Neutrogena : On-the-Spot Acne Treatment (Old Formula)

673 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Benzoyl Peroxide (2.5%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Water, Bentonite, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Glycerin, Emulsifying Wax NF, Polysorbate 20, Glyceryl Laurate, Cetyl Dimethicone, Magnesium Aluminum Silicate, Xanthan Gum, Sodium Citrate, Disodium EDTA, Citric Acid, Methylparaben, Propylparaben.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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May 30, 2009


It reduces pimpes in gives you clearer skin in no time.


It can dry out and irriate the skin. I would suggest to follow with neutrogena healthy defense daily moisturize with spf30.

I love this product!!! I've been fighting with adult acne for 6 years now. I went from beautiful clear skin as an teenager with one or two pimples here and there and as soon as I hit 28 years old all of sudden I suffer from blackheads and nasty pimples that has damage my skin and left behind tons of dark spots. I have tried just about everything on the market......absolutely nothing has given me the positive results this product has. I'm totally in love :-). I use it morning and night. I start off washing my face with biore blemish fighting ice cleanser (another product I can't leave with out) and then I apply the bp spot treatment. I quickly follow with a light moisturize to prevent flaking and reduce any irritation. I have oily/sensitive skin and these combinations have work for me. In less than a week I had noticeably clearer skin. My only regret found this product 6 years ago :-(. My next mission is tackling those nasty acne spots left behind through out my 6 year acne battle.
May 8, 2009


Clears up acne quickly, in many cases overnight. Easy to find. BP gives me better results over all other RXs and OTCs I've tried.


Premature Aging, Drying, Bleaches clothing

I am 25 years old have been dealing with acne for over 10 years now. I really thought I would be through with this once I was about 20 or so, and while it is more controllable now, it has not gone away completely. I've read studies that when BP oxygenates the skin, it produces free radicals and when used over long periods of time can be incredibly damaging. I decided to switch to Retin-A Micro, BHA 5%, and using Vitamin C serum under my sunscreen to help treat my acne and reverse some of the previous damage I've done with BP. However, my skin was breaking out. I would have a few days of clearer skin, but it would never be consistent like when I use BP. So, given all this information, I still went ahead and started incorporating BP back into my regimen every other night. My skin has dramatically improved but I've used BPs for so many years. It's sad to have to choose between clear skin and free radical damage.
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April 2, 2009


So far, it is working really well! =) Dries out pimples, makes them GO AWAY!


A little drying, but that's what it's suppose to do!

I've only used it about a week, but it has ALMOST cleared up my face. 1 zit doesn't turn into 10 anymore. =) Zits are less red, and almost gone. YAY.
March 11, 2009


It works if used correctly!


it can make problems worse if used incorrectly including causing peeling skin, scars and redness

Use sparingly, dab a bit, then *do not* re-apply for 8 hours. The last few times I've felt a new pimple coming in, I applied a small dot right on the spot. After it soaked in I applied a little califlora calendula gel to combat the skin sensitivity. Overnight my skin looked significantly better, almost no redness and it reduced overall size to a pinpoint--easily covered with makeup. I once applied too often and ended up with peeling skin, the skin from that spot is still healing...3 months later.
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March 4, 2009


-Speeds up healing time of pimples.


-Causes pimples to flake.

If you plan on using concealer on a pimple, do not use this product the night before or the day of applying the concealer. It dries out the pimple pretty well but leaves it flaky so that any concealer looks like clay or a powdery mess. If you don't plan on using concealer or makeup over the pimple, go for it!
February 26, 2009


works good


irritating if too much is used

I bought this so i can follow Dan's regimen.. two days after using it my skin is burned,itchy and EXTREMELY dry, no matter how much lotion i use.. i also continued to break out after using it but i guess that usually happens upon using a new product.. my skin is clearing but the burn is not going away.. im going to stop using it for a week and see what happens. if you have sensitive skin DO NOT use as much Dan used im going to be using way less from now on hopefully it will still work
February 26, 2009


Works GREAT! At least for my skin. You can see a change in "young" pimples the day after you apply it. Portable in its small tube. Has virtually no smell. Worth the money. Didn't sting or irritate my skin unlike other acne spot medications that do.


Too small, wish they made a bigger tube. Since it is benzoyle peroxide, you MUST follow directions and GRADUALLY use it on your face. As in once a day in the beginning, and then slowly moving it to two or three times a day.

Works great. I think it's the best acne spot treatment out there so far.
February 25, 2009


I help my skin clear up in 48hours....Amazing!!!!!
I have tried everything......This is a life saver....


My skin is a dried out a little more.....
Nothing else....

This works very well!!!!!
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February 6, 2009


no new pimples


This cream leaves residue, which makes me put a lot of effort applying it. Very small and expensive.

This seems to be a good project, but it is pretty hard to apply. If this was a gel instead of a cream, I would love it so much better. It's pretty small and cost a bit much.
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January 28, 2009


actually works.


dries skin out, small tube, expensive.

I tried Dan's BP and it dried me out so much it was disgusting. I dont know why but this stuff actually doesnt dry my face nearly as much as dan's did and worked faster and better. Of course everyones skin is different but a gentle cleanser, neutrogina on-the-spot and dan's moisterizer is my solution that works.
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