Jojoba Oil

487 Reviews

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July 10, 2011


Really good moisturizer
Makes skin feel nice


Makes face look oily
Causes little red comadones

I used this once with the Regimen when my face was dry and the nest day my cheeks were covered in small red bumps, which I later discovered to be comadones.
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June 27, 2011


lightweight oil


I broke out so bad....

I broke me out.
June 22, 2011


Can be added to your regular moisturizer to boost it.


Can clog pores and lead to breakouts in some people

Unfortunately, everybody's skin is different and this stuff is really no different from any other moisturizer in that it has the potential to make you break out (i think this stuff is very over-hyped, to be honest). I experimented with jojoba oil for over a year (used it consistently for months at a time) after reading all the glowing reviews in which people claimed it changed their life. But even as it gave me dewy skin and relief from the annoying dryness that often accompanies the use of acne topicals, more often than not, whenever I used it, it just led to more zits (even as my topicals seemed to be clearing me!). So yeah, I wouldn't recommend this for people with oily acne-prone skin. In the first place, acne is essentially caused by an overproduction of sebum (which contrary to popular belief, results solely from hormonal fluctuations--NOT dry skin!) that gets trapped in the follicles and becomes impacted. Unless you're doing a round of accutane, putting more oil on your acne-prone skin is more likely to result in additional pore cloggage pores and zits.
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January 6, 2011


Does make skin glow


Forehead bumps

For me, it didn't work. That said, my skin was pretty damaged before I used jojoba oil. I was hoping it would gently moisturize my skin so that it could recover, but it either dried me out more or was so ineffective as a moisturizer that the cold winter dried my face out. I'm pretty sure it was the jojoba oil that was causing me problems because I was pretty clear using nothing but water to wash my face an using petroleum jelly at night to lock in moisture. I switched from the Vaseline to jojoba oil, and that's when I had issues. Try it, but test it first before going crazy
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December 6, 2010


Made my skin soft


Caused MASSIVE clogged pores that turned into red spots

I started using 1 drop of jojoba oil (so nothing excessive) in with my moisturiser and applied it to my face twice daily. At first my skin seemed quite happy, as well as nice and soft. After a week or so I started getting breakouts around my chin and mouth where I've never had them before. These were very red and tender, and when they came to a head a MASSIVE plug came out. I mean unreasonably big, about 5 times the size of my normal clogged pores. At first I didn't attribute this to the jojoba oil as everyone has said it doesn't clog pores, so I persevered. Nothing else had changed in my routine, but I tried switching to a non-fluoride toothpaste, which after two weeks hadn't helped. At this point I decided to dig further on jojoba oil and discovered that it can be pore-blocking for SOME people. I guess I am one of the unlucky few. My skin also didn't like bio oil and vitamin e oil, so maybe this kind of product just isn't for me. I've used jojoba oil consistently for about 6 weeks so I'm sure this isn't an initial purging phase.
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April 11, 2010


less blackheads, pores is smaller


serious breakout

dun want to continue using it after several weeks. Massive and serious breakout, leaving red small bumps, and numerous cysts/nodules/pimples. never seem to improve much throughout the weeks. face become inflamed with acne scars. because i scare if continue, it become worse(i nv see improvement..yet).. gonna stop. would like to believe is my skin purging..but when purgin become excessive...the scars is also smth that i nid to do smth about..
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February 16, 2010


Controlled oil overproduction, Faded dark marks


Caused small bumps

I used this product and it initially worked and I was over joyed. My super oily skin was NORMAL and also all my dark marks faded COMPLETELY. About 2 months into using it, I started getting small bumps (a type of acne I never had) all over my face, in places that I never had acne before (ex. temples, eyebrows) so I had to stop using it. My face was the clearest it had ever been and I thought i found my miracle product, but unfortunately, it did not last. Maybe you will not experience the outbreak I did. It did work VERY WELL initially which is why I am recommending it.
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September 14, 2009


powerful moisterizer


shiny, very greesy feel, may cause clogging of poors in some people

It's no secret, jojoba oil is a great moisterizer, but when it comes to all the other rumored benefits, I remain highly skeptical. I did not see any decrease in oil production. In fact, I am pretty sure it caused some cystic breakouts in areas particularly where I have facial hair. I suspect that it somehow clumped around the hairs/pores and caused dirt/sweat/oil buildup. This is even after I rinsed my face with water after applying jojoba to remove excess jojoba. Personally, I feel like rubbing in Aloe (such as Fruit of the Earth) all over the face does a much better job in overall oil control, healing, and a general feeling of cleanliness. I would stay away from this unless your skins is not very acne or oil prone.
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June 19, 2009


Feels to use! :)



I am literally stunned that nobody else seems to have this issue--I broke out soooo badly. I think it sounds like a great plan...and I'm really happy that it works for so many people. I used this nightly for a couple weeks and began getting MASSIVE red, painful, UGLY pimples all over my face. I figured this was the "purging" process, and I'd stick it out. Huge mistake. It took me months and months and months for my skin to clear up again after I stopped using it. However, I made my boyfriend use it (at the beginning, when I was gung-ho), and he experienced no ill-effects...and I think it did help a bit with blackheads. So maybe it's just me! But I would NEVER do this again...worst skin mistake I've ever made!
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February 5, 2009


appeared good for skin.


my 20 months old daughter who is allergic developed swolen eyes just by putting her hands on her eyes after touching jojoba oil. It gave serious swelling underneath both the eyes.

be careful in its use if your child is allergic to enviroment.
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