Diane-35 : Oral Contraceptive

912 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Cyproterone acetate 2 mg and Ethinyl estradiol 0.035 mg.

Inactive Ingredients:
Cornstarch, Lactose, Magnesium Stearate, Povidone, and Talc.

Tablet Coating:
Calcium Carbonate, Ferric Oxide Yellow, Glycerol, Polyethylene Glycol, Povidone, Sucrose, Talc, Titanium Dioxide, and Wax.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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October 5, 2010


bigger boops, normal skin type, normal hair instead oily, get rid of pimples, no painful acne


wieght gain, mood swings really, drier lips, appetizing

my doctor suggested me to use those pills for my acne problem for over years.i tried almost everything except roaccutane and they didnt work on my skin.acnes came & came again.they were too stubborn even more than me.then i used diane 35 for 3 months and now i am using 4th box, it is obvious that my skin is more clear than before and not too many pimples, just before my period one or two appear but quickly recover.also my oily hair become normal and it is light feeling not to be dirty for over 3 days without bathing=)yes those pills making bad effect on my psychological health, simple example is i am crying sometimes while watching stupid soap operas, my emotinal balance is not very balanced=)but although these disadvantagous i am happy without lots of pimples on my skin and it has not oily looking anymore.additionally, if u dont exercise properly or drink special teas for overliquid holding in ur body with those pills u gain weight..of course every people have different mechanism and different reactions, but you have to be patient and use those for less 3 months and ask doctor again with the adv and disadv, and see the results.
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September 28, 2010


Birth Control


Still Have Pimples

So I've been taking this pill for about 5-6 month's now and there's no noticable difference at all. I didn't have any side effects, weight gain, mood swings, hair loss or anything like that.
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September 28, 2010


Oral contraceptive – no unwanted babies!
Breasts have increased by one cup size (to my boyfriend’s delight)
Regular, lighter and pain-free periods
Ability to skip or delay your period
Increased libido
Less oily skin and hair
Absolutely no weight gain! If you eat relatively healthy and exercise at least 3 times a week you should be fine


Occasional cravings for comfort/fatty foods such as ice cream, Asian dishes, waffles. Anything with carbs, really.
Increased discharge
Dryer lips/mouth
Occasional bloating
Acne got worse during the first month of use, but I am being persistent!
Tender breasts
Less severe mood swings, but I am more emotional, insecure and paranoid
Occasional upset or ‘weird’ stomach, especially after eating.
More expensive than other birth control pills but hopefully it’s worth it!

I had beautifully clear skin until about 2.5 years ago when I first started getting pimples. My so-called 'acne' has been getting progressively worse ever since. I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years and I finally invested in an oral contraceptive to put both our minds at ease. My doctor recommended I use Diane35 to clear up the pimples and red spots on my face, especially around my T-Zone. I have only been using Diane35 for about 3 weeks but I have not experienced any of the severe and scary side effects that some of these reviews have pointed out. My skin hasn't started to clear up yet, but my doctor said I might have to wait up to 3 months until I see results. After reading a lot of theses reviews, I am kind of terrified of the day I decide to stop using Diane35 - severe hair thinning and hair loss, worse acne than prior to taking the pill are 2 things I do not want to happen! Although this contraceptive is one of the more expensive brands, I have faith and will keep using it. If it doesn't do anything for my skin, purely as an oral contraceptive.
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September 20, 2010


less oily hair and skin
bigger boobs
no weight gain


some mood swings

So ive only been taking this pill for a month so theres no noticable difference in my skin but im sure in two more months my skin will clear up. I did have some mood swings which ive never experienced during pmsing but it was nothing unmanagble. BUT ive read these reviews and I honestly think alot of them are extreme reactions people have. I was terrified to go on this because I thought I would gain 30 pounds instantly but with a 1500 cal diet and excercise I was fine. I think its alot more likely for people who had a bad outcome on this pill to complain rather than come on here and say how great it is. My recomendation is to just try the pill for yourself to see how YOUR body responds rather than making a decision based on reviews of others
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September 7, 2010


seems to control my acne,
bigger boobs


you have to remember to take it at the same time every day

I am taking Diane 35 Daily together with Duac Gel for almost three months now and it looks like it's working, because my face looks - this last three weeks - better than it looked this whole year.
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September 5, 2010


Good BC
Weight Gain (which is good for me)
Boobs enlargement (for a while)


Severe mood swings
My pimples are showing by large!

It was a good BC I think since nothing happened with me. But it came worst when I stopped it. I had vaginal infection, breakthrough bleeding or bleeding between periods, my mood is very terrible and I was always depressed and felt paranoid. Though it gave me a good shape, since I was really very slender, now I gained weight. But for me it wasn't a cure to my acne, it worsened it. I cleared out my face through a clearing soap I've used. To sum it all, I give Diane 50% yes to BC, and 50% no to acne treatment. Well, this is just in my case. I believe it is situational, as I read through the articles above.
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September 2, 2010


Clear face
boobs got bigger


Hungry all the time
After stopping diane 35, I have beeen getting severe abdominal pain, and bloating! The bloating looks like I am 5 months pregnant. In the morning my stomach is flat and throughout the day it gets huge. I had ultrasounds to check for fibroids and I am totally fine. The side effects after stopping is crazy! The pain in my abdominal was so bad I almost went to the emergency. Then I started to get really bad acne on my chin area. HUGE cysts on my face. I had this for

Dont take it. The side effects after are worse!!!
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August 29, 2010


Clearer skin
bigger boobs (for a while)
no baby


Nausea after seven day break, sometimes vomiting
weight gain

I have been on diane for five, almost six months. my acne was severe, and came on suddenly when i was seventeen. it was all mostly on my cheeks. since i started taking diane, i have no more active acne. my libido has not changed, it has worked as BC and i have not noticed hair falling out. i have noticed weight gain, but that might not be the pills fault. i also have not noticed a change in my mood.Sometimes after the first day after the seven day break i vomit. it lasts one day and doesn't happen every time. all i have left is scars on my cheeks that unfortunately diane can't cure for me. i definitely reccomend diane to anyone looking to clear up acne. it takes a few months to really clear up your skin, but once it does you will be thankful.
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August 16, 2010


no more acne :D



i'm taking diane for 1 year and i have no more acne and my blood test were good, nothing wrong so i'm lucky :D
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August 13, 2010


- acne cleared up within a couple months
- no mood swings or depression (that I noticed at least)
- no babies (it is now approved to use as birth control in Canada)


- after being on it for about 6 months my hair started falling out a lot
- gained about 10 lbs (but lost it fairly quickly)

I was put on Diane 35 by my dermatologist for acne (although I later used it for actual birth control), after trying many topical treatments as well as oral medications such as tetracycline and minocycline I think it was called? At first I thought it was great, before I started the Diane 35 my forehead was constantly covered in a whole bunch of really small pimples, and those all went away within a couple months. However last winter I noticed my hair started falling out a lot more than usual (if I ran my fingers through my hair I would be pulling out clumps, and I was clogging the shower drain). When it didn't stop when winter was over (originally I thought my scalp might just be dry or something), and after going through a whole bunch of blood tests, my doctor thought it might have been caused by the Diane pills. So I just switched a couple weeks ago to ortho-lo. I didn't know other people were having the hair loss problem also with Diane, and I was wondering if there was someone who could tell me how long after they stopped the pill until their hair stopped falling out?? So I would watch for the hair loss problem, but otherwise it worked great for acne!
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