Lemon Juice (applied topically)

1226 Reviews

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December 3, 2007


It works.



I've tried EVERYTHING to make my face better. Ive tried proactiv, differn, retin-A, many pills, and over the counter products. Ive spend tons of money on products that didnt work. After using the lemon every morning and night, it helped clear up my face. My regime is using the Murad facewash and using a q- tip on the actual pimples. This really works, and I feel like I shouldnt be embarrassed of my face anymore.
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December 1, 2007


None. It really didnt help my skin.


It stung like sh*t and made my skin really red. I applied it to the blackheads on my nose and it was aweful, the sensation and look.

It made my skin worse, not better,s o i won't be using lemon juice ever again!
November 18, 2007


worked really well,cheap



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October 31, 2007


Shrinks pores, Dries pimples, Evens out skin complection


Can burn if you have sensitive skin, just don 't use too much of it. Keep it refrigerated

I've dealt with acne my whole life. I've used everything from verious perscription medications, to proactive, to over the counter products. The past few years my face goes in and out staying nice for a month, then breaking out, out of nowhere. The lemon juice, applied with daily washig using a mild soap has really helped alot
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October 20, 2007


I have oily skin and its keeps my skin less oily and gives it a clean feel and look


The con is you have to keep it cold so when it touches your skin it's freezing

I actually blend a cucumber and some lemon juice together I then put it on my skin a few time a day. Cucumber is known to be great on acne that is why I mix it in.
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October 18, 2007


got rid of my pimples in just 2 weeks



I've been suffering from acne for 1 yr,for 26 years i never had acne, my skin was fine, den i used the clinique 3step wishing to have a nicer skin and broke out after 3 days of using, i was so sad because i had pimples on every part of my face not just few pimples, but lots and lots of pimples. I tried everything from gycolic acid, proactiv, neutrogena, clean and clear,natural stuff like green tea, aloe vera nd etc and etc. i must have spent a fortune buying stuff that didn't work, den 2 weeks ago i read that drinking lemon juice with hot water b4 having ur breakfast cleanses your liver, so i tried it and after 1 wk i could see the difference and after 2 weeks i only have 1 pimple left, iam so amazed and happy, pls try it! the best lesson that i learned, don't be brainwashed of the things that big cosmetics and beauty companies sell, if you have a blemish free skin don't put anything on it or you might feel sorry!!!!
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October 17, 2007


Dries out pimples cause acidic. Works really well. Also add to a drink bottle every day and drink lemon water - skin clears up if you do this for a week of two.


Can cry out skin.

It works. It's one of those things that's natural and works. Like salt water in summer, drinking lots of water etc. These things are underated in clearing up skin.
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October 7, 2007


really works: helps to reduce breakouts, whiteheads and diminishes acne scars, I've already noticed positive effects after the first application


may irriate at the beginning, but your skin gets used to it.

I used fresh lemon juice, applied it several times a day, scars are fading, the appearence of my skin improved significantly.
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October 5, 2007


Tightens skin, give a nice glow, definatly reduces breakouts and makes decreaces the size of breakouts.


stings a bit for the first 10ish minutes after applying.

I usually use about a quarter of a lemon each day and apply once in the morning and once at night. I squeeze the juice into a container and smooth on like a toner. I dont wash it off, and just apply light makeup over it if i need to. It's been working really well for me... i've noticed some scars fading and have had dramatically less breakouts. It seems to be something that everyone reacts differently to, but it's cheap, so you might as well try it.
October 5, 2007


Makes Acne smaller


Realy dry and hurts a lot

I apply lemon juice on my forehead each night before i go to sleep. When i wake up the pimples are usually smaller but my skin feels very dry. I would recommend it to people with dry skin. I have also noticed that i seem to be getting alot more pimples than i did before i started using this. Not sure if its bcoz of the lemon juice or just because im getn more pimples.