YAZ : Oral Contraceptive

358 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Ethinyloestradiol (20mcg), Synthetic Oestrogen, and Drospirenone (3mg).

Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose, maize starch, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, purified talc, titanium dioxide, iron oxide red.

4 placebo (non-hormonal) pills per pack
Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose, maize starch, povidone, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, titanium dioxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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December 7, 2011


For me, Gained weight (was needed)


Smelly periods/ Strange discharge after period til next one
SEVERE Migraines
Very bad acne: Everywhere
Bad cramps
Something changed down in vaginal area (PAP-test came back "un-normal"

This is not a product that I would tell any of my girl friends to use. It's the worst BC that was made and yet the doctors just give it to us without know the side effects that could happen. Doctors need to look into the BC's that they give us, so we can be sure that we're not harming ourselves and harming our insides, that may cause problems of conceiving a baby!!
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November 23, 2011


- birth control
- predictable, short periods


- dependency
- did not clear skin

Going off birth control throws your hormones out of whack and can cause some serious skin issues. Sure, it might fix your skin - but at what cost? How long will you stay on the pill? I'm now terrified of coming off of it. I cleared up due to a retinoid and would highly recommend them instead. I don't have any complaints about Yaz. I didn't have any side effects and I like the birth control and predictable periods... But I still regret going on it because now I'm stuck on it.
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November 23, 2011


-Brought my moderately severe acne completely under control
- I don't experience cramps during my period anymore
- I get the generic brand from my pharmacy, which makes it really inexpensive
- Decreases facial hair (I used to have to get my upper lip and chin waxed once or twice a month and no longer grow any hair on my face- I think it must be the estrogen)


-Decreases sex drive
-Under my insurance plan, the name brand prescription is very expensive

My dermatologist prescribed this after the birth control my gynecologist prescribed, Ortho Tri Cyclen, failed to improve my acne at all. This product, when combined with usage of Retin A-Micro, has made the absolute biggest overall difference in my skin. I used to get really large cystic acne, and since beginning this prescription, I don't experience any acne at all. Under some insurance plans, YAZ can be really expensive, but the generic equivalent is just as effective. I highly recommend this to any women struggling with cystic acne. Best of luck, everyone!
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November 22, 2011


prevents hormonal acne. small pill, easy to take.


? i honestly dont have any.

I was very scared and hesitent to start taking bc. I was afraid my emotions would spiral out of control with irritability. But infact, things are just peachy : ). I don't break out on my jaw line like i used to and i think my ta tas are gettin a little bigger : ). Honestly, I feel like this pill has helped regulate my emotions. I'm definitely not a hot mess like I thought i would be. Also, I feel like my skin and hair are less oily, and I contribute that to this pill. I strongly recommend it : )
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November 12, 2011


*Acne improved quickly, 3 months in, NO breakouts.
*Cleared back acne also
*Shorter, lighter periods
*No weight gain



I now only have to use regular face wash and have zero breakouts, also my oil production went way down and my pores are much smaller. It is expensive, but I was spending so much on creams and treaments before, and having no results.
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November 11, 2011


My skin is starting to clear up after the first breakout.
My moods on the active pills are great
Up a cup size
Barely any weight gain


Breakout within the first Month
Horrible breakout on back
Mood swings when on Placebo
If I miss the pill in a couple of hours I get digestive problems
Blood clot risk

Try it! Im only on the first month and my skin is clearing up the cysts on the side of my face. (Although I have little whiteheads on my forehead, but that can wait a little longer) I was so depressed about my skin, I did everything right, but i still broke out. So I thought maybe its just hormone problems so I asked my doc about BCP and she presecribed me this, so far so good. When I hit the third month I'll come back And do another review.
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November 3, 2011


-no breakouts in 3 weeks of use


-rash!! (looks like insect bites)
-itchy every where!!!!!

well i have been taking this medicine for my cystic acne and because my derm had to put me on a birth control so i can start accutane (in 2wks!!). So right now i am on gianvi (the generic form of yaz) and my skin has improved dramatically in 3 wks!! that is pretty awesome cuz all i have right now is just my acne scars. But for the past 3 days my skin has became more sensitive and itchy. and lately i've been getting this rash on my arms legs and neck and back that look like insect bites!! horrible. i gotta tell my derm to switch me to another birth control. well overall this medicine would be great if i didn't have a side effect, but i do, so that is why i don't like this med. hope it works out for you because it did solve my acne problem:) dang side effects....
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October 7, 2011


Clears acne


Severe Migraines

I have tried everything out there including roaccutane (accutane) and this was the only thing that really worked for me. I actually began to think I no longer got acne and didn't have to even be strict about washing my face. However the severity of the migraines mean that I can no longer take it. As soon as I stopped taking it my acne came back and I am now back to trying more products : (
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September 27, 2011




- it gave me severe acne all over my face
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Expensive
- made my boobs huge

I went on yaz primarily for my acne. I was told by my doctor to wait three months before seeing results. During those three months my skin got progressively worse, it never got better. My skin has never looked so bad. I have red scarring all over my chin and cheeks. I am very upset because before going on yaz my skin was clear... i would only get a few pimples around the time of my period.I would not recommend yaz to anyone.
September 26, 2011


Cleared up acne
Went up a cup size
Mood swings chilled out


Sometimes I felt emotionally numbed
Zero sex drive

I was on it for three years. I will gladly take cleared up acne over zero sex drive. My insurance pays for the birth control. I went off birth control for about 8 months and in that time, my acne got way worse. I went on Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo because I wanted a lower hormone birth control and it hasn't helped my acne at all. I'm going back on Yaz immediately.
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