YAZ : Oral Contraceptive

358 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Ethinyloestradiol (20mcg), Synthetic Oestrogen, and Drospirenone (3mg).

Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose, maize starch, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, purified talc, titanium dioxide, iron oxide red.

4 placebo (non-hormonal) pills per pack
Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose, maize starch, povidone, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, titanium dioxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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October 20, 2009


Yaz has cleared up my skin, shortened my period, made my boobs bigger, and has not made me gain weight.

Right now, Yaz is the only birth control with a patented ingredient that prevents women from experiencing PMS and that helps with your mood more than any other pill. Because so many women love it, the other companies are slandering it because they can't use its key ingredient. In a few years, when they are able to make a generic brand for Yaz, television and the internet will glorify it again. Ask your doctor. It is the number one recommended birth control pill by doctors but the other birth control companies don't like how well it is doing.
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July 22, 2008


Bigger bust (a whole cup size), periods so light all I need is a panty liner and it only lasts about a day, my face is COMPLETELY clear (i've had acne for about 10 years), no spotting, no mood swings, no weight gain, NOTHING NEGATIVE!!


The only real con is the price, but if you have insurance, it's affordable and worth the price. It took about 5 months to clear my skin completely, so be patient!

Yaz is amazing, depending on the person. For me, it's been a complete dream. For some people, it's complete hell. People can't go around saying "DO NOT TAKE THIS PILL!!!!" because everyone is different. If I had listened to the people like that, I would have never tried Yaz. I recommend people at least give it a try if they have been thinking about it. If it works for you, great! If it doesn't, just stop taking it. You've got nothing to lose!
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January 16, 2016
Miracle for me, but cannot go off
I'm 31 and have battled acne for 16 years. I have literally tried everything except selling my soul to Satan to rid myself of the cystic acne I get around my chin, cheeks, and jawline. Two Accutane courses, antibiotics, topicals, Spiro, supplements, peels, lasers.... I had tried BCP's in my late teens/early twenties but I don't remember seeing the results I have now. I've been on Yaz for 6 months now. I started clearing up within the first 2 weeks. I now have the clearest skin I have ever had. The problem is when I stop taking it, even for the period days (white sugar pill) I will break out. After researching I have found that I can just continue on the pink pills and have a period every 2-3 months, which is what I've been doing now. I will still breakout when I go off- but I finally have control over when that will happen. I gave this 5 stars- it is not perfect but it has given me control again! My skin finally has a chance to heal from the scaring. I also haven't had any serious side effects.
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November 23, 2011


-Brought my moderately severe acne completely under control
- I don't experience cramps during my period anymore
- I get the generic brand from my pharmacy, which makes it really inexpensive
- Decreases facial hair (I used to have to get my upper lip and chin waxed once or twice a month and no longer grow any hair on my face- I think it must be the estrogen)


-Decreases sex drive
-Under my insurance plan, the name brand prescription is very expensive

My dermatologist prescribed this after the birth control my gynecologist prescribed, Ortho Tri Cyclen, failed to improve my acne at all. This product, when combined with usage of Retin A-Micro, has made the absolute biggest overall difference in my skin. I used to get really large cystic acne, and since beginning this prescription, I don't experience any acne at all. Under some insurance plans, YAZ can be really expensive, but the generic equivalent is just as effective. I highly recommend this to any women struggling with cystic acne. Best of luck, everyone!
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November 23, 2010


Cleared acne up - it did take 4.5 months tho!
Did not gain weight


Breast tenderness - only in 1st month
Took 4.5 for acne to clear - but now is clear
Moodiness/emotional in the first few months but totally fine now

I have been on YAZ for 6months now...I am one week away from finishing the 6th month, about to start my 7th month. I wanted to wait for at least 4-5 months before I made comments on Yaz. I did have some side effects light breast tenderness and feeling emotional in the first few months. However because my acne was so bad (I am almost 30!! should not have acne!) I decided to "ride it out" and to see how it went. After about 4 months my acne started to go down. However it still fluctuated. When I thought it was clear for good, I would wake up with another few cystic acne bumps. After 4.5/5 months the acne was completely gone including the deep red scars! Now that I am almost at 6 months I have clear skin and feel great. I still tend to get a small spot around that time of month but its nothing serious and instantly goes away when that time is finished. The moodiness and tenderness was apparent in the first few months but has completely stopped. I find YAZ quite expensive but I think its worth it for the clear skin I have it. It glows and I don't have to wear make up anymore - yay. I also have not gained any weight. I have kept a weight log and it has stayed the same. I have continued daily exercise and have not increased my eating. I have had cravings at that time (which I have always had) and i just make sure i exercise it off! If you have cystic painful acne like I did, to the point where it bleeds and is so painful then give it a go. I decided to ride through some of the negative side affects and for me they all went away. I couldn't be happier - I was so depressed having such bad acne but now I don't.
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June 18, 2009
I just purchased yaz and ive been on it for a month. My dermatoligist gave it to me for the treatement of acne. so far i have breakouts all over my jawline..They said the first month the acne will get worse before it gets better.. so all of you who are suffering dont get discouraged because hopefully mine will clear up in about a month... and also you are not the only one out there with acne.. hope i encouraged someone
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June 16, 2016
Yaz saved my skin!
I've struggled with Acne since I was 14. I'm now 24 and have tried everything- face washes, creams, facials, antibiotics, other birth controls, Accutane x 2. Nothing worked. I'd been on Ortho-Tricyclin for 6 years previously which helped clear up my acne for the most part but when I turned 22, my acne started reappearing and getting worse on my cheeks- which was never a problem area I ever had. I went off birth control completely for 8 months, hoping my hormones would balance themselves out- WRONG. My acne got much, much worse. After talking with my doctor, he prescribed YAZ. The first month and a half my acne worsened which dampened my spirits but after the 2nd pack, my skin has cleared up immensely. Hang in there and let YAZ work it's magic. Sure there are some downsides of taking birth control but to me, clear skin is totally worth it!
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November 18, 2013
Yaz actually helps give it time


Clears acne
Makes skin glowy


Normal cons of going on birth control

Ok I've tried everything: every kind of cream and gel, face washes, natural treatments, laser facials, and even accutane. My acne would calm down for a little and kept flaring back up. Nothing, even accutane, worked. Yaz is the only thing that has worked for me. You have to give it a full 6 months to work and it will completely flare up for the first 3 months. My face has been clear for a long time now and I can finally stop prowling these acne websites looking for a cure. Everyone's skin is different, but if you haven't tried it I highly recommend
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April 7, 2012


It's better than Diane35 and Yazmin (DONT TAKE THEM!)
- I've run out of Pro's :S


- Gained 5 kilo's in 10 months
- Migraines
- Constant Headaches
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Didn't really clear my acne
- Digestive problems
- Insomnia
- I had a day where I had one blurry eye
- Chest Pains
- Cravings
- Only felt good when I was on the sugar pills (GO FIGURE)
- I developed intolerance's to things too

So many more things!

I dont like to be negative but please look at different alternative's. I've done some research and the newer pills seem to have a lot of problems. I've tried everything to cure my acne and the only thing that seems to work is if I try to de stress as much as I can, drink heaps of water, limit alcohol, eat a healthy diet, take out dairy, exercise and try to eat foods that are easy to digest. My acne decreases and sometimes clears up completely whenever I've achieved a good balance of all of these things. From experience I believe that severe acne is caused by stress and diet ..... HOWEVER your acne won't clear up if you just de stress for one day - you have to add it to your daily routine. Back to this pill; i had so many different side effects from this. It's horrible. I've also don't a lot of research on this and theres heaps of side effects. People have even developed blood clots and died. I stopped it recently when I had a blurred eye for a day and then looked on the net and found a youtube video on somebody who became permanently blind from the Yaz pill. NO JOKE! OH and my friend was on it for 2 months and developed a clot in her leg. Luckily she's fine but what if she didn't pick that up? it could have travelled up to her lungs!! Anyways; good luck! i know how horrible it is to have acne but don't let it bother you - your going to find out what works for you, just keep on trying and monitor the effects.
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May 11, 2011


Cleared Skin
Lessened PMS Symptoms
Shortened Periods



I've been on this BC for almost a year now, and have never problems with it. For the first cycle, I noticed I was a bit moody and anxious, but that disappeared in a couple of weeks. It cleared up my skin completely, and I no longer suffer from PMS symptoms at all.
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