Not Washing or Water Only

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June 14, 2015
So, I thought I would wait to post about my withdrawal from all things face wash related after I reached the thirty day mark, but on day 4 I'm already getting excited about my results. Long story short, I never had acne in high school-not one zit. College was a different story, I began breaking out occasionally and started picking up the usual Neutrogena or Clearisil acne washes. My skin only got worse from there and not a single thing I've done has cured my acne for more than a couple days. I was so strict about my skincare regimen that it overtook my life. I'd stay in when I was broken out and I avoided countess outings. As you can imagine, I got quite sick of the lack of results I was seeing. I avoided processed foods and dairy, limited my carb and sugar intake, and drank nothing but a TON of water. This helped, but I still wasn't getting the clear skin I yearned for. Back to where I began, I quit my toners, exfoliators, and chemical face washes 4 days ago. I've done nothing but splash my face with water after washing my hands with an anti-bacterial soap (and obviously my face gets wet in the shower, but NO scrubbing, moisturizing, ANYTHING). I should also mention that I do not wear makeup aside from mascara. My skin began peeling quite a bit (I've always had dry skin), but it has begun to even out with the natural oils on my face. The problem spots on my face (chin, nose area, hairline) have these little white spikes sticking out of them. This sounds gross, but they are super tiny and not irritated whatsover. My complexion is still flat and smooth in these places-my skin is literally expelling the toxins. Even though it's summer and I've obviously sweated a bit, I still have not got a new zit. I can't believe it. I was so paranoid skipping my skincare regimen would break me out, when it seemed to be the cause all along. I had never had acne before I started using chemical skin products. If you have always struggled with acne, there seem to be mixed reviews about this type of regimen. If you're like me, however, and never had acne as a teenager (I'm 22)-GIVE THIS A TRY. I will update, and I've taken a picture of my face every day. I'm feeling so optimistic!
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August 19, 2015
So you don't even use moisturizer?
June 13, 2015
Cautiously optimistic
Ok, long story short - I've been dealing with adult acne for 6 years. I (like so many others,) have tried EVERY product under the sun. AHAs, BHAs, benzyl peroxide, all natural products, every acne fighting line every made. I've tried changing my diet, increasing water intake, drinking lemon water, taking every supplement under the sun. I was on doxycycline and other topicals for a year. Although, this did eventually clear my acne, - as well as destroy my stomach and make me allergic to the sun - once I went off it the acne slowly started coming back. Fast forward to two weeks ago. My sister came over with these Lush Fresh Face Masks. They had clay in them and are designed to draw out your pimples. Boy did it work. Too well. I woke up Monday with literally 15-20 giant pustules covering the bottom half of my face. I looked like I had a beard of pimples (I'm a girl, btw.) I was devastated. I couldn't leave my house. I had to get a medical leave from work because I couldn't bare to be seen. My boyfriend was totally unsupportive and I'm currently staying at my parents house, at the ripe age of 26. It literally destroyed my life. I became so despondent, I just said EFF it. Nothing works. And I stopped wearing makeup and washing my face. All I do is take a cloth and warm water and gently scrub/ wash and ta-da. That's it. I've been doing this for a week now and I can't believe my eyes. By no means am I "cured." I still have red marks, but they are fading more and more each day. I've gotten maybe one or two new pimples, which I believe are remnants of my last mega-breakout. They even look better, though. No nasty whitehead, no soreness or itching. My face no longer feels oily an hour after washing. It's amazing. Seriously, give it a try. Even if you think it's hormonal, which I'm certain mine is (I get a period maybe every month and a half, two months.) I would recommend trying to cut back on carbs and sugar while doing so. But I am amazed. If you have nothing to lose, give it a go. And despite all the hell I went through from those masks *Mask of Magnaminty, and one of the garlic tea tree ones, I'd even recommend doing one before hand to help draw out all the gunk which your face most certainly will purge. If you can bare to be seen and/or afford time off. Give it a go.
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July 2, 2015
That is awesome! I'm so happy for you. I know exactly what you mean about people being unsupportive and having to miss work and other events. Glad you got out of the cycle!
June 12, 2015
WOW........ so THIS is what's causing my bad skin.
Acne and poor skin quality has haunted me since I was 14. It has caused torturous amounts of emotional pain. I remember a time when I was talking with a girl at 20 years old, my paranoia took a vertical spike and caused me to wash my face 5 times per day and cake on topical medication at night. I wanted it to go away so badly. Little did I know, that destroyed my face... permanently. It baffled me that the rest of the skin on my body looks beautiful, but my face...... it looks like I have a mask on. I am 27 now and my wisdom through years of trial and error has revealed the idea of being gentle with my skin and it worked WONDERS the very first day I tried it. I slowly transitioned into an ever more gentler regiment. I washed less and less, I used cooler and cooler water, I wiped my face less and less, and I put less and less pressure on my face when I wipe. It has been a few months now and my skin is less red, less dry, less oily, less porous looking and less pimply than it has ever been. I highly recommend everyone at least try it. It could be the holy grail you've been looking for.
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September 23, 2015
My skin got a little less oily on day . But so many pimples became white head and I want to take it out so bad what should I do?
September 23, 2015
My skin got a little less oily on day . But so many pimples became white head and I want to take it out so bad what should I do?
June 5, 2015
Can't believe I waited so long
After more than 15 years of buying countless products and trying everything, my toiletry bag was lost on a long vacation. For 10 days I had no face wash, bezoyl peroxide or make up. I was so worried the whole time that my face would break out, but the opposite happened: my face was clearer after those 10 days than it had been in many years. It makes me mad that the entire skin care industry wants to hide this simple solution just to sell their products, but this is the real answer.
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July 21, 2015
I wanted to tell my story and how I healed my face. ( Sorry for my English ...) I never had acne when I was teenager , I always had a nice clean skin. When I turned 18 I started to wear makeup ( but not a moisturizers or skin care ) , my face was clear. Then after I turned 25 I started to add a bit moisturizer and serum and scrubs and masks and etc...I didn't notice any difference really but my face just turned a bit red ...and I always had to wear foundation just to cover redness. Now when I am 35 my skin got worse with breakouts and pimples and skin inflammation on a regular basis . So I started to "clean my face " more and more with soaps and scrubs which just dried out my face more. Then I tried BP and SA ( stupid idea ) for 2 weeks my face was so red and irritated like crazy. Nothing didn't help me . I went to dermatologist and he prescribed me some pills and creams for 6 months...But my gut feeling just told me that I don't want to poison my body with these antibiotics and didn't take it...I was so desperate , my self esteem went down and my social life kept to minimal. I've tried all the diets , eliminated chocolate, sugars, milk and dairy , meat and fruits....) nothing helped. Every products I putted on my face got it worse. One day a friend of mine came to me and her face is very nice and clear , so I asked what products she use and she told me nothing...She never put moisturizer or makeup on her face, she just wash it with water and that's all ! Then I realized that my husband has the most clear face and he only use water on his face as well. Each day I read the ingredients in skin care and how many chemicals they use in it. I came to the point that I couldn't use anything on my face except water. After a week of using only water my skin begun to calm and redness went away a bit. My skin felt dry in the beginning ( of course I didn't moisturized ) and I had some flakiness. I decided to give my skin a break from all these chemicals that I am pretty sure caused all these problems. After about 2 weeks I did had some white heads ( maybe the pores were just cleaning itself or purging period ) but they dried out fast with no red marks. My face calmed more and more everyday and pimples just went away. I do believe that we just brain washed with all the media and commercial products. Our natural body and skin can heal itself with time just give it a chance. Now I am pretty confident without foundation and my skin looks nice and clear finally after a years of suffering. It was just a sign that I have to stop using these chemicals on my face, and let skin to breath. I only put mascara and liner on my eyes and remove it with Olive oil on the cotton pad and wash it with water only. Ohh I forgot to tell that I bought a Natural bar soap unsented fragrance free from Organic store and washed my face in the shower Once a week with bar soap ( just to take away all the flakiness ) it didn't irritate my skin and didn't cause any dryness . I am at 4 weeks now using only water morning and evening on my face. I feel that my skin appreciate that and response with respect. I wish my experience will help others who suffers from pimples and will heal their face as well. There is a Caveman regimen on Internet when you don't wash your face at all , but for me it was too much and I decided to wash only with water . Good luck to everyone and remember that our Nature is much smarter that all these commercial products.
May 30, 2015
Water cures acne
hi everyone! My english is bad, but hear me out. I have had acne for 6 years, i am 26. Got it at university which is madness. I got acne all over my cheeks and chin, big fat cysts. There would always be at least 10 cysts on each side, painful and inflammed. They distroyed my face. I used everything prescribed by dermatologist, topical and oral medication except for accutane ( i never really wanted to go that far). I tried all kinds of diets: dairy free, gluten free , vegan, lchf, low fat, combined....I almost went mad. Then i read on internet about ditching soaps, face creams, scrubs, medications... Cavemans regimen! I decided that this is the last thing i will do and if this regimen doesnt help i ll start with accutane ( very dangerous medication with terrible side effects). So I stoped using make up completely, which was so hard as i work with ppl so close ( i am a dentist). But i stoped using make up, stoped washing my face with soap, i tried to wash my face only once a day only when i shower. Omg guys after 3 weeks 80 % of my cysts healed! I still get acne i dont know why but it can be the food i eat. Since i ve been on dif diets for 2 years i finally went bananas on cakes and chips but surprisingly i didnt get cysts, only white heads ( which heal way faster). For a long time i thought my acne had to do with food or hormones, appearantly not. Anyway i think it s important to have healthy diet combined with this regimen. Still believe you are what you eat. Wish someone told me about the cavemans regimen earlier. Now i have deep red scars. It will take long time for them to fade. But i dont care as long as my face is finally smooth. I am still not fully acne free (been on this regimen for 1month only) but give it another 2months and I might actually get there. Try this. It might not work for everyone, but then at least u know u ve done everything. Good luck!! :))))
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May 30, 2015
Haven't washed in 1 month and im never going back
I was a slave to proactiv and washing my face twice a day. Bought the most expensive natural cleansers/toners you can buy and they didn't work. I had stress related acne at 20 and never stopped washing for 2 years and my acne got really bad. Stopped washing about a month and a half ago and my skin has never looked so good. STOP washing your face twice a day, give it a chance to heal on its own. All the negative comments in this forum are by people that have bad diets and aren't sticking to it. For the first month i didn't even use water and it worked wonders. I hope this helps someone else, give it a try.
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June 12, 2015
Just wanted to post an update, at about 2 months of not washing (not even much water) I began to get Eczema from dryness. Just wanted to add that for anyone who gets really dry skin.. I now wash with a bit of water every day or so and use a little moisturizer !
July 3, 2015
Question; When taking off makeup at the end of the day, should I just use a wet warm washcloth? I want all of my makeup to come off and I feel like it wont if I just use water
July 3, 2015
Question; When taking off makeup at the end of the day, should I just use a wet warm washcloth? I want all of my makeup to come off and I feel like it wont if I just use water
May 10, 2015
Finally acne free !
Hello guys, I'm nearly 18 and I've had acne since I'm 12. I've tried absolutely EVERYTHING. I've been to the dermatologist so many times, and took monocyclines for 8 months twice, I've used retinoids, AHA, DIY treatments (layering), apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, baking soda ... I've bought countless products each time convinced that the acne nightmare was about to be over. Unfortunately it always got worse and worse, there were small improvements sometimes but my skin was getting drier and drier, and always more sensitive and red. I decided to take a contraceptive pill one year ago (with possible dangerous side effects, but I didn't care, I just wanted to be acne free) and 5 months after because of the pill and a huge amount of stress, I broke out like hell, and experienced extra severe acne for the first time. My face was a mess, I started being very depressed and skipped school sometimes when I assumed I could not show my skin to the rest of the world. This was 7 months ago, and now, I almost have clear skin. What did I do ? It's mostly something that happens in your mind. I think acne is all about compulsive obsession and excessive care. I progressively reduced the amount of products I put on my face, and just washed it twice a day with a mild soap. The severe acne progressively went away, and I went back to the "normal" acne I used to have. BUT I kept on picking my skin. One week ago I've realised that picking is actually what allows pimples to keep on appearing on a regular basis. I've stopped picking since last week, and my skin looks fabulous. No new pimple, just some pimples healing, but they will soon be gone. Now I don't even use soap anymore, I just splash my face twice a day with warm water ( I find it better for oily skin) and ... that's all. My skin looks healthy and glows. My scars are slowly fading away, much quicker than what they used to do when I was using tons of products to help them fade. Tomorrow, for the first time, I'm going to school with bare skin. No foundation, no powder, maybe just one little touch of concealer on one or two scars. I feel free. I really really advise all of you who have tried everything and still get acne to do the caveman regimen and listen to their skin. And most importantly NO PICKING. I know it's super hard but that's the only way to be acne free. Best of luck to you all !
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May 24, 2016
How did you take off your makeup when you did wear it?
April 27, 2015
My holy grail.
I have always had pimples and acne. It started when I was 11 and got worse with time. I'm 19 now, and I had become resigned to the fact that I'll always have acne. I couldn't go anywhere without people asking me about my acne, and giving me tips. I felt like screaming. I have used so many different products, it's laughable. Then, about 2 weeks back, I just gave up. I stopped washing, toning and moisturizing. All I use is water and I scrub with my fingertips. And it all cleared up! No more acne, or pimples. I used to have oily build-up when I used products, but now my skin just looks healthy and happy. I would recommend this to everyone. Give it a try. :)
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September 2, 2015
Please update, I really want to know how well this regimen works in the long run???
April 25, 2015
After 4 weeks, clear
After 4 weeks, I did not seem to have any active pimples. I eventually reincorporated SPF and a cleanser (albolene) into my routine because I began exercising outdoors.
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September 2, 2015
Okay, so sunscreen was one of my main concern... I really want to follow through with this regimen but I worry about the long run of not using sunscreen. But since the point is to not wash your face, I didn't want to use sunscreen because then I'll HAVE to wash my face because it' gross.
April 19, 2015
For me, Acne is a heritable trait. I have tried weaning myself off products, and it works for a short period . However, my skin quickly reverts back to "normal" a.k.a. combination and pimples, and I have to "purge" it again. However, for those who want to try the washing or water only method, take these factors in consideration before you use try: Is the product you are using irritating your skin? What kind of schedule/diet do you have? Products that dry out your skin actually cause you skin to produce more oil to compensate for the loss. Diary, for the people inquiring about dietary matters, have been known to break your skin out. The product that you're using may also may not be suitable for your type of skin. It would be beneficiary to look in the ingredients in the products.
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