No Red Meat Diet

10 Reviews

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May 27, 2011


Can make you more open to trying new things food-wise


Did not help with acne
I actually gained weight on the diet
I started feeling very sluggish

I went vegan (no animal products at all) for 5-6 months just to see what the effect would be on my moderate acne and my weight issue (I've had a mild weight problem my whole life due to poor diet). I actually gained some weight because my body started storing was I was ingesting. However it did help me to learn to like vegetables, which makes my diet what it is now - very healthy. It had absolutely no effect on my acne - I did not have more, I did not have less. So as an acne treatment it proved ineffective for me.
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April 7, 2010


Cheap, easy to do with all the alternatives out there now, helps with weight loss too!


Fatigue at first, cravings.

Red meat is full of hormones and chemicals, so staying away from it helps to clear out your skin. Or, switching to Organic meat, but that's very pricey. I switched from red meat to tofu products and was very happy with the results.
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October 14, 2010


Easy to try, should have a rather rapid effect as long as you aren't exacerbating the infection in your skin (aka no touching!). I've been lowering my meat intake altogether, and despite being a 6'5" guy, I'm only eating about 1200 calories per day. Nonetheless, I've always found when I'm eating the most red meat to be when I break out the most, by far.


Red meat is tasty as hell. I still go for a burger every once in a while, but it has a tangible effect on my skin. Of course, I'm going to start eating red meat again once the infection has subsided. I'm a beef beast.

Try it and see if it works for you. It should do at least something for most people's acne woes.
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June 22, 2010


You feel healthier
You may lose weight
Your skin glows and scars heal faster


Red meat doesn't really cut it because dairy products are also shot up with hormones

I've been vegetarian for the past three years. Before becoming vegetarian at age 15, I had acne all over my face, red scarring everywhere, and I had awful combination skin. Every acne product would dry out my skin. Nothing worked. I became vegetarian for ethical reasons, and was shocked to find that my diet not only made me feel healthier, but also cleared up my skin a lot. My skin isn't totally clear, and I've had some help from a dermatologist, but the diet I'm on has made a noticeable difference. It's worth a try-- you may just like it! Fake meat tastes real, has less fat and calories, and has many more nutrients. I love peanut butter, Nutella, nuts, and dairy, so protein hasn't really been a problem for me, although I do take an iron supplement. The issue is dairy is also treated with hormones and chemicals, and I don't think I could give that up, too! There aren't very many fake cheeses out there...
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March 29, 2010


You won't spend so much money.helps clears skin.


You might miss the meat

This is a no red meat diet or semi veg. If you don't eat pork and beef you can clear your skin because these animals are shot up with hormones . So eating cows and pigs (unless they anr organic)will mess up your skin.I only eat chicken and fish and my skin is clearing have to try will also be less sick.I'm taking baby steps to being vegan and I'm loving my skin it's not as oily.if your fighting acne then don't eat red meat.
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August 30, 2017
100% correlation of red meat to acne for me
If I eat 4 oz or more of red meat every day I will have acne within a few days, guaranteed. If I eat 4 oz or less of red meat only about twice per week I will not have acne. If I eat 12 oz of red meat in one meal I will have acne for a few days or so. Co-incidently, medical doctors recommend not to eat red meat more than twice a week. Wish I had known this when I was younger. I'm over 55 and have never outgrown the basic formula. Yes, old guys can get zits too. Too bad because I love beef.
March 1, 2011


helped make my acne less severe
helped with my migraines


sometimes have breakouts
at first, difficult to adjust

I started this about two years ago but actually not for acne reasons. In fact, I just learned it would help. However, I did notice that when I do get something, it's light, so it does really help. As another plus, it got rid of my migraines too.
December 8, 2011


Acne cleared within a week
Feel much better i.e. more energetic (could be placebo affect)


When I do break out it is very mild. almost unnoticable
This is only when I do eat red meat ^
(who doesn't enjoy a nice steak once in a while?)

This works and the only way to know for sure is to try yourself. THIS NEEDS TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH ACNE MEDICATION (i.e. topical Benzoyl peroxide as I am using as well)
August 19, 2010


Naturally will pay more attention to food because constantly wondering what's in the food


I can't think of any, but I actually gained a few pounds after becoming vegetarian

Try it, it's not like you can't go back. Always seek advice if you have any questions, whether on this forum, other vegetarians, or experts.