Lavender Oil

63 Reviews

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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March 2, 2009


Smells great, easy to use, natural healing oil, no side effects, cheap (£5)- it lasts forever...well not forever but for a long time. Oh and it is a natural insect repellant.


If used neat it could burn the skin or cause dryness, if you have sensitive skin like mine. Mix with a carrier oil like coconut or almond = no problems.

Its worth a shot. Try it, what have you got to loose...! It feels soothing and very calming on skin. Prevents acne as well as fighting existing acne. does not clog pores or cause rashes (unless used neat on sensitive skin) best thing to do is 1 drop of lavender oil with 5 drops of coconut/almond oil....use as face cream twice a day. Non greesy aswel!
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February 10, 2009


Takes redness away within 5 mins, anit-bacteria and anti-inflammatory. Helps heal scars. Dries up pimples in a night sometimes! It's hardly "oily" - put it on slightly dmap skin so it soaks in if worried.


None. Well can be drying but only slightly and not really on anywhere but the pimples wihich is what you want dried up.

Only thing I've found that I put on a pimple i picked :S and it dried it up (no pus came back as it usually does). Not only dried it up but took the inflammation away completely. The small scab peeled off in a couple of days and left perfect unscarred skin underneath.
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January 27, 2009


Its so great, helps me sleep, clear my acne overnight. In one week, they will be gone I'm sure. I love it.



I purchased my at Fred Meyer for $10. Its in organic section. Its so worth it. It kills acne so fast, I can't believe. it. I already tried numerous products, you name it, I will tell you the process I used that product. Everything, either they work very little or not at all and have to wait long time. Lavender oil is the best!. You should definitely try for your acne, you will be very glad.
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September 4, 2008


Works fast, easy to use, natural, afordable


a little drying but your acne is gone so who cares?

Clears pimples and scars amazingly fast! I've been using it every day for about 2 weeks and all my scars and pimples are well on their way to being history! It's the best thing I've ever used and I've used tons of creams and washes both cheap and expensive. I spent over 20 $ on a small tube of vichy cream to get rid of pimples and now I realize that was a waste, lavender works 5 times better and its natural! Use this and egg whites to clear your face! Also mix a few drops of lavender into your egg white and into whatever lotion you use on your face for amazing results. Oh, and if you're a guy like me only use it when you plan on staying in otherwise you'll smell strongly of lavender, use before bed for better looking skin every morning!
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August 8, 2008


everything, why doesn't more people use this?!
smells awesome
makes skin radient


nothing yet

i used this the first day and seen results it calms ur skin, evens the tone, and kills acne
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April 1, 2008


It worked wonders. It keeps my skin clear and is worth the price. You also aren't pumping your skin with chemicals like over-the-counter products.


Doesn't work on all skin types.

It works great.
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February 19, 2008


My daughter has been using lavender, bergamot and geranium oil, mixed with a carrier oil, from a natural therapeutist, so far so good. It slows the oil production by normalising the hormones in the skin and stops new spots forming.


It takes a couple of weeks to work but you can see it working, slowly.

definitely worth a try. My daughter is much happier. She had tried virtually everything and this is the only thing that has worked.
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