Lavender Oil

63 Reviews

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March 30, 2013


Can mix it in with products
Less redness
Helped me sleep


Didn't really work for me
The smell can be a bit pungent

I put 2 drops if lavender oil in my moisturizer at night and noticed a difference in the redness of my pimples. Other than that it didn't do much else. Still a very good product though.
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June 30, 2011


Smells good
Not greasy


redness continous
did not prevent pimples
scars did not reduce

i have tried lavender oil for 3 weeks and i don't see any improvement. Maybe it works differently for individuals. My pimples still came out despite applying day.and night. I thought it can reduce scar marks, but honestly i did not see any marks lightened. It smells great though, making me sleep better at night
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March 29, 2009


Reduces redness, kills inflammation, basically zaps your zits. Someone else put that this zaps zits better than bp - they're right! if you have an open zit, put this in it and let it dry. Works like gangbusters.


I've read that it can cause photosensitivity. I've not experienced dryness from my usage (and I'm slathering it all over, undiluted, so know what to expect from your skin)

This is by far the best thing I've found for my acne. I'm well on my way to clear now and it's been two weeks. If you would have told me two weeks ago that lavender oil would be able to do this, I would have laughed at you. I've had mild acne that decided to upgrade itself to moderate within the last two years (I'm 21 now). I went to work on it with BP, salicylic acid, various moisturizers, including cetaphil and aloe vera. alpha hydroxy acids, organic honey, you name it. (oh and aspirin masks and egg whites) This is the secret. Folks, it works better than honey + BP ( All I can say is get it get it get it. I wash my face at night and put this on and some AHA on for good measure. Every morning my skin looks better. I could actually have a shot at being completely clear in another few weeks or so (few more bumps on my cheeks and some redness there as well...)
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August 8, 2008


everything, why doesn't more people use this?!
smells awesome
makes skin radient


nothing yet

i used this the first day and seen results it calms ur skin, evens the tone, and kills acne
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August 24, 2014
I wasn't sure about this, it seemed a very outdated ideology - I read somewhere that its name is derived from the latin word 'lavare' meaning 'to wash'. When I tried it I didn't see much difference but at least it made my face feel nice n' clean, not to mention it SMELLS AMAZING I will always love lavender <3 XX
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September 22, 2011


makes skin as smooth as ever!


i get nauseas when around lavender smell

i put this in a mask of my own concoction and when i took it off my face was amazingly smooth, the only skin smoother than right then was a baby's bare butt! it was amazing! i wasnt using this for acne itself mostly just a moisturizer and it was amazing!!!!
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February 10, 2009


Takes redness away within 5 mins, anit-bacteria and anti-inflammatory. Helps heal scars. Dries up pimples in a night sometimes! It's hardly "oily" - put it on slightly dmap skin so it soaks in if worried.


None. Well can be drying but only slightly and not really on anywhere but the pimples wihich is what you want dried up.

Only thing I've found that I put on a pimple i picked :S and it dried it up (no pus came back as it usually does). Not only dried it up but took the inflammation away completely. The small scab peeled off in a couple of days and left perfect unscarred skin underneath.
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April 1, 2008


It worked wonders. It keeps my skin clear and is worth the price. You also aren't pumping your skin with chemicals like over-the-counter products.


Doesn't work on all skin types.

It works great.
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March 2, 2009


Smells great, easy to use, natural healing oil, no side effects, cheap (£5)- it lasts forever...well not forever but for a long time. Oh and it is a natural insect repellant.


If used neat it could burn the skin or cause dryness, if you have sensitive skin like mine. Mix with a carrier oil like coconut or almond = no problems.

Its worth a shot. Try it, what have you got to loose...! It feels soothing and very calming on skin. Prevents acne as well as fighting existing acne. does not clog pores or cause rashes (unless used neat on sensitive skin) best thing to do is 1 drop of lavender oil with 5 drops of coconut/almond oil....use as face cream twice a day. Non greesy aswel!
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July 14, 2009




Didn't work.

I bought a little bottle of pure organic lavender oil at Wholefoods. I tried it for about 3 weeks, but did not see any results whatsoever. I still got new pimples and the old ones didn't go away. I have not tried this, however, on squeezed pimples. I'm trying not to squeeze them to prevent bad scarring. So I don't know its drying effects on squeezed pimples. I have tried applying small amounts, and have also increased the dosage by applying a drop each to my forehead, cheeks and chin in the morning and at night before going to sleep, but have seen no results.
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