Jojoba Oil

487 Reviews

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June 28, 2011


chances of irritation are very small
great moisturizer
not toxic like some essential oils
a little goes a long way


can sting and itch a bit
somehow never absorbs fully when used with BP

I am using jojoba oil as a moisturizer. The first few weeks I felt a lot of stinging after applying it... the itchiness occasionally occurs again but not as intense. If I apply it straight after cleansing. When I don't use BP it seems to leave less oily residue on my skin... this might of course just be my skin! I think you need to use a tiny amount in order to let the skin fully absorb it
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June 27, 2011


lightweight oil


I broke out so bad....

I broke me out.
June 22, 2011


Can be added to your regular moisturizer to boost it.


Can clog pores and lead to breakouts in some people

Unfortunately, everybody's skin is different and this stuff is really no different from any other moisturizer in that it has the potential to make you break out (i think this stuff is very over-hyped, to be honest). I experimented with jojoba oil for over a year (used it consistently for months at a time) after reading all the glowing reviews in which people claimed it changed their life. But even as it gave me dewy skin and relief from the annoying dryness that often accompanies the use of acne topicals, more often than not, whenever I used it, it just led to more zits (even as my topicals seemed to be clearing me!). So yeah, I wouldn't recommend this for people with oily acne-prone skin. In the first place, acne is essentially caused by an overproduction of sebum (which contrary to popular belief, results solely from hormonal fluctuations--NOT dry skin!) that gets trapped in the follicles and becomes impacted. Unless you're doing a round of accutane, putting more oil on your acne-prone skin is more likely to result in additional pore cloggage pores and zits.
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June 15, 2011


gets rid of flakiness that almost nothing would
really soft skin
natural product



I've tried so many different things for my face with no success. Lately I had been trying more natural products and a friend suggested jojoba oil, albeit I was a little skeptical at first, putting oil right on my face. In the end the results speak for themselves I have had no breakouts so far plus it has multiple uses! In the end I think it ended up being a great investment!
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June 12, 2011


Incredibly Versatile.
DO NOT USE all these other moisturizers claiming perfection, the trick is keeping nutrients inside the skin.
I also use for my hair after showers, has cured my mild dandruff.


Can be a little greasy if too much is applied, however, easily counteracted by wiping off, or using less.

The best moisturizer by a country mile. So gentle. All these 'new' 'innovative' products for sale simply do more harm than good. i.e. shampoos which eradicate all essential oils in your hair. Keep it simple people, let the body do its work. I recommend reading these pages: [link removed] is a huge wealth of information about acne and rosacea here, changed my life reading about diet, PH, GI index, irritation etc. I even used there product for about 8 months, it really helped my skin, however ive switched to BP to get the final clearance complete.
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June 9, 2011


Helps out a lot with dry skin
Doesn't break me out


Can make your face look shiny

I used to never have problems with dry skin. Like ever. Then last year, my skin started getting extremely dry and flaky. Any moisturizer that I have tried will not keep the dry skin away, by itself. I decided to try the jojoba oil, and it is the one thing that works for my dry skin. I've heard that some people use jojoba oil as a moisturizer by itself, but I didn't have much success with just that. But adding in a few drops to whatever moisturizer I'm using (usually Cetaphil) makes a huge difference. I still get a few flakes here and there, but nothing like my skin would be like if I didn't use jojoba oil. It does make your skin a little shiny looking if you use a lot, but that doesn't bother me. I'd prefer slightly shiny skin over very flaky skin. I can't tell exactly if it helps out with my acne in any way, but it doesn't make it worse in any case. And like a lot of people have mentioned, it does make a pretty good lip balm as well.
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May 29, 2011


Very moisturizing
Doesn't clog pores
Multi-use (lip balm)
Works well in conjunction w/ moisturizer


Doesn't absorb well

I enjoy this product. I use it everyday and it helps control flakiness. It is a great addition to my Cetaphil moisturizer. I would recommend this product, but not as an exfoliator because of the unnecessary iritaa
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May 27, 2011


soft skin
REALLY reduces oily skin with frequent use
reduces swelling and painfull pimples
evens out skin tone
reduces some scars with frequent use


horrible initial breakout

LOVE IT however the hard part is pushing on through the initial breakout, i stuck with it and now i only have 1 active pimple on my face i both cleanse and moisterise with it, my skin is neither dry nor oily, i think i can officially say i have normal skin now! breakout takes about 3 days to develop and about 2 weeks to clear up depending on how much junk was hidden underneath your skin
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March 5, 2019

How long did it take for the IB to be over?  I'm week 2 and breaking out? 

May 25, 2011


Perfectly balanced my skin's moisture
Moisturizes dry hair
Softens hands and cuticles
Absorbs in and doesn't feel greasy


Made me breakout worse than EVER before

I bought this product after reading endless pages of reviews on this website. Whenever i came across someone who said "it made me breakout" I would tell myself that they must be doing something else that made them breakout, because this stuff isn't supposed to do that. So here is what happened with me: I have skin I would classify as dry, super sensitive, and acne prone. The only thing that ever kept my face clear was differin gel (retin-a) but my insurance stopped covering it and it costs me $200 a tube now. So I switched back to clean and clear salicyclic acid, which was working okay but I still had mild-to-moderate breakouts (I didn't do BP because my skin reacts horribly with it). Then I discovered dessert essence. I purchased tea tree oil (kinder to skin) and diluted it down to 5%, and purchased 100% pure jojoba oil. I would use the oil morning and night, sometimes mixed with a little tea tree oil, and was loving it. However, my breakouts went from mild/moderate to moderate/severe, which I figured was of course the purging period. Well after about a month and a half, I bit the bullet and purchased differin again. It makes my skin super dry and sensitive, so I continued to use the jojoba oil as my moisturizer. My acne slightly cleared up again, but never back to where I wanted it. Well one weekend I went to visit my parents and accidentally left both the differin and jojoba oil at their house. I had to go without for a week, so I used my tea tree oil mixed into my old moisturizing cream and surprise, my skin ENTIRELY cleared up. The moral of the story? Jojoba oil made my skin far worse than ever before, particularly when it comes to those large red pimples with giant white heads in them that are impossible to hide. I have never had more than one at a time previously and would have like 7 or 8 at a time with the oil. I now use the dessert essence thoroughly clean face line and my dryness, sensitivity, and acne a
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May 18, 2011


- Gets rid of flakiness that many, many moisturizers fail to succeed at doing
- Reduces redness
- Has somewhat reduced appearance of laugh lines on my face


- If you are travelling, be careful on how you package this. I recently went down to Texas, arrived and the bottle was pierced and had leaked. Luckily I double plastic bagged it so didn't get all over my clothes. I don't travel much at all - so as much as I want to blame the people who handle the luggage - I could've probably packaged it up better.
- Can give an oily appearance, so I suggest using it at night! (If you use it in the morning, suggest just using a single drop)

My forehead and nose get pretty oily but the rest of my face - dry and flaky. I currently use Clinique's Dramatically Lotion, although overall it does a good job, it never really did the job in keeping some of the flakes away. Jojoba oil is the only product I have used that has really helped to "get rid" of this issue. I mix about 2-3 drops in with the moisturizer, and I no longer suffer through flaking skin. I also use it once-twice a week on my legs after I exfoliate them. Has given me much smoother, sexier feeling legs :)
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