Solodyn : Oral Antibiotic

354 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Minocycline hydrochloride.

Inactive Ingredients:
Lactose monohydrate NF, hypromellose type 2910 USP, magnesium stearate NF, colloidal silicon dioxide NF, and carnauba wax NF.

The 45 mg tablets also contain:
Lactose monohydrate NF, hypromellose type 2910 USP, titanium dioxide USP, triacetin USP, and iron oxide black JPE. The 65 mg tablets also contain Opadry II Blue which contains: hypromellose type 2910 USP, lactose monohydrate NF, FD&C Blue #1, polyethylene glycol 3350 NF, FD&C Blue #2, titanium dioxide USP, triacetin USP, and D&C Yellow #10.

90 mg tablets also contain:
Hypromellose type 2910 USP, lactose monohydrate NF, titanium dioxide USP, iron oxide yellow NF, polyethylene glycol 3350 NF, and triacetin USP.

115 mg tablets also contain:
Hypromellose type 2910 USP, lactose monohydrate NF, D&C Yellow #10, triacetin USP, FD&C Blue #1, titanium dioxide USP, and FD&C Blue #2.

135 mg tablets also contain:
Hypromellose type 2910 USP, lactose monohydrate NF, titanium dioxide USP, polyethylene glycol 3350 NF, iron oxide red NF, and triacetin USP.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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June 28, 2010


-reduced brought acne down to moderate rating


-acne worsens if u stop

-dry skin

made a considerable dent , but its not something to "shout from the rooftops"
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June 23, 2010


-made my skin clear up a bit


_severeeeee allergic reaction
-"purging" and dryness

so i knnow purging is supposed to happen and the normal drying of the skin, but ive tried soo many product before that i was really accustomed to all that. but what i didnt know was that i was going to have this severe allergic reaction to it!! i started getting hives all over and it was terrible they lasted for 6 weeks, i had to be put on prednisone (steroids) to make the swelling and pain go down. yeah it was bad. but im not saying this to scare you or tell you not to buy it. this is just my own experience and review. before all the reactions happend it seemmed to be working just fine and i was actually really happy about it but them BAM.
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June 22, 2010


does NOT bother your stomach like regular minocycline. I could take this on a totally empty stomach and it was fine. And I have a sensitive gut.


Almost no insurance carrier covers it so I had to deal with their silly coupon cards. It was SUCH a pain to get any refills.

I'm pretty sure it helped keep my acne at a slightly lower level than usual, but truthfully, I didn't notice much of a difference when I went off it.
June 13, 2010


Clear skin =)



I had a horrible break out around the beginning of April! My entire face was coverred in acne. It was horrible! I wouldn't go anywhere or do anything! I just stayed home and cried all day. My derm put me on Solodyn 65mg, Atralin gel .05% and Ovace wash. It took 5 weeks to really notice a big difference! I'm on my seventh month and I have about only two active pimples! They only thing left now are the red marks! Remember not to give up on a product and have patience! It will work! I also had no side effects. I did go out in the sun, but it wctually helped me tan =) I always cover my face though and use 100 SPF on it.
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June 9, 2010


clears skin up fast
no more ichtiness or redness
my skin isn't making so much oil
no side effects ( for me, everyone is different)


only that I didn't get it sooner!

If you really want a solution read this, I had acne that was so bad I would cry over how my skin looked. I know its hard to trust a review's source but I am writing this for the person at the end of their rope like I was.I had bad horomonal acne from high androgen levels due to PCOS. It was all over my face, neck, back, and chest, and worst than that was the oiliness I experienced. I looked lke I was sweaty 24/7. Bumpy and sweaty: not a good combo. Also Iwould get deep painful cyst, and red itchy patches on my face. My skin was unpredictable and I tried proactive, dozens of topical creams, u name it I used it, all with no avail. when something did get close to keeping my skin clear it either just stopped working or it'd dry me out, without getting rid of the bumps. It sucked. but literally within days I noticed my face clearing up. My husband said "baby, your glowing, what have you been doing? your face looks awesome". I couldn't believe it and as time progressed it keeps getting better, its soft and smooth and clear....finally. I am also glad to say that I no longer look like I have been inches away from a fryer all day lol...the oil is gone. my skin is healthy and I feel pretty again so I would advise anyone to try this, ask your derm and hopefully u get good results too. Also I think I should tell what else I use as part of my regimen: Loreal 360 deep clean(the green one), and for spot treatments for flare ups (like around my cycle) some retinoid cream, I cant remeber the name and neutragena combination skin moisterizer. But I really am greatful my doctor suggetsed trying this method, I feel like I have my face back.
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June 8, 2010


-worked FAST.
-non-drying if a lotion is also used.
-didn't give me upset stomach.


-none insofar!

I've been on Solodyn for 5 days, and I ALREADY see a huge difference in my skin. The only other pill I've taken for acne is Azithromycin (if I'm spelling it right) and it gave me a horrible upset stomach, and also did nothing for my skin. I see no improvement in scars like others say, but definitely prevents and heals blemishes. I'd recommend Pond's Dry Skin Cream with this! It works wonders!! I'm using this in conjunction with Epiduo as a spot treatment, for reference (: Ask your doctor for a coupon that comes with it to make it only 10 dollars as opposed to the 100 it usually costs!!!!!
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June 1, 2010


Works Fast, doesn't make you feel sick and inexpensive.



I have been taking Solodyn for a week. This is my first prescription acne medication and I already love it. Although I've only been on it for a week I have already seen tremendous results as the breakouts have gotten drastically better and any scars have been starting to clear up! I can't wait to see what happens in a month!
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May 28, 2010


I'm pretty sure it was making my skin clear along with a topical (Atralin), and it seemed to make some scars fade. I didn't have any stomach problems. The first bottle was free (I didn't get past the first bottle).


I think was allergic to it. For the first few weeks it wasn't causing any noticeable problems, but then after the 1st few weeks I suddenly got hit with symptoms. I broke out in a rash of red dots on my stomach which started to spread to my back. I had the rash for a few days and it started getting worse.Then one night I had lower back pain and then I got a terrible headache, a fever and chills, and a sore throat. Fever lasted 2 days. The rash faded about 4 days after I stopped taking it.

If you have an acne problem it's worth trying. It seems to work fast, and I didn't have stomach problems like I do now that I'm on cephalexin. As far as I know the reaction I had wasn't common.
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May 25, 2010





After going through a very traumatic time I had developed about a dozen large painful cysts. My doctor said this is am eruption and he feels I would benefit with use of this medication. He was right. My skin is not breaking out and the scars have almost completely cleared.
May 19, 2010


I don't think my face has gotten well enough to say a pro at this point


I have been on this for about 8 weeks. I am unsure whether or not it is working. I refuse to take this more than 3 months. I have a bruise on my lip that won't go away and I have noticed my varicose veins are starting to become more prominent. (I don't know if this relates to the Solodyn or not, but they have never looked bad before) It will be expensive after the card runs out of refills...and that won't be worth it. I used Accutane and my face flared up again after 6 months. :(

it only cost me $10, but that is only for 3 refills. Furthermore, isn't it bad to be on an antibiotic for this long?
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