Lemon Juice (as a drink)

305 Reviews

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August 7, 2008


cheap and works well also seems to make you feel good.


none really just dont over do the lemons .

I put half a lemon in a 500ml bottle of cold water its so refreshing
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July 8, 2008


Not only did it make my skin clearer, but it made me skin glow and look healthy. I guess it's because it sorta of detoxifies you. However, use it with other treatments for the ultimate effect.



It should be an everday drink just because of its benefits not only for the skin. Drink plenty of it. there is a cleanse called "the master cleanse" and you don't eat anything and all you drink for a few days is 1 lemon per glass of water....the result are anything but amazing!!!!!!!! i recommend this to anyone.
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March 22, 2008


refreshing taste, inexpensive


none to date

I have finally gotten ovver my battle with hormonal acne with a couple of outbreaks here and there. I decided to ween myself off of medications and limit my use of topical solutions and try a more holistic approach to maintaining clear skin. I have been adding at least three drops of lemon juice to my bottled water for the past couple of weeks. I have honestly seen an overall improvement in my skin. My scars seem to be dimishing and the overall appearance of my skin is great. My friends, family, and co-workers have noticed and compliment my skin now. I attribute this to lemon water, a healthy diet, and my skin regimen.
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January 29, 2008


very cheap, may help my complextion.

just begun this new way of clearing acne, and i hear its good for the liver, so i will give it a try, and see the outcomes. i will post my new results after a while. =)
January 13, 2008


Makes you skin brighter and makes you feel better


Doesn't really cure acne

I found that by drinking lemon in hot water daily my skin looked brighter and my complexion was clearer but it did not really have any effect on my acne outbreaks
November 23, 2007


It seems to be brightening up my skin and health in general. I'm also losing weight and feel good about detoxing my body.


I got some redness and rashing on my arm at first, which I've read is actually the toxins releasing onto my skin. My face is also dry by the sides of my mouth (but this could be due to the topical application of lemon juice I've also been using)

I definitely think it's worth a try, and I believe it will benefit general health for anyone. I do suggest using a straw in order to avoid damage to the enamel on the teeth.
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August 5, 2007


It tastes great and also helps to lessesn my appetite. Im not sure if it helps my acne or not yet...to make it taste great try adding a few drops of stevia, its an all natural sweetner that is good for u and can be found at health food stores.


it can be a hassel to squeeze, so instead I buy like 20 lemons and juice them in a juicer, an d put them in ice cube trays in my freezer, then everyday all I need to do is drop in a cube or two in my water!

Worth a try, lemons are a good detoxifier for the liver, and anything that helps the liver should in theory also help clear acne. Also try it cold, it taste fantatic that way!
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July 6, 2007


hmm seems ok


no cons yet

hmm intersting, i have read that natural lemon juice is effective at detoxifiying the body, although i have also heard that sour foods..eg lemons are quite bad for acne, so i guess ill give it a try. it quite frustraiting that there is so much contradicitve information out there. this is completely irelevant but i thought id say- antioxidants are good for the skin right? but products like bp use oxygen to kill the bactiria that causes acne, they oxygenate the skin and acne cannot live in an oxygenated environment.. soo is oxygen good or bad for your skin??
May 11, 2007


I actually lovd the taste of the water with lemon and it kinda makes your more thursty so even if this does not work for acne, it helps me drink more water and that can only help! Seems to be working or at least keeping breakouts at bay!


Did not help my hormonal breakouts!

Give it a try.. You should be drinking tons of water anyway so if the lemon does not work your still helping your skin stay hydrated!
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May 4, 2007


Enjoyable to drink....


Makes your teeth a little sensitive..Use a straw.

Since beginning to drink a quart of water first thing in the morning with a whole lemon squeezed in it. I have only had two new zits. I usually have a couple of small ones everyday...Since drinking lemon water and then driking 3 additional plain quarts of water throughout the day or more....I feel very hydrated and I really think it is helping...it's mostly too early to tell since I have only ben doing it a week. But I will continue...
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