Lemon Juice (applied topically)

1226 Reviews

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July 26, 2008


Cheap! It works! Smells nice.


Burning feeling - takes some getting used to.

I added lemon juice to my routine - it is the only thing I changed so I know it is what is giving me results. I have never had acne all over - just one or two really large painful bumps under the skin, new ones once or twice a week which take forever to heal. Since I have started using this - NO NEW BUMPS! And my face feels really soft and clean. I use it only at night diluted with water and let it dry - then apply 2.5% BP. I use St. Ives scrub AM/PM, and during the day AHA (Walgreens) with Neutrogena tinted moisturizer/sunscreen over it. I tried ACV also which seemed to be working - but lemon juice smells SO much better.
July 20, 2008


Cheap, works after a while


stings, but not significantly-->kind of sticky and gross at first.

It works after a while It will lighten spots, but not necessarily made them dissapear.
July 11, 2008




stings for about 5 minutes

I dont leave it on over night like may people, because that seems to harsh. Lemon juice is pretty acidic. I squeeze some juice into a little dish and soak a cotton swab with it and wipe it all over my face. there's no need to soak your face, becasue the leftover will just drip off and get on ur clothes. and if you want you can reapply it ontop. i leave the lemon juice on for about 2-3 hr then wash it off with warm water
July 11, 2008


Works very well, right away your skin feels refreshed. Soo Cheap too


Absolutely nothing

All natural and definately works, tried many other expensive products none did the job unto i tried the lemon juice. Just Wash face with hot water, then squeeze lemon onto cutip or pad and just dab onto face then wash off. Results in days
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July 10, 2008


Actually does the job.


May sting a little, but not much.

I've had horrible acne for 2 years, and I've tried everything. Absolutely nothing worked. A friend of mine on an internet message board recommended this to me, and it's been amazing. Within days, the swelling goes down on all of them, and they begin to dry up. Within 3 weeks, they're almost gone, and the scars are almost nonexistent. This is a cheap, immediate cure for acne and I will stand by this as the best treatment for acne ever.
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July 10, 2008


Helps acne ALOT. Lightened red marks and scars. Skin glows


Burns A LOT on my skin i had to jump up and down.

do work
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July 9, 2008


All natural is always nice, nice fragrance and lemons are always availabile :)


Stings slightly, but no biggie.

I am trying this for the first time..Ive tried a deep sea peel before on myscars, and thats worked but I still have a little ways to go.. and if it doesnt work then I dont lose money :) I have a lemon tree :)
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July 8, 2008


first off, i loved the results. it works!!!!


stings abit

highly recommend!!!first day so not sure if all my scars will go away but it seem to tighten my skin and reduce noticeable pores!!!
July 7, 2008


Without a doubt 100 percent yes clears skin


None man

soak face with *hot* wet towel or paper towel as hot as you can take to open your pores Take a lemon from the fridge, squeeze some lemon juice into your skin rinse face with cold water Within the first few tries you'll notice that it doesnt ''help'' with acne, but completely get's rid of it, and makes your skin look HEALTHY, you really do get this weird ''glow'' I can't emphasize this enough. FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS, don't use stupid chemichals on your skin, you're skin is something NATURAL, so it only makes sense to use something NATURAL
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July 5, 2008


drying out pimples!slightly lighten scars and its CHEAP


awfully stinging!

i tried all kind of drugstore products,neither works for me now!THEN I DECIDED TO TRY LEMON READING ABOUT IT ONLINE.ITS AMAZING!it reduces swelling and diminish size!But sadly it does not lighten my pimple scar so much. Worth a try though!
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