Not Washing or Water Only

172 Reviews

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June 12, 2017
Every night right before going to bed I drink 3-4 large glasses of water. And in the morning my small acne and vanished and larger ones have deminished. Usually acne occurs from lack of water stress or over eating in sugar content.
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June 6, 2017
my problems went from a 6 to a 0 /10 in a span of 4 days
i started having acne problems when i started using product about 3 years ago, but it didnt occur to me that using product was the problem. my face would get oilier and i tried to dry out my face as much as possible. its been 3 years testing everythingg, even hand soap which made my face hoorribly worse. now ive been just splashing water on my face and dabbing it with a dry towel and usually i would get around 3-4 new pimples around this time because my face likes to break out, but nothing! except my forehead is a little oily looking -- but im never going back to soaps.
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July 10, 2017
Same thing happened to me, and I am on week two and I have no new pimples and all the old ones are almost completely healed. I used nothing in high school and had an absolute clear complexion, I am 21 now and I started using product shortly after my 18th birthday. It never occurred to me that it could just make things worse. I am so happy with my skin and now my pockets are definitely thanking me too!
May 31, 2017
I almost never wash my face!
I splash warm/hot water on my face to wash it. It opens the pores and gets out all the gunk without stripping my skin of its natural oils. I've always thought; that tight feeling that soap gives you has got to cause wrinkles later in life. I keep a moisurizing face wash in my shower, that I use about 2x a month. I use very little makeup on my skin as well, just enough to enhance but not smother my skin. I get one tiny pimple about once a month.
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June 18, 2017
What do you do to take off makeup??
June 19, 2017
Please answer sunshine's comment :)
October 23, 2017
You can use oil clensing method to get makeup off. It's suppose to be very effective at removing makeup
May 5, 2017
Try it it's worth it !!!!
Hi acne desesparates friends ! (First! srry for my mistakes i am french) I want to began saying that this is the first review i've ever wrote... because i have to let the world know how much im shocked and happy to have finally found the methode that cleared my mild acne. As far as i can remember, i've suffered from a mild acne form, mostly white heads. And believe me when i say that i have tried everything! From chimic to natural to organic. Cream cleansers, OCM, gel cleansers, milk cleansers, essentials oils, clay and more.... The last thing that i've tried and that i tought could help me clear my face was finally the one and only thing that worked. NOT WASHING MY FACE .... crazy. All this time... was i the one making ma face breakout with all thoses products and steps? Lets just make something clear! This might not work for everyone but it's worth trying! In my case i've always thought that i had a oily skin... so i was always trying to clean my oily face with cleansers ... but i was juste making it worst !!! The thing is that i actually have a deshydrated skin ! By cleaning it i was attacking my poor skin and i was taking off all the natural hydratation that it needed. Angry, my skin fought back by producing more oils !!. And u know the story... Pores getting filled with oils, bacteria having a feast porn on my face ( srry for that ) giving birth to thoses ugly bastards called pimples. With some researches on the subject, i realized that i was destroying my natural protection so i started washing my face with my cleanser only at night and with water in the morning. ( always following with my toner and some cream or oils.) My skin was better but not perfect yet. And i Wanted it perfect bcause yeah im that kind of person..... ( And so are u ok !! Don't judge) thats why u are at this point! Where u are wondering... should i stop washing my face... like ... completly stop?!. I mean.. do our monkeys anscestors had clear perfect face bcause they werent washing thier face at all! .. it make sens bcause its natural and my face should be able to take cafe of itself ?... plus most boys dont wash thier face and they have clear skin, right ? Maybe cleansers are just the result of a corrupted capitalist system that try to make money on our back by giving us acne with products and making us by more products to " get rid of it" but actually we are making it worst ? The answer is TOTTALY YES ! Because i've stop washing my face and every day, its getting better !!! I only use water and sometimes put aloes gel and my face is not oily anymore ! All my whites head disapeared! My skin look more radiant than ever ! My face look like a goddanm snapchat filter no lie ! ... So try it ! Its worth it! It might not work but what do u have to loose ? I mean u already have acne right ? So give it a chance and maybe, like me, u will end up looking like a sparkling fairy ! Or a warrior in a shinning armor ( im not forgetting about u boys) Good luck trying !!!
May 9, 2017
What did you do exactly? Just not washing your face for how long?
July 10, 2017
For the rest of time Electra93 lol... I wash my face with warm water then cold to close the pores then I apply a gentle moisturizer. And don't forget to exfoliate weekly, or your skin will not be smooth and baby soft lol.
January 30, 2017
It works like magic!!
If you had told me to do this 7-8 years back I would have given you funny looks. But guess what, I did it and it actually worked. Stopped using soap and started washing my face with water only. The first thing I noticed was how less irritated my face looked. The dry scaly patches disappeared within a week. My acne started healing better and the redness disappeared. Gradually within about 2 months, my skin was not sensitive at all. Today I have been following this for about 3 years now and I have never looked back.
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February 1, 2017
I'm coming on 1 year on this regimen but still have a few breakout. Did you have to deal with dead skin? If so, when did that go away?
January 10, 2017
The best thing you can do for your face!
The best thing i've tried this far. I've been using so many products on my face, hoping my skin would clear up, but it only made it worse. I stopped using products on my face, and I just drink lots of water. So far my skin isn like 85% clear.
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November 21, 2016
Let your skin regulate itself
I've had cystic/moderate acne for the past five years (ages 14-19) and I can honestly say that there is nothing better you can do for your skin than simply doing nothing. My long acne story short: the past five years, up until the past 3 months, I had used a ton of products from Clearasil to tea tree oil to facial masks however the only product that worked was Epiduo. I had clear skin for a year with epiduo but it made my skin so dry and sensitive that I couldn't go 3hrs without a moisturizer. As such, I stopped using all skincare products completely and it has worked. I let some water touch my face each morning in the shower and that alone is my entire skincare routine. I also physically exfoliate once a week due to the build up of dead skin cells. I used to get huge cystic acne but I haven't had a cyst since I started washing with water. That being said, after I stopped using products I had an initial breakout period where my skin got very dry but it soon began to regulate itself. If you are reading this review don't waste any more of your time or money on acne treatments. Leave your skin alone for a few months and see the difference it will make. Stick with it.
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February 6, 2017
can you explain your exfoliation routine?
November 19, 2016
It's time to heal and live, truly. Stop the facial abuse!
Cystic acne nonstop since i was 15. Face scarred badly, but cysts and zits stopped with diet and NO MORE CLEANSERS. Caveman is the way to go. Sometimes even washing with water will upset my skin, so I just dont wash it at all anymore. Like other say, you do build up excess skin, so a wet soft washcloth will do fine. I don't moisturize or apply anything to my face or body at all. I also only wash my body and hair with water, soap and shampoo twice a week. You won't smell if you're eating healthy. I feel that high cardio workouts also work to exfoliate my skin. When I feel too dirty, I run up a hot shower and let my pores open up with all the steam ( I do not let the water touch my face, as it is so sensitive, even the chlorine upsets it) I do stress that your DIET will determine your success. I have always had overeating problems as well, so when i indulge, I break out, still at 26. FOODS TO AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE ------------- SUGAR -------------- keep in mind that simple carbs ( white bread rice pasta cereal etc) turn into sugar in the body, so you must cut those out too. Complex carbs ( beans, brown rice, pasta, bread is not great, but not as bad as the white stuff) just make sure it says WHOLE wheat. I've had the best skin of my life eating WHOLE food without red meat. Chicken and fish, whole veggies and ABSOLUTELY NO SUGAR and MINIMAL SODIUM intake (sodium increases redness and inflammation in the body... especially your face). Side note... chemical manufacturers are not looking out for you... Living in capitalist America should be your first clue... These people just want your money and will exploit your biggest insecurities. They want you to slap harmful chemicals on your face, clog your pores with makeup, eat yourself into a blimp, because they know the body will expunge it all through your sweat and zits, then you'll go running to them because they offer "cures". ?Me and many more fell for their tricks and paid dearly for the lack of knowledge, with scars. Do yourself a favor and feed your body well, treat it well, encourage it, work it out, and love it. Change your habits and drop negative people around you so you can begin to HEAL. I am still battling food cravings, still giving in, still breaking out occasionally, but it feels amazing to know that I can be free of this curse. Hope you try this, and spread it to everyone in need. Good luck.
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October 27, 2017
u r awesome
October 22, 2016
Joined in 2006...
I just logged in today after several years. I had moderate acne in my late teens and early 20's. I used a variety of products and found that differin worked well for me. I'm now in my early 30's and had a severe outbreak this time last year. Acne is so much more painful as an adult. It makes you feel like a child again and really damages your self esteem. Anyway. I started using differin again but my face just got worse and worse. I decided to stop using all products including my "collection" of face washes/scrubs in favour of warm water. I was amazed that after only 2 days my skin was less oily. After a week it felt firmer, softer and had a nice glow. I did notice that I was building up dry skin but with the help of a wash cloth and regular shaving with water only, this was solved. My acne became much better. I had a few small surface spots that would heal faster. My acne scars also started to fade much more rapidly than before. I now try to avoid chemicals as much as possible. Our bodies have evolved over millions of years to tolerate all that the world throws at them. All these cleansers and scrubs and other products remove that natural defence and leave skin vulnerable to attack.
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August 27, 2016
Works Every time
My skin type is combination. I get hormonal acne breakouts on my chin and jawline. Usually I cleanse with an all natural gentle cleanser 1-2 a day and would apply tea tree oil (needs diluting for sensitive skin) to the breakout area. The tea tree would help to some extent but new spots would form day after day using my usual cleansing method. Not washing or washing my face just with water is the only thing that seems to stop new spots forming. During this time I apply tea tree 2-3 times a day to the break out area. I don't wash my face unless I have been working out to wash the sweat away or it feels dirty (1st thing in the morning, or last thing at night). This stops new spots forming within a couple of days. I keep up this regime until any bumps or spots have disappeared: usually within a week. I am now considering switching completely to water only washing with gentle exfoliation for my normal regime.
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