Phillips : Milk of Magnesia

72 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Magnesium Hydroxide 1200 mg.

Inactive Ingredients:
Purified Water, Sodium Hypochlorite.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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August 19, 2010


-Dries up oil AMAZINGLY
-Very inexpensive
-Works immediately


None really.

I haven't heard anything about this stuff clearing up acne, HOWEVER, it works WONDERS on oily skin! I have the most severe oily skin, & I use this stuff & it almost eliminates all the oil on my skin & lasts all day! What you do is, cleanse & moisturize your face, let your moisturizer dry in. Then, take a cotton ball & your milk of mag, & lightly dip the cotton ball in it, make sure to wipe off excess! A little goes a very long way! So, just put a thin layer, & make sure you get it rubbed in your face very well, or you will have chalky white lines, which if that happens just wet your finger & rub it in! Wonderful idea! I'm soooo glad I found it! Give it a try, you won't be disappointed!
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January 23, 2010


reduces red marks, controls oil, shine, gives your face a matte finish. Lasts for an enitre day


doesn't clear up acne

I am an 18 year old guy and I use this stuff everyday. My face gets REALLY oily and shiney. People have commented on it and it bothered me all the time. Milk of Magnesia DOES control shine. What I do is wash my face, then apply a thin layer all over. I wait for it to dry, then put a good moisturizer on and I'm good to go. It doesn't help acne, but it makes my face look better. Make sure you get original, nothing with flavors.
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December 10, 2009


so far GREAT to use under make up and keeps the shine off the face long hours and has not caused any bad reaction


uncommon for me to say this but NONE so far

its cheap, effective and that bottle is gona last u for ages, definetely one of my best buys..this is probaly very effective in comparison to all those expensive other stuff out there...another important plus is that my make-up stays put all day, a friend even said 'hun your make up doesnt move, how come? (as she's a good friend i revealed the secret! lol) A MUST BUY- IT WORKS!!!
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December 3, 2009


Controls oil, great for a make- up primer, makes skin smooth, reduces redness :D


I honestly don't have any cons, yeah it makes your face white but hello you put make-up on over top of it. And if you are a boy well,,,,I guess that sucks for you then doesn't it lol.

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December 2, 2009


Controls oil and shine LIKE MAGIC
Slowly diminishes pimples


dries out skin, works slowly

I've been using MoM for about two weeks now. I had two breakouts of bad cysts and whiteheads, but after they both cleared up (which took quite a while) my skin responds well to MoM. I used to have such an oily face, but what I do is apply a layer of MoM on my face, wait for it to dry, then put on Neutrogena Combination Skin Moisturizer. My face won't be oily for the next 8-12 hours. Just try it. It's worth a shot. See if it works for you or not.
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November 25, 2009


Took away redness and is slowly taking away the bumps. Great under makeup.


Made my skin very dry

More pros than cons!
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November 22, 2009


The best treatment I have came across so far. Extremely cheap around 3.99 for a bottle that will last you for months.



I've been breaking out pretty bad for over 2 months now. In those two months I have have over a dozen pimples including cysts on my face at one time. I've tried tweeking my diet, more exercise, taking vitamins, I've tried 10% and 2.5% BP, salicycic acid, calimine lotion, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, sulfur and probably more that I have forgotten. Now I just take a shower, in there I use a gentle cleanser like Purpose and apply Milk of Magnesia on with a cotton ball. I seen improvements the next day. All that other stuff irritated my skin and made it worse. It's worth giving it a try!
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November 11, 2009


Didn't make me break out & Controlled oil


Was still a little oily at the end of the day!

I use this product under my foundation and moisturizer and i have to say i am impressed. I am very very OILY!!!! at the end of the day my face looks like i smeared olive oil all over it. So i brought this product to get rid of that problem and it did. I have to say though i was still oily at the end of the day and i did have to plot once but when i don't wear this stuff i have to plot like 6 times a day. Worth the small amount of money paid just use a moisturizer over it or you can look pale but don't put too much on.
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November 8, 2009


Works quickly and effectively, cheap, doesn't bleach fabric like other products. No more oily skin or redness!


Can cause irritation on dry skin, dries white so you can't use it during the day.

I've tried countless perscriptions from my dermatologist, none of which have worked. Proactiv, benozyl peroxide, all the rest were ineffective and just irritated my sensitive skin. Even other "at-home" remedies (think: tea tree oil or egg whites) don't work as well at battling acne and redness. MoM is gentle and not overly-drying on my skin. It works very quickly. I've only used it for a few days and i'm already seeing improvement. I'm hoping it's going to continue to cure my problems!
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November 4, 2009


Deminishes my blemishes!
&'nd keeps my oily skin under control(:


Itchy a bit after it dries up.

I started using this last night, After all the goood reviews, i had to give this a try! So i went to walgreens and got a bottle of MoM and pour a little in the cup it came with, got a cotton ball, dipped it in, and put it all over my face (2 coats] , like you would do with a reg mask. it dryed up in with 3-5 mins. after it dried my face started to itch a lil :/ but when i took it off 30 mins later, my face was so smoootttth(: like never before. i had NO redness (before i put it on i had redness] I LOVE MILK OF MAGNESIA! It works wondersss! (: I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
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