soothing



I use non-iodizined table salt, it's super cheap. I mix 1/2 tps with my mild face wash and gently exfoliate morning and night. I have mixed it with honey to create a mask and wear it while I soak in the tub (messy, but who cares, you're in the bath). I have a highly concentrated solution of salt and water in a bottle. I apply a dab before bed and sleep with it all night. I have very, VERY sensitive skin. Most things cause my skin to react, burn and peal. I have had no problems with using salt. My skin is smoother and far less irritated. It has brought any cysts to head and reduced blackheads and whiteheads
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September 13, 2009


Doesn't dry out face
Bumps disappear, come to a head and/or reduce in size
Right in my cabinet so it was free


None so far.

I use table salt... I didn't know it was a bad choice until coming on here. It doesn't aggrivate my skin at all... I put hot water and table salt in a bowl, bring it to a boil in the microwave, dip a towel in the water, wipe my face then place the towel on my face, pressing it to my forehead. I repeat this till the water is cold, let it xdry then I apply my spot treatment.. So far, so good!
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