Plain Yogurt

69 Reviews

Cultured grade A milk. Contains active yogurt cultures including L. acidophilus.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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December 11, 2010


- everything



:) I have been using this mask for now 2 months (since 9/26/10) and all I need to say is that if you have acne and want to get rid of it without damaging your skin use this. Here is my daily routine, i don't have ONE pimple: [my face had 3 pimples by week 3, in week 4 none!!!] Morning - wash face w/ Dannons plain yogurt Afternoon- wash face w/ Dannons plain yogurt, then put on plain organic yogurt (another brand - oikos plain organic) Night - put on pure emu oil. WEEKLY - Once a week I exfoliate manually using brown sugar and extra virgin olive oil. I stay away from any chemical(any over the counter/prescription w/ ingredients you cannot read) products (acne washes, toners, moisturizers [you need to moisturize, i use emu oil]) ^ = an acne free face. you don't need prescriptions or difficult diets :) Good luck. Btw ; i used to have severe acne. this also gets rid of the hyperpigmentation (brown marks) if they were severe i'd say in 1 year your face will be flawlesss, if they were moderate in 2-6 months. it's been 2 months and mine used to be VERY bad almost severe and they are almost invisible now, just a few more months and ta - da! :D wish you all the best.
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August 24, 2015
Got to love the natural way
Plain yogurt is so good for acne prone skin and definitely for dark spots. The funny thing is I don't consume dairy but I do use it as a mask along with tumeric root powder, honey, lemon juice and gram flour. All of those combined worked wonders for my cystic acne. My face has never looked better and I only break out with very minor bumps during my menstrual cycle. I also tried yogurt mask by itself and it has really helped keep my skin moisturized and even toned. Plus, no more dealing with huge, painful, red bumps on my face.
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January 29, 2018
How many days did it take for you to see the results on cystic acne? I have huge bumps on my cheeks and yesterday I read about yoghurt mask. I am going to try it everyday on my face. Do u use any cleanser for face before applying the mask? My face is getting oily by evening and I am not sure other to use yoghurt mask on a cleansed face or not.
May 26, 2009


smooths out your skin if you give it time, takes away acne


watch out how you use it because over using it will make your skin horribly dry and extremely flaky

works great if you know how to use it, i made the mistake of using it about four times in one day and when i woke up it looked like when i get the chemical peels, it burns your skin and after a couple hours it started peeling really really bad, it kept peeling off for the next four days. After that it stopped peeling and my skin looked great, Just a word of advise: Be Careful With This!! Don't Get Excited And Use It Too Much Or You Will Regret It.. other than that this works GREAT!
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October 4, 2016
Life saver! Natural really is better
I've been using this for some months and it has definitely reduced my closed comedones and made my skin look much better. I'm using this as a cleanser/mask every night like it says in an article [Edit] called "Wash Your Face With Yogurt And Your Skin Will Thank You (Plus, It's Not As Gross As It Sounds)" (Try to google this) Not only has it reduced closed comedones but also made my skin tone even and made it less red. Every night before bed, i put this on my face and let it dry for 30 minutes and wash it afterwards. I have quite an oily t-zone so i usually don't wash my face in the morning. This is something I probably would do for the rest of my life!
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March 28, 2017
How long before you noticed any changes
June 28, 2017
@larregin7 from the frist day u will see the brighting effect. After 1 month people will start asking you what r u using on your face 😊
February 28, 2011


Takes down inflammation on red pimples
gently exfoliates flaky skin
fades post acne red spots- esp. ones you've picked at...


none at all

I use plain yogurt- no specific brand- but I like to use organic. add in a big tablespoon of honey- regular clover honey works just fine... I slather it on my face in a good layer and leave it on until the mixture feels dry and a bit tight- You can refrigerate the unused portion and use it for up to a week or so- for max efficacy. I have used this the last three nights- b/c I messed with a couple inflamed pimples and left them very red and flaky- oops :P This has taken down the redness amazingly and gently exfoliated the flaky skin- Amazing! It has even faded some older post acne spots! Try it- esp. if you have picker's remorse and have something important coming up and need a quick fix- It is ok to use it nights in a row w/out any side effects- it actually helps more the more you use it :) Best of luck!
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September 2, 2009


Effective at reducing redness, seems to speed healing, and is totally fun (it's like finger painting!) & edible!


Like everyone else here has said, it's VERY messy haha. I feel like Mrs. Doubtfire - when he loses his mask out the window and sticks his face in the dessert thingy and it drips all in that lady's coffee! But I just use a towel and avoid sneezing.

I'm wearing my second mask right now. I going to try to do it every other day because I enjoy it so much. I also started BP the same day that I did my first mask, so I'm not sure which one is doing a better job at the healing the acne - but one of them definitely is!! I was the results even immediately after washing the mask off. It makes your skin feel fresh, seems to lighten/even skin tone, and the next morning, my redness was noticeably calmer. Now I'm sure there are other factors contributing, but yogurt is fun and I'm pretty sure it's working! I just used one of the single servings of plain low-fat f'n Great Value yogurt (for a little over 25 cents!). I'm positive it works just as well as all those fancy-schmancy organic ones.
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April 27, 2010


- softens skin
- reduces acne and redness
- easily available


- turns "liquidy" upon body contact
- may stick to your hair

I've been using the Greek-style yogurt mask (naturally set) for about 3 weeks; everyday. Here's the result : - I realised that my redness has been GREATLY reduced the next morning - by the second week, there's a marked improvement in the severity of my acne - it is smoothing - moisturizes the skin Application:- My formula - 1 tbsp of plain yogurt - 1 tbsp of honey 1) combine mixture, and apply to face 2) let it sit for 15 minutes 3) then wash it off * Note: For dry skin, use an extra tsp of honey. For oily skin add a few drops of fresh lemon juice. ( Not tested, but is mentioned in several websites ). Voila, you've got smooth glowing skin, the natural way!
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March 5, 2015
Lovely lactic acid
I have tried a number of brands of plain yoghurt for a face mask and all of them have behaved pretty much the same, so this is not a specific review for cannon. Just make sure the yoghurt is completely PLAIN. No strawberry flavoured yoghurts slathered all over your face please. And also that the yoghurt is full fat. You wouldn't buy a watered down face mask from the drugstore, and this is no different. Yoghurt masks work because the yoghurt contains lactic acid, which essentially exfoliates your face without irritation. It is also a humectant which attracts and retains moisture in your skin. Very similarly to honey but with more of a soothing effect. Lovely. I have become a firm believer in only using products that you would be happy to eat, so I was excited to try honey! On my first application of the yoghurt mask I found it to be incredibly soothing and cooling, especially straight from the fridge. However I did notice a slight stinging the first few times I applied it, baring in mind that this was when my skin was VERY dry, so it may just have been the lovely lactic acid eating away at all that dead skin. I found that after the mask my skin was smooth and felt moisturised (but not so moisturised that I didn't have to use a moisturiser, thus the 4 star rating.) If I had any recommendations for yoghurt it would be to ALWAYS do a patch test on an acne prone area of skin that you can easily cover, wait for 24 hours, and if you see no adverse side effects, proceed with the full application. Also, a little tip, if you have some honey that is a little out of date, even better! The lactic acid content in the yoghurt increases when the yoghurt is just a little past its sell by date. So go ahead and use it on your skin (we're not talking mould here, use it within 5 days of the sell by.) Hope that's helpful!
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March 28, 2017
How long before you noticed it was actually working
February 9, 2010


Good on sensative skin, works for all skin types, affordable, and gets the job done fast



I'm now curently 14 going on 15. I used to have flawless skin and nvr broke out. All I had to do was get a towel wet it up with water and wash my face. Now I c how lucky I was lol. When you first break out your not used to it. Its like you can have a few and think the world is about to end. My face was fine with a few zits and I went to the point where I tried acne free right away: It was terrible. I didnt break out from it, but my face became puffy and inflamed. I stoped using it and went to natural things like my Mom said in the 1st place. Grrr y is she always right. She suggested yogurt and I just luaghed at the fact. I still looked it up from desperation, and wat do u know it was there. I was quick to put it on and left it on all night. I woke up looked in the mirror and it seemed to be half way better. I was amazed. Things I have tried are baking soda- terrible; makes skin texture rough and awful. Tea tree oil- ok, but after a while stops working. Tooth paste- Horrible, they turn red and irritated. I always go bck to yogurt. ---->PLEASE NOTE: 1 major thing is that b4 you apply the yogurt you should use a face wash, and not just soap lol. I am using something cheap for now- which is noxzema the original. It works perfect for me, and has nothing harsh. Benzyle peroxide gets ride of both good and bad bacteria so after a while your face goes crazy with making more bacteria. Like I was saying, putting yogurt on your face not clean could make it worse from my experience. When I started using it with the noxzema I noticed a faster and better improvement. I am pretty much clear now, but I am going to kick it up to ordering lerosett. Check out the web site its 100% natural and sounds awsome. Until it comes my routine is simple. Wet up my face and apply original noxzema. I do this twice to get it rlly clean. After that I let my face dry then apply yogurt. I leave it on pretty much the whole day. Then in the morning rinse it off. If u r going out with yogurt add water.
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May 25, 2016
Wow! I just tried my first few yogurt masks this week and my skin feels AMAZING! I just slather plain full fat yogurt on my face, leave on for 20-30 minutes and rinse with water and pat dry. I don't wash afterwards so that the residue is left behind on the skin. Even after the first one I felt a noticeable difference; my skin is so soft. Best mask I've ever used! Love it! And so cheap.
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