
134 Reviews

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June 23, 2007


So very soft skin.
Quick and painless.
Relatively inexpensive.


It's slow going.

I am only on my third session and the results are not where I would like them to be. I asked my derm about it and he said that it could take between 12 to 18 sessions before achieving my desired results. My skin is smoother but I still have scars. I break out a little bit after each session but it's nothing to complain about. I was on a lot of medication to get rid of my active acne before the m.derms and I think this is an extremely important step if one doesn't want flare ups and increased scarring. I really want to get rid of the redness of my scars and the minor indentations. I hope it wirks. My derm. says that I should see greater results after the fourth session. I hope that's true. I'll write back after a few more to update. I have seen some improvement but it's not enough.
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April 9, 2007


Leaves the skin fresh feeling, over time there is a reduction of scars, pigmentation, and freckles. A definate over all improvement in smoothness of skin, and much less discoloration.


Cost adds up over time. Depending on the estetition, the micro may be done too lightly for significant results. Also some people may not like how a deeper peel feels, even if results are better. (I prefer deeper peels, but don't always get it)

Here is how it went down for me. The first time I got microdermabrasion done almost two years ago I was very happy with the results. I had 11 sessions and my breakouts just about ended,no more cystic acne at all, just an occasional little pimple once in a while. Almost all of my scars were gone and only a very ,very slight blotchyness remained.The darkening over my upper lip was never significantly improved (I will most likely try lazer for this), but the rest of my face was pretty fantastic.I ended up getting bad breakouts again a little under a year later, and feel I would have benefited from having more micro sessions,even at least monthly or bi monthly to keep breakouts down. My breakouts got really bad again and my newly improved skin got back to where it was when I first went to get treatments.I have been getting treaments again.For some reason I dont feel it is improving as much as before.I seem to still have scars, though no breakouts.I am on session 9,and hope it improves.
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April 2, 2007


it got rid of some of my scaring


throught out micro i still broke out so it wont help for breakout.

i did noticed a diff within the third session, but i think its important to see a dermtalogist for oral medications as your getting treated b/c the oral med is what helps keep clear, while micro is just helping with scars.
January 26, 2007


I had a series of vibradermabrasions (a new microderm without the crystals). I was really impressed with the results. My skin is smooth and it helped reduce my dry skin as well. I am doing a series of 7 spaced 10 days apart. I love it.


It costs about $140 a pop! But if you buy a package, they will give you a discount. The money was worth it to me and I would spend it again in heartbeat.

I love vibradermabrasion!. I get them done at a place called forever young day spa in cooper city by a young lady named Yoni. I have gone to many spas, but they are by far the best. They have helped my skin tremendously, and have also improved my self confidence.
January 16, 2007


Worked great! Cheeks looks smoother.



Well, I just had one session last week. My skin looks fabulous! Best thing I've done all year. My pores are quite enlarged and I had red marks on my face from pregnancy (elevated estrogen) and old acne. This leveled out all the pores and made my skin beautiful again. They also did IPL treatment on my redmarks and poof! they were gone instantly. My skin looks beautiful. I've been using BHA and antioxidant moisturizer and after spending the last few days in a heavy Skinceutical's SPF 30 they gave me to use I'm going to continue that regimen to keep the pores clean and healing. Probably won't do it again, since the derm suggested that a salycylic acid peel might help more, so I'm going to do that in a month. I'm also considering (after the peel) going on a prescribed retinoid to change the shape of my pores a bit.
October 23, 2006


Minimizes pore appearance (this seemed to be a long-lasting effect), smooths bumps, really helps breakouts (after initial small purging), my 6 sessions faded some hyperpigmentation, but not miraculously.


I discovered the hard way that you must continue having a treatment at least every 6 - 8 weeks. Had I realized this I could have saved myself from lots of acne! Pricey - but worth it IMO.

I highly recommend Microdermabrasion. I had 6 sessions last winter and it dramatically improved my complexion. After my 1st session I purged a little but it was nothing to cry about. I took a long break from it after my baby was born and I wish I hadn't, as I started having horrible breakouts again. I went in for another session yesterday. Just for fun I used my digital camera and took before and after treatment photos, and I was amazed at the improvement in hyperpigmentation (much less red) and bumps in just one session. My next is scheduled in 8 days. Don't want to purge, but will bear it just to have that good skin I had last winter!
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