Lemon Juice (as a drink)

305 Reviews

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December 9, 2009


cleared up small spots


seeds get into the water. Makes teeth feel chalky. Wears down enamel.

Try it ans see if it works. I like to add half a lemon to a cup of hot water and a bit of honey to make a cup of warm lemonade. Honey is good for the skin as well.
October 17, 2009


Improvement noticeable in skin after continuous use. More energy and a cleaner liver. Feel good about yourself.


Acidity of lemon juice is detrimental to your teeth. Drink through a straw.

This is by now means a cure however I do believe it did prove beneficial to the appearance of my skin and both my mental and physical well-being. Remember every alternate week to take a lesser dose to maintain maximum effect.
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August 26, 2009


One of the easiest things you can do! We all know it's important to stay hydrated anyways so this isn't a big step to take. I use the bottled juice (2 for $1) and it works well. I have seen a visible improvement over two or three weeks time.


Am a little worried about the possible enamel damage I have read about on this site ... must look into it more.

Certainly won't hurt and might help as well! Seems to even out skin tone, and in fact tastes pretty yummy too. Especially seeing that it's summer here it is important to stay hydrated, and the lemon just gives a little kick to my water and makes it very refreshing. (Can also make lemonade, either hot or cold - yum!) My skin had already been improving significantly over the past few months due to the regimen and other things, but adding this recently has kicked it up a notch. Not sure if it is helping with pimples per se, but definitely the overall clarity of my skin is better. I definitely recommend trying this, as the risks and costs involved are so low compared to a lot of other products and treatments you might try. Not a miracle cure, but something healthy (many benefits besides improved skin) that you can add in to your routine very easily every day.
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August 26, 2009


i just started using lemon juice today.. like not even 10 min ago... it is kinda clearing but i dont really see that much of a change.. i am goin to wait another day or so to see if i see a change.. and yes it does sting at 1st


it dont really taste that good

August 17, 2009




Tooth Sensitivity

Something really important that I didnt see posted on here yet in the other comments is that too much lemon juice can be harmful. DO NOT EXCEED ONE FULL LEMON PER DAY. I rotate 7 days on a half lemon and the next only every second day and then resume back to 7 days.
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August 12, 2009


I love lemon juice for many reasons...its helps with acne, brightens skin (when used topically), gives you energy, and reduces water weight (diuretic).


If you drink lemon juice.....may give you a sore throat if not dilluted enough
If you use lemon juice topically....if really burns, and i no long use this to treat acne topically

Lemon juice is cheap and has many benefits.
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July 1, 2009


I think it helped my acne a little but it might have just been the buttload of water I drank


Really bad for your teeth. Wears away enamel.

Lemons are very acidic so I stopped this method.
May 17, 2009


Tastes nice, Vitamin C, fresh fruit, good for the body


Erodes tooth enamel, so my dentist told me to stop drinking lemon water. Some say to drink it with a straw to avoid touching the teeth. Whatever you do, do not brush your teeth after drinking lemon water for at least 1 hour-it will wear enamel away

Lemon and lime juice are healthy, lovely, fresh, cleansing, full of vitamins -- all wonderful. The problem is that fruit acids and other food acids (like vinegar and wine) wear away the enamel of the teeth. My tooth enamel has worn away a lot due to all the acidic foods I used to love, and there is no way to fix this (the re-enamelizing toothpastes don't really put enamel back on your teeth). The dentists say not to brush your teeth after eating anything acidic for at least one hour, to give the teeth time to stabilize before applying the brush to them. My dentist says she can see the brush strokes on the surface of the teeth - due to the acid from the OJ that I drank every morning and then brushed my teeth straight afterwards (before going to work) - it had softened my teeth that much. Please do not trust the review below where the guy says to brush your teeth right after drinking lemon water - you can never get that enamel back. Besides the teeth issue, lemons are great!
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March 8, 2009


good for acne


bad for teeth

it's great for your skin...definately try it....to avoid damage to your enamel use a straw when drinking
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January 15, 2009


gives you energy, clears up skin, revs up your metabolism (hot cup of lemon water in the morning)


wears off enamel on teeth :[

I think everybody in the world should drink one cup of hot natural lemon water a day in the morning. It jumpstarts your metabolism, giving you more energy, and the acidity in it helps clean out your liver which can lead to clear skin. So everybody, DO IT
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