YAZ : Oral Contraceptive

358 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Ethinyloestradiol (20mcg), Synthetic Oestrogen, and Drospirenone (3mg).

Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose, maize starch, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, purified talc, titanium dioxide, iron oxide red.

4 placebo (non-hormonal) pills per pack
Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose, maize starch, povidone, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, titanium dioxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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June 3, 2010


Cleared (what little) acne (I had)
Predictable period
Prevents pregnancy
No weight gain


Same/Greater cramps
Slight nausea during period
Tender breasts

I originally went on Yaz to reduce my cramps and irritability; however, my cramps have remained about the same, and I guess it's just me that's psycho. :) Other than that, Yaz works great for me, but sadly everyone is different. If you're religious in taking the pill, I'm sure you'll reap the benefits, especially when it comes to avoiding pregnancy; I've been on it consistently for almost a year now, and I haven't had one mishap. Remembering to take it is sometimes a hassle if you're busy, but the spotting isn't so terrible (after I missed 3 pills); just lasts till your period. I haven't experienced any weight gain (or even for the past 4 years for that matter), nor have I recognized any cravings. It's quite possible that it makes my breasts sore about a week before and during my period. I also noticed that my actual period is quite the same, but a tad much lighter, though the nausea persists. (I had a brush with anemia years ago and went on iron pills.) I do not recommend this pill for those who are hard on remembering, but I do recommend it overall for the sheer fact that it benefits me much greater than it hinders me.
October 9, 2008


i took yazmin and it cleared my skin beautifully. it was as clear as a photo shopped picture.


extremely high appetite. weight gain. severe emotional side effects including depression, anxiety and anger. ruined relationships. wished for death regularly (and my life isnt that bad!!)it was terrible..oh my god terrible

i took yazmin tho-not yaz. i wanted to say majority of people who come on these blog sites is to talk about bad experiences. very seldom do happy customers think to come to these sites. everyones body is differnt--so try things out--never assume your body works the same way. and the cons will always outweigh the pros on these blog sites. yazmin was terrible for me--but has worked wonderfully for many others. at least i got clear skin outa the deal!
January 30, 2010


Skin is less oily


On my 5th day i was getting better buy something changed, and acne is getting worst, i dont know what happened...

May be i need to give it time to work but i guess i am not going to because i am getting sacred with the worsening of the acne, i am thinking it about stopping right now, even knowing i would get a reg again i dont know what to do....
December 9, 2009


Benn on it for about a week, seems to be helping, and i don;t feel sick or any different really.


I had a headache for two days, that's about it.

hoping it helps [:
October 12, 2009


See below


See below

The birth control pill. Yaz, has been linked to life-threatening side effects such as strokes, blood clots, and heart attacks. Since 2004, at least 50 deaths have been reported in women taking Yaz and contraceptives made with similar ingredients. There is more information on this disturbing problem at [link removed]
April 29, 2011




terrible acne within one week
mood swings

WORST bc EVER. I am warning you right now, do NOT take this bc. First, it will make you breakout BAD before it gets any better, and once it gets better, it will come back even WORST than before once you get off it. I only took it for one month and had to throw it away, i am so angry that this pill made me broke out so bad, i never had acne this bad. I know you are suppost to wait about 2 to 3 months, but really, it is NOT worth it. The scars will take FOREVER to heal, and the mood swing is unbarable. And after you get off this pill, most people have TERIBLE break out, worst than they get on, if you don't believe me, do some research and you will find it. I am warning you, save youselves money and pain, go with the naturl rout, i wish i had. DONT MESS WITH HORMONES