Clean & Clear : Persa-Gel 10, Maximum Strength

522 Reviews

Active Ingredient: Benzoyl Peroxide (10%). Inactive Ingredients: Carbomer, Disodium EDTA, Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, Laureth 4, Sodium Hydroxide, Water.

Items marked with red have tested a 3 or above (out of 5) in comedogenic (pore-clogging) testing.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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February 10, 2009


treats acne very effectively! Haven't had a pimple since I started using it...


very drying, irritating

yes BP is drying/irritating.. but what BP isn't? BP is the ONLY thing that has worked for me and thousands of others so ask yourself.... acne or some bothersome peeling for a little while? give time for the skin to "slough" off (BP gets rid of dead skin as well as oxygenates the skin to make it impossible for bacteria to survive) and you should have some excellent results.
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January 26, 2009


This product makes your acne visibly better in 1 - 2 days. It doesn't smell like other BP products.


Dries out skin, has a sticky feeling on skin.

I love this product. I clears up my skin super fast. The only downside, as stated all over this page, is that it does dry out your skin. BP products have a tendency to do that but as long as you use a moisturizer you'll be fine. I use and olay moisturizer with this.
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January 26, 2009


Product cleared up my existing acne amazingly! I have tried most produts on the market, and even ProActiv didn't work for me. This cleared up my skin very quickly.


The dryness factor. Of course I expected that with the BP but I really had to use a lot of moisturizers, esp because it is winter and my skin is already dry.

Clears up skin quickly, only downside is drying out of the skin.
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January 6, 2009


Very strong stuff
works well on forming zits


Drys out skin like crazy

This product MUST be used with a moisturizer. It drys out your skin, but in turn the moistureizer makes skin softer. This product worked okay on exsisting acne, but worked GREAT on appearing acne. I had to reduce the usage to every other day, as my skin was so dried out.
December 30, 2008


Im not sure yet but it deffently littens the zits


none: )

great i guess so it work
December 26, 2008


shrinks and reduces redness of all of my acne.


can be drying if used for a long time. Be sure to not get on sensitive areas such as eyes either accidentally or while using moisturizer. Can burn and make areas peal.

does what is says it does and the precautions on the tube/box are also accurate. good for all kinds of acne and probably better used only when needed due to the dryness.
December 25, 2008


Easy to use. Cheap. And it works! The BP in this product has really gotten my acne under control. Barely no new zits since I frequently used this product. Only now I'm having to deal with the red marks that inevitably come after acne heals.


Like others have pointed out, the BP tends to try the skin, so use with moisturizer. In my case, I find that a little goes a long way with this product. Just apply a bit see how it works for you.

All in all, I would recommend this product to anyone with moderate to slightly severe acne. For me, it has been the one anti-acne product that I have stuck with these last two years to keep my skin under control. I am at a point now that I only need to apply this two or three times a week to keep things clear. A word of caution though: If you plan on using this (or anything with BP), the main thing I found that is or utmost importance is to use the right type of moisturizer, and to apply it correctly (see Dan's vids). Dry skin will only aggravate acne, and so without the right type of moisturizer your use of this product will only be counter productive in your quest for clear skin.
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December 16, 2008


Prevents acne; spreads less easily than other BPO products, so it only goes to the place where you apply it; didn't give me side effects (perhaps because my skin was already accostumed to the BPO)


Doesn't eliminate existing zits (isn't a spot treatment)

Benzoyl peroxide, at least for me, is a miracle cure for acne. When I'm using it, new pimples don't form. Persa-gel is fragrance-free, unlike some smelly BPO products, and I like its consistency because it doesn't spread so easily. Also, it absorbs quickly.
October 13, 2008


works extremely well, works quickly, not expensive at all! amazing. like a miracle cure!


if you use too much it drys your skin a little. nothing too severe.

the only product i use for on the spot acne treatment! it clears up skin in a matter of hours!
October 3, 2008


Rapidly eliminates pimples and prevents future pimples.


Drying of the skin in the begining.

After my grandmother's death, we were all very busy and stressed. The night before the funeral, my sister looked at me and let me know that we needed to go to the store to buy a product. Mainly, my cheeks and foreheads had the most pimples. When we got to the store, we read the back of every product. When we got back to the house, I immediately applied the product and fell asleep watching television. The next morning, both my sister and I were amazed. I strongly recommend Clean & Clear Persa-Gel 10, Maximum Strength.
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