Oil Cleansing Method (OCM)

81 Reviews

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January 24, 2015
Great for moderate acne on "normal" skin...
if you use the right combination and don't rub it into your face. When I first started It caused my skin to break out a bit more but that eventually settled. I read something somewhere about how it might do that, and it did, so i guess it's a thing. I find a mix of %50 Castor oil, %30 Calendula oil (with an olive oil base) and %20 Jojoba oil with 4-6 drops of tea tree works well for me. I use pretty hot (not scalding) water to really warm my skin up for quite a while before applying the oil and then let it sit for a minute so the castor oil can help extract any junk from clogged pores (castor is a "drawing" oil.. that's why we use it, that's why it can be drying). and then use more hot water on a clean microfiber washcloth (I bought 12 of these at the dollar store SPECIFICALLY for face washing) to GENTLY wipe it away, because when I exfoliate my skin gets red and irritated. So there you have it.
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November 8, 2014
I and my girlfriend just know the OCM 2 years ago. We thought it very interesting so we tried. Location : Bangkok,Thailand. Traffic Jam,heat,smoke many pollution. Facial skin Me : oily and dehydrated skin with pimple and pore sometimes. GF : dry and sensitive skin. At first we'd try caster oil+extra virgin oilve oil 1:3 blended together and found it too heavy and not match for our skin so we used only extra virgin olive oil. After used everyday for 3 weeks we feel that our skin was tighten and moisturized ,pimple and pore were easily to remove. After 2 months my skin was clear and less oily but my gf got a little pimples and pores over her face. We both awed then my gf said "I've used many make up since I were child because I am a singer. So my face absorbed many chemical things, and it had been concealed under my facial skin" "and will you go on with it?" I asked. She said "Sure, I can feel that Oil is pushing some Junk which chemical and make up leave it on my skin away , I feels that my skin is stronger and less sensitive I knows It be detoxified". A Hard Year is passed away now my girlfriend feels very happy about her facial skin, It's clear no black spot or scars, strong, elastic as she wished. If you love organic way Oil Cleansing Method is very good for you. It maybe take much time but if you spend your endure enough finally Healthy facial skin will be yours.
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December 6, 2013




takes AWHILE

I was skeptical, but also desperate after 12 years of acne covering my body. But to be honest at this stage in my life, the pimples I found most troublesome were the stubborn, ever-present ones right on my breasts. (Does not promote intimate feelings turns out) Nothing improved it or really effected it in any way actually, but the thing I settled on longest was oil free cleanser plus oil free moisturizer and the occasional bp mask. Then 6 months ago I lost my mind a little and threw out all of my personal hygiene products and replaced them with things from the kitchen. And I feel like the world's biggest chump. I took accutane, antibiotics, birth control -all as a vulnerable teen and the thing that finally makes me resemble an adult is in covering my face and chest in frickin olive oil. I didnt even have to try different oils or adjust the proportions. 1/3 castor oil. Please use hot water. Everyone says not to exfoliate but I do every day with a washcloth after and this part is key. So what ive learned is be kind to your skin (lame, why yes it is) and don't be afraid of oil be afraid of everything that isnt in your kitchen. Unless there happens to be a dermatologist in there then be afraid of that too. *sigh* (Seriously my BOOBS do you know what that does to a person)
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November 9, 2013
This will give you glowy, moisturised, acne-free skin - IF YOU USE NON-COMEDOGENIC OILS.


Very inexpensive


Takes a little longer than conventional washing
Can be disastrous if your skin doesn't like your oil mix

For as long as I can remember, I've had acne in some form or another. I started precocious puberty at the age of 6, which meant that I basically started breaking out at that age, and I was diagnosed with moderate rosacea when I was 14. Fun, yeah? Anyway, while my skin has never been bad enough to need anything prescriptive, the persistent redness coupled with a smattering of blackheads and pimples has been a constant source of embarrassment to me. That is, until I started the oil cleansing method. A few (very, very biased) words on coconut, jojoba, and olive oil: Don't even look at them. I know that they're often touted as magical miracle oils, but I think people with acne-prone skin are playing with fire when they try them. Most of the "oh-my-god-ocm-gave-me-a-cystic-breakout-HELP!" reviews are from people who used any of these 3 oils in their mixes. If they work for you, then great. Personally though, I wouldn't risk a skin temper tantrum by using something so comedogenic. I use a mix of 30% castor oil and 70% sunflower oil with about 6 drops of tea tree oil for anti-bacterial properties. A 30ml quantity ( I sterilised and re-purposed an old serum bottle) lasts me 2-3 weeks. After massaging the mix into my face for 5 minutes, I do the washcloth steaming thing 7 times and wipe it all off, then rinse with cool water and swipe with lemon juice as a toner. The whole process takes around 15-20 minutes in all. I swear OCM has given me mild OCD as well as beautiful skin -. I get very anxious if I massage for less than 5 minutes or steam less than 7 times! In the mornings I just rinse my face with some hot water or go over it with a baby wipe if I'm in a rush. When I first started cleansing like this, it wasn't like my acne just vanished away magically. The spots healed in the same time they normally would. However, here's the great part: NO NEW PIMPLES FORMED. My blackheads were mostly gone after 2 weeks of this routine, and my rosacea improved to the point of my friends and family noticing that I no longer looked like a tomato in a dress. My skin, when makeup-less, still isn't 100% perfect, but now I only get a few pimples on my chin when I'm pre-menstrual and my rosacea just looks like I have rosy cheeks. A tinted sunscreen is all I need to make it look like I have flawless skin, whereas before I'd need a maximum cover foundation and some powder. TL;DR: Don't use oils that are known to be pore-clogging. Don't cut corners when it comes to regularity and method. Use a clean washcloth for every wash.
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September 24, 2013
OCM saved my skin


Glowing skin
No need for moisturizer
Clear, beautiful skin


Time consuming
Purging period

I've suffered from acne since age 11. I'm 18 now, and for many years was known as the girl with the pimples. Age 12-14 was the worst, as there was not one inch of clear skin all over my face, and I had painful cysts, black heads, and white heads. I've tried everything from over the counter washes, to acid peels, to honey masks, to even putting 10% benzoyl peroxide on my entire face. All of this, plus time, did calm down my acne. However by age 17 I was still too insecure to go outside without foundation, and still couldn't go a day without a break out. But I think I've found the cure in the OCM. I've been using it for 3 weeks and I haven't seen my skin looking this beautiful since I was honestly about 9 years old. I did have a purging period, but it only lasted 5 days and only gave me about 6 zits (a small price to pay). The reason I think so many people are experiencing even more break outs is because either (A) They're using oils that their skin is not compatible with, (B) They're not rubbing in the oils long enough or (C) They're not removing the oils well enough. Before starting the OCM, I did my research and decided I wouldn't be using castor oil in my mix since it scores a 1/5 on the comedogenic scale, and since I have acne prone skin I decided I'd only be using oils that scored 0/5. I used 50% cold pressed organic hemp oil and 50% cold pressed organic sunflower oil, both of which scored 0s. I also added 3 drops of tea tree oil. I used this in the evening everyday and rubbed it in for 10 minutes, then I used my hands (not the wash cloth) and very hot water to rinse my face for 2-4 minutes, then only used the wash cloth to steam my face for an additional 2-4 minutes. Harsh exfoliating can sometimes make acne worse so I recommend not to use it to rub. You guys should also use the OCM at least once every other day. One reviewer said he/she used it every 2 weeks? Your pores will become clogged again by the time you come around to using it again, what's the point? But the most important rule of the OCM is to never, everrrrr use it and use any over the counter crap washes at the same time! Clearsil, clean & clear, cetaphil, all these washes will do is confuse your skin! Your skin will freak out and it'll just produce more oil, which will equal more break outs! If you absoulutely must use a wash, find one without any kind of sulfate. I recommend Dr. Bronner's tea tree wash, or Dr. Bronner's hemp oil and peppermint wash. I hope the OCM helps other people as it's helped me, after 8 years of suffering, I'm finally confident in my skin. Happy cleansing. :)
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August 21, 2013
Do yourself a favor and try this.




oily towels

I just want to say I wish I would have listened to my aunt when I was a teenager. She told my to clean my face with oil and I thought "your crazy lady." Why would I put more oil on my oily face. Fast forward 22 years after struggling with acne since I was 12, I finally decided to try this as my last resort. Believe my when I say I have tried everything too many to list. I finally realized that I was stripping my face and always trying to dry it out. Your skin is not supposed to be totally oil free. Your skin needs moisture even if your oily. By constantly using harsh drying products my skin was producing more oil. It was a vicious cycle. So now I only cleanse with oil and occasionally use a honey lemon cinnamon mask. Soap never touches my face. Since doing this I no longer get cysts. There is no cure but this has changed my skin dramatically and I don't have to wear as much makeup and sometimes go without.
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July 10, 2013
May work for you!


Removed blackheads
Made my skin GLOW


Takes up time, so if you live a busy life this may not be for you.
The mixture doesn't last very long so make small batches and work with those.

If you go online a research which oils to use for the OCM, you'll find that they all use castor oil. Well I didn't have that when I decided to try this so I made a mixture of 1 part grapeseed oil, 1 part jojoba oil, and 1 part coconut oil with just a few drops of TTO. I recommend you steam your face before applying the oil. Then rub GENTLY in circular motions for a few minutes. You only want to try this if you have the time to do it properly. This isn't a method to be rushed. After a while you may feel tiny "grains" all over. If you do, it's your blackheads coming out. Gross, I know. This happened to me the first few times I did this method. After you have taken your time to massage your face, get a washcloth and dampen it with water that's hot but not burning. One area at a time, place the hot cloth on your face and gently remove the oil. When you are finished you will still feel oil on your face. This is fine, especially if you have dry skin. Heck, this is even great for oily skin but if you don't want any excess oil on your face just use a mild toner to remove. Good luck, and remember this doesn't work for everyone!
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July 10, 2013
Oil Cleansing Cleared My Cystic Acne


Really works!


Could be tricky when you go camping-need hot water

I went off birth control a few months ago and soon had large, painful cystic acne on my chin and jawline. I've struggled with acne on and off since my adolescence- even did two rounds of Accutane, which left my skin glowing for a lovely six, seven years... but the spotted red cat always ultimately came back. I started oil cleansing relatively recently, so I am crossing my fingers that it continues to work so well. I experienced no purging, and actually saw an immediate improvement. Here's what I did: Purchased 1 bottle of ordinary castor oil. $4 1 bottle avocado oil (it's the one from Whole Foods which also has Vitamin E in it) $6 1 bottle Neem oil, which maybe was unnecessary $7 1 glass bottle for mixing with a dropper cap (important) $3 So the whole method could cost you as little as $13. Pour an inch or so of avocado oil (or any carrier oil you like, jojoba oil might also be good, although for me I think that would be too drying with the castor oil) into your clean glass mixing bottle. Then pour in a bit of castor oil. Apparently people experiment with their ratio. I am using about 60 percent avocado, 40 percent castor oil. Cap the bottle and shake it. Have a clean facecloth or even a paper towel handy. Wash your hands well and use the dropper to deposit a quarter size amount of your newly mixed oil into your palm. Now rub the oil onto your dry face- leave your makeup on, and again, DON'T GET YOUR SKIN WET FIRST, that will prevent the oil from doing its job, as water and oil don't mix. Oil dissolves oil. That's the key here. Rub/massage your problem areas for as close to 5 minutes as possible. You will probably get bored, but you will also begin to feel comedomes, black heads and whiteheads rolling free of your pores! When I first started this the heads of my cysts came off, and my skin felt so, soo clean... Once you've done this, wet your clean washcloth with very hot water and hold it over your face, steaming your pores so that they open further. They will have already opened a bit with the warmth from your rubbing. Hold the washcloth over your face for two minutes- if it cools, quickly reheat it. Then wipe off all the oil with the washcloth. You can rewet the washcloth and wipe the oil off two or three times if you like. If you're not comfortable putting oil on your face yet, after cleansing this way you can put on lotion if necessary (and any zit cream you still want to use, I'm trying out the Neem oil with what seems to be good results). However, you can also use a few drops of your same oil mixture to moisturize, too. In the morning you don't need to wash this way- just wipe your face down with clean hands and water. I use the oil cleansing method after the gym and before bed. I'm delighted to have found a simple, healthy, and inexpensive solution. Hope this helps other people! Acne can be so debilitating. For anyone who is reading this right now and feels bad about their skin-here's a little nugget that has gotten me through bad days: when you're all broken out and are feeling uncomfortable being around people because you assume they are thinking, 'wow, what a pizza face-' Remember what you yourself think when you see someone whose skin is upset. You probably don't think awful things. Your heart probably goes out to them, right? Most people you meet will feel the same way. So hold your head high and make the best of your day, no matter what your skin looks like.
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November 4, 2011


Soft skin
Less oily
My face doesn't itch anymore and my acne is almost gone.
It's very cheap, paying 20 up front doesn't seem cheap, but this will last you six months!


It's very time consuming and you must always be stalked up on clean towels! This can result in a BAD breakout if you don't do it right for your skin type and steam your face like your suppose to.

The first time I tried the oil cleansing method I followed the advice of 60% EVOO and 30% castor oil, I had a major breakout!!! I came back to this method about two weeks ago. This time though, I did intense research. If you have oily/acne prone skin you should really use jojoba oil and/or grapeseed oil with castor oil, olive oil is way too thick for oily skin, not to mention jojoba has an acid in it that's tough on acne. Also I would start out 60% castor oil and 40% jojoba. My skin is so oily I went up to 75% castor oil and 25% jojoba oil. The results from this mixture are amazing on my oily skin. At first my skin purged and I did freakout, but I didn't quit the method, I stuck with it. I am not kidding when I say your whiteheads and blackheads will come out your skin as you do this method! There was a period where they just kept coming out for like 3 days in a row! I use this method everyday and overtime my skin is becoming less oily! Usually I have to wipe my face with a blot cloth by noon and now my skin isn't getting oily until like 3 and best of all my face doesn't itch from acne! I don't even look for acne anymore because everytime I leave out the door in the morning I can see my face is clear more and more. Stubborn acne scars I had are gone. I would just like to also say yes this method does work because castor oil has amazing antibacterial properities and oil does loosen the harden oils in your pores, but if you start from the inside you won't have to spend so much time on the outside. I have really cut out foods that raise insulin levels(the master hormone!!!) like sugar, greasy, processed, white bread,etc. I have incorporated anti-inflammatory foods into my diet as well (acne is an inflammatory skin disease). A major thing that has helped is I have really stuck to drinking 64 oz of water a day. The amount of acne I get has gone down SO much and the oil cleansing method makes the acne I get come out in like 3 days of getting it, it's amazing!
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October 25, 2011


Softer skin
Clearer skin if you stick with it and let your skin adjust
Brighter complexion
Rarely need to touch up make-up
Wearing less foundation than before
Rarely need to moisturise


Takes longer than a quick wash with normal face wash
Will get worse before it gets better so perseverance needed

Have had moderate acne my entire adult life...not severe but constant level of blemishes. Tried antibitoics, topical solutions, different contraceptive pills, expensive creams, you name it I tried it. Had oily nose that needed powder touch ups throughout the day and wore quite a lot of foundation to make me feel moreconfident. Have been using OCM for about 2 months and my skin went a little crazy in the first month even thought it was much less oily but I stuck with it and now my skin is clearer, softer and my scars seem less obvious. I rarely need to moisturise and am wearing much less make-up. Fingers crossed my acne days are behind me. My oil mix is 70% castor, 20% grapeseed, 10% jojoba with a few drops of tea tree oil. Currently using OCM daily (in the evening) and just washing with plain hot water in the morning. Good luck and stick with it until you find the right ratio of oils. It is still early but I am hopeful this will be the last thing I try!
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