Not Washing or Water Only

172 Reviews

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November 5, 2014
Caveman / Water only
Used everything, nothing worked.. you've heard it all before. I stopped using everything' Just water' first few days slowly improved' week 3 got a few pimples and struggled to continue with using nothing' Then mid week three really cleared up. On day 35 now' Really happy. Still get the occasional pimple but thats fine' so much better than having lots of pimples / patches. The hardest part is sticking with it.. the body really needs time to get rid of everything' Im sticking with it.. have heard by 3 months skin is almost perfect.. also as well as improved clear skin, the skin tone is also evening out. So i say hang in there, its tough but don't cave. Plus you save so much $$$$ ps used to believe it was food related.. but now i can eat anything (chocolate chips anything and I'm fine). Just let your body do what it needs too. Also the salty beach water helps too
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July 22, 2015
Thank you for your comment !
October 28, 2014
The' water only' method actually works wonderful i have been using products on my face to kill the bacteria and a non dairy strict diet and i would still break out badly i couldn't pin point what the cause was well i guess i was upsetting my body's production of healing itself by throwing chemicals on my skin.The only water method actually restored my body's cycle to work productively and i'm hoping good results as i follow this method . Basically what i do is: wash my hand then with warm water i wash face then i do it another time with warm water and then last time with cold water and i can honestly say that i'm feeling more alive then I've ever been when i was using all these products, i don't think we were to tamper with our bodies in the first place UNLESS IT CAN CURE CANCER!
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September 14, 2014
It works for me
Important note: I never had acne to begin with. The "water only" thing worked for me because I am allergic to any cleanser/moisturizer/exfoliant/toner/cream with 'sulphate' in it. After quitting and only using water (and a soft sponge to scrub off dead skin cells), my skin became clear. Modestly, I can get through months without a single blemish. If you suspect that your acne is caused by allergies, try stopping for a while and seeing if it'd clear up. However, like previous posts before mine, if acne is coded in your genes (or you get a cyst at least once a month), don't try this.
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August 21, 2014
Works for me!!
I've been suffering from acne for about five years. I had an ovarian cyst that erupted and just threw everything off. Ever since that I've been breaking out and my skin has been oily. I've tried nutragena, obgi nu-derm kit, baking soda facial, queen Helen mask, antibiotics etc. Taking vitamin D3 has helped w/ the oil on my face, so I still take that (for other reasons also!) My face would eventually get use to these products and break out, or just break out the next day. So four days ago I stumbled on the caveman regimen and water only regimen. I tried the water only and it's been four days and my face is getting so clear! its crazy i only have three visible pimples and a few deep pimples that are disapearing. Dead skin is flaking off, and a scar I have is getting lighter! I bought tweezers to pull some purging acne build up out that pokes out of my skin. [i don't squeeze pimples or force ANYTHING OUT. It has to be hanging out due to purging.] Things I use: -bought a 97 cent spray bottle from walmart (you need a clean bottle that had nothing in it) -bought cotton balls (thinking about switching to the cotton pads) -filtered water (I have a filter. Using bottled water may get expensive over time) Only at night and the morning I spray my face with the water until my face is dripping. Then I wipe it down with the cotton balls. I spray my face again and wipe with the cotton balls. That's basically it! My face is clearing up and it's not as oily as before! It's only been three days and my face has greatly improved. Use filtered water and not tap water. I think that makes a HUGE difference. Change your pillow case every couple of days, don't touch your face, and STOP using wash cloths and towels for your face! They hold bacteria. Just use cotton balls. I hope this helps someone!
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July 16, 2014
Water regimen
I am 15 started getting acne from stress in 7th grade since i squinted the entire year I put tons of sh*t on my face from honey baking soda sugar olive oil and used benzoyl peroxide pads with scacaid acid however you spell that sh*t and different cleansers that were clogging my pores anyways so i started this regimen about 4 months ago water 3 times a day but when of it because my skin tone was good but i still had acne and i was clogging my pores. Then i watched some youtube videos and i only shower in the morning and never wash my face and i had clogged pores at the beginning but trust me keep going i have tried this for 3 weeks and my skin is looking great just keep trying and you will get worse with alot of dead skin at first but thats because it is healing your skin i will post in another review in a couple of weeks i still have some pimples
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May 26, 2016
hi there! so your clogged pores went away after you did this? Thanks for the help!
January 23, 2013


Drastic help! Knowing that now your face will just clear up. No more new acne. Acne starts clearing up within the first few days.



You look pretty darn bad the first week. (oily, flakiness of dead skin, white heads everywhere (since it's healing), sebum coming out the pores, etc. Second week is better, but you have to wait a while for your skin to adjust.

Omg do it! I never post on here bc nothing really helped. This is the answer people, stop using crap on your face. Deal with the horror that is your face for the first week and week going!
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January 21, 2013


No worry. No drying. No money. Do NOTHING!


Minor flakig here and there, but I can live with it.

I cant believe for the better part of 15 years I have been stripping my face twice a day and stressing over near weekly new "additions". I'm absolutely convinced now that me trying all these prevention methods was the cause of my issues. Just cant believe it. Makes me think all acne topicals are bogus and the problems they cause actually keep you hooked to them, simply due to being misinformed. Finding this method is one of the best things that's happened to me in quite a while. Its hard to let go, but just avoid the mirror, live your life, and you will pass by the mirror one day and be shocked at how good your skin can look after all this time being stripped of its natural look. And as people have mentioned here previously, even if you do get one here and there, the heal time is a day or two, not a week or two like it used to be! Please spread the word!
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December 22, 2012


not time consuming


skin is a bit rough but not a major put off
bit of blackheads

oh my lord. so far so good !! I am so happy. im 15 years old and my acne is moderate. Nothing was working recently so i tried this! I wash my face two times a day with warm water only and sometimes just use a bit of Cetaphil moisturiser before makeup. My skin is better,no spots,MUCH less reddness and irritatation and my acne scars are much less visible. i guess i should just let my skin be and not interrupt her business :-)
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August 3, 2012


Only way to do it.



I've done hours of research. Never ever have a read a legitimate success story fom topicals. Take a hot shower and use your hands after softening up your skin under the water for about a minute. Keep anti bacterial hand soap in hand and just wash your hands in the shower with the soap. Slough the dead skin cells with your hands only you will feel your hands accumulate the oil. Please stop using cleansers they just disrupt your skins natural pH which is better at defending acne than any cleanser. Spot treat if you have to but I suggest 1 month of oral antibiotics to get you going if you have anything more than mild acne. Stick with it be patient and don't touch your face at all costs.
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July 25, 2012


- natural
- healthier
- quick
- easy
- heals


- you're skin might not be use to you letting it breathe without any chemicals touching it, so therefore you're skin might be irritated due to this alteration.

Think like a caveman. There are only lakes, rivers and oceans for you to bath in right? There are no cleansers, moisturizers and whatever else these skin care industries make. The oil produced from your body on your skin is actually good and healthy. Your body does a fantastic job keeping out harmful bacteria and other micro-organisms. Respect your body. "If you wont eat it or drink, don't put it on your skin." Basically, there are many types of "caveman regimens" over google. But i believe that splashing your skin with cold water is the best way to go. Think about it, cavemen would sometimes swim or bath in lakes and rivers, which are cold, not hot, and not warm. Goodluck! Persevere!
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