Not Washing or Water Only

172 Reviews

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December 11, 2015
First anniversary
So, I didn't want to post anything or say anything to anybody before now. I am 100% convinced that this works though. I tried this method by accident actually. It was finals season at school and I needed to relax, so my sister and I tried this face mask of goat milk. I don't think it was the goal milk but something in the ingredients made my face hypersensitive to creams and waters for around a week afterwards. Meaning I could not wash my face (I used to do it everyday) for that entire week, not even water could touch it otherwise a bunch of red dots would appear, like a rash. Now before that incident, my face always had at least one pimple and lots of black heads. It wasn't "acne" but i was not completely happy with my skin. Also, I was very oily!!! After not washing my skin for that week my skin I literally had no pimples and no blackheads, my skin wasn't oily and just overall it looked really good. With one exception, I was flaky. I had done nothing differently and in any case I was more stressed!!! So I decided to not wash my face for yet another week, eventually I had to scrub because the flakiness was kind of bothering. Fast forward 1 year and my skin has never looked better (except for when I was like 10 years old). I do not consider myself oily anymore. I have normal skin now. My routine is this: once a week I scrub with a scrub that contains salicylic acid and NO alcohol. After I scrub I grab a towel and I scrub my face again (to get rid of any product chemical remnants). Then I apply my lumene daytime face cream and that's it. Nothing else for a week. If I need to wear foundation one day, I make sure to scrub before and after then not touch my face for an entire week again. I can still wear concealer under my eyes bc removing it doesn't affect my face. This means I am restricted with makeup but trust me I don't need it and I don't want it! Once in a while I'll get a bad pimple but it's usually when I eat too much sugar, eat out a lot or my period is coming. If I sound cocky I don't mean to but doing this has saved me so much time and money! I highly recommend trying it at least once!
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December 16, 2015
Do you let water touch your face in the shower?
December 10, 2015
this really works!!!
Most of my life from when I was little to when I was a teenager, I never used ANY products. I was very active, ate healthy and my skin was clear mostly(I would get an occasional pimple but nothing to big and it would go away after a 2-3 days). My mother never wanted me to wear makeup or use any skin care products because she told me I didn't need it. All I needed was water and cream and she even told me not to wash my face too much in the mornings. My mother is close to her 50's and she has skin as soft as a baby's butt and little to no wrinkles. Also what I noticed was that all my friends would use those cleansers and offer me to try it. I just noticed they had alot of pimples. I would also get compliments on my skin a lot and people would ask me what I did to keep it clear and I would tell them NOTHING. It was when I graduated high school and I met my ex boyfriend who was obsessed with skin care, organic products, and natural remedies. He told me that I should wash my face because skin Gets dirty due to sweat, pollution and foods that we eat. Funny thing is that my skin was very clear and smooth because all I did was practice yoga, exercise ,meditate and drink a lot of water. He introduced me to a company that sold skin care products and essential oils and I'll admit that it did not break me out and my skin felt very fresh but when I ran out of the cleanser and moisturizer I became obsessed with natural remedies. I would go on YouTube and search up diy or oils I can use for moisturizers. I tried coconut oil, sugar scrubs, argon oil, baking soda, drug store products, high end vegan products, creams, honey ,scrubs, green tea, tea tree oil and let me tell you.. That was when I started to break out of no where and they were painful. I would get cystic acne ,huge pimples, blackheads.. It was getting out of control and because I didn't know what to do I would pick at my skin and I started to have acne scars. It really made me very insecure that I started to wear makeup which I never did when I was a teenager. I suffered with bad acne for two years and every month I would buy new products HOPING it would clear my skin and it wouldn't. I was talking to my mom cause I was very upset and felt so insecure and she told me to stop using harsh products and stick to the basics. Water and cream. That's when a light bulb went off and I realized I was too obsessed with skincare and I had the worst skin I have ever had in my life(I'm 21 now). My boyfriend has really nice skin and he doesn't do anything and so does my mom and my other friends. The skin care companies want us to think that we need it but trust me let nature take the wheel. From my experience, there is no such thing as end all be all no matter how expensive it is. Even though I still have a bad habit of picking at my skin , my skin has never looked better in the past two years !! We need the natural oils on our skin to protect it. And you're skin will glow. Here and there I'll grab a cheesecloth fill it with oatmeal and use the creamy substance on my skin once in a while and an occasional face mask but I don't even wash my face in the mornings anymore and before bed I wash it with water, and apply avocado oil. That's it. Don't over do it. What I would also suggest is to try eliminating dairy and meat out of your diet. I have been vegan for almost four months and my skin has been doing well for me. Good luck and I hope you find what works for you !!
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May 2, 2016
It's been 9 months since I've written my review on the no wash method because my desire to have clear skin was always on my mind. Due to my obsession with skin care by always washing it or treating it with various products, it only made it worse which resulted in my confidence going out the window. It has been years since a person complimented my skin or appearance but now I have people saying I have beautiful skin and strangers ask me for skin care tips. What do I tell them? Stop purchasing skin care products, stop washing the face so much and leave the skin alone and in return your skin will thank you! Every person I tell that to always acts surprised but they always thank me for being honest. I'm not saying this to sound conceited, but only spreading this message because I used to suffer from painful cystic acne. My face was always red and I would always pick at at it which resulted in having acne scars. It was incredibly embarrassing going out in public but I don't seem to have that problem anymore because I stopped obsessing and started living. I know how it feels to be depressed and refuse to go out due to painful or unpleasant acne on the face. I have hope for people! Ever since ditching the products I have not only saved a ton of money, I have freed myself from the mentality of constant consumerism & I have stopped obsessing over my skin and appearance. Now I am able to live my life instead of spending hours in the washroom applying face masks or cleansers on my face or even picking at my skin! It makes me happy to see more and more positive feedback from others trying out the cavemen regimen! The amount of chemicals that are in these products people put on their face everyday is extremely dangerous. Your skin will thank you if you stop touching or picking at it. Leave your skin alone and in return your skin will balance itself out. After two years of constantly obsessing over my acne and skin, the moment I decided to throw out all my products and just use cream here and there, my skin has never looked and felt better. It feels amazing to not depend on a product for an end all be all skin treatment and instead just accepting that my skin will heal itself if I give it time. Diet does play an important role on how our skin will appear but the acid mantle on our skin does as well! Leave the oils alone! It gives that natural glow :) Leave the pimples alone and stop picking at it. Keep it simple! If acne treatments and skin care products really worked that the advertisements claim, why is it that so many people suffer with acne?! Free yourself from that dogma. If you want to use some things on your face in the beginning, try it out. But eventfully you will start to feel it is unnecessary. At first I used home made roiboos tea spray, avocado oil, avocado face mask once a week and my skin felt amazing but now I don't even care if I miss a face mask treatment every once in a while. People will go about the no wash method in many different ways. Find something that you're comfortable with but once you become confident you will stop obsessing over it and just live your life the way you're supposed to. A little goes a long way. One last tip I have is that diet is important. Ever since I cut out milk products including cheese out of my diet it has played a big role on my complexion. there are various plant based milks you can try (almond, coconut, hemp, soy) and there are non dairy cheeses. I understand cheese can be addictive but if you do research on veganism or the impact consuming animal products has on our bodies, our health, the animals & most importantly our planet you will be quite surprised. if you don't want to ditch these foods, it's fine. I guarantee that just trying the no wash method will dramatically change your skin over time. Lastly, check if you have low stomach acid. Acne can be a sign that you suffer from low stomach acid. Give this a go! Even if you have very severe acne, you have nothing to lose! I hope this helped and don't feel down about how you look right now. Many people are obsessed with outer beauty but the most important thing is to focus on how to be a better person. Meditate, exercise, read and focus on positive experiences you can have everyday! Start from the inside and work your way out<3 I hope this helped. A little off topic but the no wash method journey truly helped me distinguish the difference between want and need. We don't need these skin care products! The minimalistic lifestyle is what today's society needs. I will do an update review in September :)
May 26, 2016
Thank you for your review and update!
October 26, 2015
This DOES help
I did this for a month, and it does help with certain things. I saw an increase in my breakouts, however i found that the breakouts lasted a shorter amount of time. My skin became much healthier, smoother and thicker. My oiliness reduced so well, and my tone improved. The reason i do not do this anymore is because if your acne is hormonal, this will do nothing for you. + i got so much more clogged pores, however overall my skin did improve and i recommend EVERYONE tries this. Its the safest and cheapest method, and if it cures your acne then you have the cheapest cure ever!
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May 26, 2016
oh no it gave you more clogged pores? ugh :( that's what I was hoping to get on this regimen to get rid of...
September 21, 2015
Never lose hope
The best thing you can do for you your skin is " don't do anything " .... if you leave your acne alone , drink green tea every day , drink 4 liters of water per day , sleep 8 hours every night , avoid smoking and drinking alcohol , change your pillow case every 5 days , avoid dairy foods , take care of your hygiene and .... i mean , just live in a healthy and NATURAL way like our grandparents did and your dream for a perfect glowing skin will come true ... good luck ♡♡♡
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September 15, 2015
There's hope
I've had acne since I was like 13. It progressed to cystic acne in highschool and it truly sucked. I was trying everything and it seemed like there was no hope for my skin and i was just that unlucky guy. Luckily around my Senior year my skin started to get alot better due to me changing my eating habits and drinking alot of water daily but I was still getting pimples every now and then. Fast forward to right now I'm in college. I stopped using cleanser completely, due to me just running out of it and i figured I'd try to go without washing my face for awhile and see what happens. It's about 2 weeks now and my skin is fantastic. I haven't broken out in like a month so (knock on wood it continues) all I do is in the morning while I'm in the shower I'll let the water run on my face and rub with fingers lightly. After I get out I splash with cold water in the sink to close my pores. I haven't used moisturizer during this period but I will start due to the cold weather coming. I've previously had very oily skin but during this period of washing only with water my skin has been even and i cannot be more happy. I encourage you to try it out and see if it works for you. What do we have to lose? We already obviously have acne lol. ALSO CHANGE/WASH YOUR PILLOW CASES ATLEAST EVERY 5 DAYS. This will help alot. AND DRINK LOTS OF WATER
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September 3, 2015
Three star because IT's only my Second Day (WILL UPDATE)
OKay! So it's my second day not washing my face. On the last night that I washed my face I didn't not moisturize or put anything on it at all. I went to bed with NOTHING on my face. The next morning everything seems fine not too much oil. ( I have combo/oily skin) So I went to school like that and I felt disgusted of course since I always scrub my face squeaky clean. So after school came home didn't wash my face and went to bed. The next morning ( just this morning) was when the oils on my face started bothering me, bu I heard that the oil will eventually balance out and stop producing so much. School is over and EW so oily, but I am going to go for maybe one more day and see how things turn out. Also I have noticed that there are nasty little white stuff coming out from the pores on my nose, forehead, and chin area, but that's to be expected. I have cleaned up my diet ( Gave away my bag of Takis to my sister). My only issue with this regimen is sunscreen. Since you can't wash your face properly I didn't want to add to the gunk building up on my face. I use the Badger spf 30 BUT since I started this routine I have not used anything even sunscreen. And for me. I am all about preventative methods, as I do not want to age sooner than should, I am VERY worried about not using sunscreen. Can anyone please let me know if you are using sunscreen while your on this regimen and let me know how it's going.
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August 20, 2015
Dermatologist Approved
I was instructed by my dermatologist to stop washing my face, and my skin has never looked better! She herself (who has the world's most fabulous skin) confessed that she doesn't either. Having said that, she did say it wasn't a cure-all for everybody, but a few certain types who lack sufficient ceramide.
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September 2, 2015
Hi there so I am on my second day of this routine and I have to say it feels gross to not wash your face. But I am super excited about the outcome. My face is getting oilier and oilier but from what I heard the oil production will balance out. My question is What do you do about sunscreen? I know sunscreen is such a big deal and though I have been without it for these two days I am worried about the long run. Please reply back to tell me what you do about the sunscreen issue.
October 11, 2015
This is a tricky one. I had/have the same concern. Basically, I wear a big hat. But I do use sunscreen on days where I while be out for more than an hour. Or, better yet, a tinted moisturizer with sunscreen. And yes, I sleep in it! I do use a gentle wipe from my dermatologist about every 5 days or so.
July 29, 2015
Natural Miracle
Okay, so first off i had break outs when i was in 7th grade then it got worse when i got into 8th grade. In 8th grade i had big pimples that i needed to hide my face when the pimple was on the left i always face people on my right .... so i decided to make all the mess go away and i decided to use avene cleanser and toner , worked miracles. i was so happy my face is finally flawless!! but then, after using it for a while , after seeing the "flawlessness" of my face for about 3 weeks, my face, my flawless face started to break out much more than i did before i used these products, i don't know what happened, after seeing my face like this i thought i should keep using it so that the acne will eventually go away again, but it didn't my face just got worse and worse and then i thought i should just stop using them since they just made me break out even more and i didn't have the time i spent too much time washing my face , after not using anything my face started to get back to the "flawless" state again it glowed the scars were healing the pimples were healing things were sooo much better , the other thing i did was not touch my face and i never touched my face for 2 years already ( not touching means not washing my face with my hands ) , i just let the water from the shower rinse through my face after not touching my face and washing with water my face is natural, fresh i feel very happy no major break outs very healthy and i'm happy i stopped using products and im never going back :))
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September 5, 2015
While you were just rinsing your face with only water and everything, were you still able to wear makeup like concealer or foundation, then later still just rinse with water and your skin still be okay?
July 20, 2015
Never washed my face
So I thought I was the only one to not wash their face? I stopped washing my face when I was young (9/10 years old) because I used mild soap and it broke out my skin not too bad just enough for me to notice. So I stoppped washing my face and have been doing this up until now. Im 17 and haven't had acne since I stopped washing my face. My face is not dry or flaky. My skin is smooth and well mosturized.
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June 17, 2015
Best Decision I ever Made
I wanted to wait until I had a pretty good idea of how this would affect my acne. It's been about 2 weeks. I haven't used any cleanser, exfoliate, toner, moisturizer or sunscreen on my face. It has COMPLETELY cleared up. Here is a bit of a background: I did not have acne as a teen (the occasional pimple or two, but not what I would call 'acne'). I then went on birth control when I was 20 for 2 months. When I went off of the birth control, I broke out. I have had mild/moderate acne since then (about 3.5 years). I assumed it was hormonal but birth control wasn't working for me - it "flattened" my moods, killed my sex drive etc. Nothing really worked to clear my face up - thought some things calmed my skin but I always had 2 or 3 pimples/cysts and many blackheads. I began using liquid foundation to cover it up which (I personally feel) worsened my skin. I was stuck in the foundation trap for about 2 years. I didn't wear it every day - only about 4 times a week, if that. I NEVER slept with make up and removed with make-up wipes, cleanser, toned and moisturized. I also exfoliated once every week and a half. In the summer I wore sunscreen. I did all of the things you're told to do to take care of your skin and it only got worse. About 1 month ago, I had one of my really bad weeks. Cysts all over my chin, whiteheads - acne that make up cannot hide. I was feeling so bad about skin and booked an appointment with a finally booked an appointment with a dermatologist determined to finally turn to medication to fix my skin. I could not get an appointment for at least a month and a half so I figured I would have to suck it up and deal with it until then. My very bad breakout calmed down and for some reason, I just thought - all of these products aren't doing anything. They may calm my skin down a bit but two days later I am back to square one. So many of my friends are super lazy with their regimens, wear make up to sleep etc. and have mostly clear skin. My boyfriend essentially showers and gets out and in the years that we've been together, he has had exceptionally clear skin. So, I stopped cleaning and moisturizing. I stopped toning a while ago (maybe 3 months ago) and I stopped drinking coffee (which significantly elevates stress). I drink tea instead. The hardest part was the first 4 days. I have combination skin and without cleaning and moisturizing, my skin felt VERY dry all day and then oily in the morning. I let water touch my face as it normally would - while showering etc. and I rinsed my face with lukewarm water in the evening before bed but other than that - I did absolutely NOTHING to my face. A lot of people mention their skin being "flakey" - my skin was not flakey, just very dry. After about one week, my skin was totally clear and was no longer taut. This has been a godsend. I put concealer on a few days in a row (I have very bad hyper-pigmentation from scarring) and only used a gentle make up remover cloth to take the concealer off in the spots it was located. I stopped using a brush to apply it and dabbed in on with clean fingers. I then rinsed my face with water gently and it did not break me out. I seriously have not had a SINGLE pimple since my face cleared up a week ago. Now, if your skin is very bad or you have JUST gotten of medication or birth control, I am not sure how your body will respond to this. It take 3-8 months for your body to readjust after birth control and medication may influence the way your acne thrives in your skin. If your acne is very severe, I can't speak to your problems because mind was mild/moderate. Needless to say, if you're spending money every month and religiously washing and moisturizing your face to no avail, give this a shot. A lot of people have said that it takes about a month and a half for their skin to clear up (I was lucky, perhaps). Give it time, be patient. I did not wear ANY make up for the first week and then only used eye make up and concealer which I removed with a gentle make up remover wipe. I am totally sworn off of liquid foundation. I just tossed my 2 $65.00 bottles. If I have a big event, I will likely wear powder and concealer at most on my skin and only then will I use a wipe and cleanser to remove the make up. Otherwise, I can deal with the scars if my skin is clear. Try it if you think you can deal! Best of luck.
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July 21, 2015
I wanted to tell my story and how I healed my face. ( Sorry for my English ...) I never had acne when I was teenager , I always had a nice clean skin. When I turned 18 I started to wear makeup ( but not a moisturizers or skin care ) , my face was clear. Then after I turned 25 I started to add a bit moisturizer and serum and scrubs and masks and etc...I didn't notice any difference really but my face just turned a bit red ...and I always had to wear foundation just to cover redness. Now when I am 35 my skin got worse with breakouts and pimples and skin inflammation on a regular basis . So I started to "clean my face " more and more with soaps and scrubs which just dried out my face more. Then I tried BP and SA ( stupid idea ) for 2 weeks my face was so red and irritated like crazy. Nothing didn't help me . I went to dermatologist and he prescribed me some pills and creams for 6 months...But my gut feeling just told me that I don't want to poison my body with these antibiotics and didn't take it...I was so desperate , my self esteem went down and my social life kept to minimal. I've tried all the diets , eliminated chocolate, sugars, milk and dairy , meat and fruits....) nothing helped. Every products I putted on my face got it worse. One day a friend of mine came to me and her face is very nice and clear , so I asked what products she use and she told me nothing...She never put moisturizer or makeup on her face, she just wash it with water and that's all ! Then I realized that my husband has the most clear face and he only use water on his face as well. Each day I read the ingredients in skin care and how many chemicals they use in it. I came to the point that I couldn't use anything on my face except water. After a week of using only water my skin begun to calm and redness went away a bit. My skin felt dry in the beginning ( of course I didn't moisturized ) and I had some flakiness. I decided to give my skin a break from all these chemicals that I am pretty sure caused all these problems. After about 2 weeks I did had some white heads ( maybe the pores were just cleaning itself or purging period ) but they dried out fast with no red marks. My face calmed more and more everyday and pimples just went away. I do believe that we just brain washed with all the media and commercial products. Our natural body and skin can heal itself with time just give it a chance. Now I am pretty confident without foundation and my skin looks nice and clear finally after a years of suffering. It was just a sign that I have to stop using these chemicals on my face, and let skin to breath. I only put mascara and liner on my eyes and remove it with Olive oil on the cotton pad and wash it with water only. Ohh I forgot to tell that I bought a Natural bar soap unsented fragrance free from Organic store and washed my face in the shower Once a week with bar soap ( just to take away all the flakiness ) it didn't irritate my skin and didn't cause any dryness . I am at 4 weeks now using only water morning and evening on my face. I feel that my skin appreciate that and response with respect. I wish my experience will help others who suffers from pimples and will heal their face as well. There is a Caveman regimen on Internet when you don't wash your face at all , but for me it was too much and I decided to wash only with water . Good luck to everyone and remember that our Nature is much smarter that all these commercial products.