Lemon Juice (applied topically)

1226 Reviews

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December 15, 2009


smells good, makes skin soft, cheap


stings a little, dries a litlle

i have only used this once by dipping a cotton ball in the lemon juice, and i left it on over night, then in the morning, my skin was soft and my acne had already cleared a little bit. i want to keep using this though. hopefully it will work cuz i have tried everything it seems and nothing at all has worked and i have been suffering now for only 2 years but am fed up with it.
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December 13, 2009


It dries up acne, acts as an astringent.


Stinging and drying.

Mix with Green Tea and apply topically to face for great results against acne.
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December 6, 2009


Helps with redness, makes pimples smaller


Very drying, stings

This is a cheap, easy treatment for redness but can make skin dry, flaky or irritated
December 4, 2009


Gives skin a little bit of a glow, reduces pimple size, controls oil secretions, reduce pore size, lightens scars very slightly


Mild stinging and burning sensation, drying to the skin, doesn't do very much with my blackheads & scars

I use this as an astringent; I put about one or two tbsp. of lemon juice in a cup with an ice cube (helps close the pores :D ) and I just dip a cotton pad in it and apply the cold juice all over the affected areas. I don't put it all over the face as it can be very drying, especially during the winter months. I use vitamin E oil on the dry areas- works wonders! I do this every morning and night after I wash my face. It does help with existing acne- if I have a really big ones, I'll put the lemon juice over it and the next morning it won't hurt as bad and the swelling will go down a little. As for my scars, I haven't noticed a dramatic difference which is my main issue, apart from the blackheads. I don't get a lot of big breakouts anymore except when I'm stressed; however it seems as though the lemon juice works much better on those than with my actual scars & blackheads. I've been keeping this up for a few weeks so hopefully in a month or so my skin will improve!
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December 2, 2009


smells good. I hope it will fade my scars.


It just stings a little the first 5 minutes.

So I'm trying this for the first time now, I don't know if it works. First a cleaned my face, then a put on some alovera cream, then I cut a slice of the lemon and rubb it gently around my face (not eyes and lips). Burns a little, but it's starting to get bether now. I'm gonna leave it over night. (Sorry if my english is bad).
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December 1, 2009


pimples appeared smaller after first use


For me it only hurts for that first few secs. (Maybe I have a thick skin??? Haha.)

This is only my second time using..haven't seen any visible results on clearing skin or scars..Will continue using it since i'm not affected by the "stings" of lemon juice. Haha.
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November 29, 2009


made face a lot smoother, did not sting as much as everyone says.


not any improvements in acne.

try it, our skin might be different. so it may work for you. i'm going to keep trying it and hopefully it will work like evryone says it does.
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November 24, 2009


IT WORKS. Lightens skin. Clears acne (slowly but surely). Fades some acne marks (some stayed but less noticeable now). Verfy convenient. Just be patient. In a month or two it WILL WORK!


Stings a little. Besides that no other Cons.

I have been keeping up with these reviews on lemon (specifically these reviews here on acne.org for a few months now). I was using Murad a couple of months ago and saw these great reviews and decided to give lemon a try. It was hard to decide because i don't like change and Murad was slowly starting to work. I tried the lemon. It takes a loooooooong time for lemon to work. For me it did. I've been using lemon for about two and half months now and my skin is finally clear. it takes about a month to two months for it to start working. I still have my last Murad shipment unopened. I don't need it. I started using Limes over lemon now. Limes work better.
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November 17, 2009


Works, tastes good


None really

Do NOT rely on this as your only acne product. I did, and for two days I ran out of lemons and had literally the worst breakout of my life. Huge cysts that I'm still trying to get rid of. Use it as a supplement.
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November 15, 2009


Clears acne FOR REAL


Burns, swelling, redness

Be PATIENT and it will work. Don't be too fast to dump the idea because things will get worse before they get better, but when they get better, its like a miracle.
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