Hydrogen Peroxide

294 Reviews

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June 24, 2011


Works well
works fast
doesn't smell


bleaches hair
my hair turned from dark brown to blonde...

It's great. i've used tons of acne products. I've even used prescription creams and pills. This is just as effective for me, & way cheaper. You can pay over $100 for prescription or you can spend $2.00 on this.
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June 24, 2011


Red marks less noticeable
Even skin tone
Prevents future breakouts
reduces redness and pimple size


Bleaches hair
Takes a week to see difference

I should have discovered it before. I see a huge improvement on my skin. My skin loves it.
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June 14, 2011


makes red spots/marks less visible
good antibacterial toner
oxidizes comedones to surface on the top, thus making it easy to extract
less irritating than Benzoyl Peroxide
can be used long term
very very cheap


not an overnight relief
stings on first few tries
can bleach the hair
can be a bit drying, so use moisturizer
takes a week to see the effect

for 50 cents at food4less, it's almost free! anyone who haven't tried this is surely missing his life.
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April 22, 2011


You can feel it penetrating your pores and breaking down bacteria. Gives a more even skin tone over time by lightening red spots. Greatly reduces size of pimples and heals them more quickly. My skin seems to be handeling it quite well and I use it twice a day as a toner.


Bleaches eyebrows if not careful when applying to forehead. A little dryness at times, nothing a little moisturizer can't fix.

I have been struggeling with severe acne since I was 14 and I am 24 now. I have spent so much money on proactive, antibiotics, tons of skin cleansers etc. I have been using H.P. as a toner for 5 months now, and I will never buy another skin product again (except a good face wash and moisturizer). To wash my face I use neutrogena "Clear Pore" skin cleanser/mask which has benzoyl peroxide in it. I notice that washing your face with the benzoyl peroxide works much better than leaving it on all day. Then I apply the H.P. as a toner after washing, using a moisturizer or sun screan afterwards. This is the only thing that has ever worked consistantly for me. I suggest that anyone try it that has had no luck with other skin products. I think the benzoyl peroxide makes acne worse if left on all day. Hydrogen peroxide WORKS.
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March 20, 2011


Works quickly
Doesnt smell
Doesnt dry to bad


Stings a bit

Whenever I get a whitehead, I feel so compelled to just pop that sucker! When I do,immedietly right after I put some hydrogen peroxide on a cotton pad and dab it on the pimple. In a couple of mins the pimple is already a scab and much smaller,then it heals quickly. Pimple is almost gone the next day. Stuff works like a charm!
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March 6, 2011


works great
i see overnight results


makes my eyes water sometimes
dries skin
irritates skin sometimes

if you use a moisturizer, which i do, your skin doesnt dry up anymore. the results are amazing! i use hydrogen peroxide on the affected area then on the pimple i sometimes put neosporin, which helps a lot. i use Aveeno positively radiant daily moisturizer to help with dryness. my skin used to be really bad but now all the acne goes away. good luck with you skin!
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December 2, 2010


- Cheap!
- I find it works better than Benzoyl Peroxide
- Disinfects hair follice
- Enables blemishes to come to a head and thus be extracted easily
- Kills zits fast


- Hurts a bit if applied to an open lesion

I decided to try this after reading some positive reviews about it. Benzoyl Peroxide had begun giving me large painful papules and I needed a substitute. Home remedies recommeneded on this site have worked in the past so I thought why not. It penetrates the pore much more effectively than BP, and with far less irritation flaking of the skin afterwards. I dip a q-tip in the bottle and apply to any red spots. Good stuff and great value for money. I will keep using it.
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November 26, 2010


Clears acne
Disinfects any popped spots
lightens acne marks and red marks


Will bleach eyebrows

Ok- bottom line this works. Yes, it can be considered harsh, but not any where near as harsh as BP in my opinion. This does not make my skin flaky or dry, and it dries out my spots in no time. If I hold this on a spot that is just starting, it makes it go away. It also lightens acne marks over time, and helps even out skin tone. It can be a little stingy, if you have an open acne or sore, but it does help. I always use either Thayer's witch hazel with lavender, or Dan's AHA+ after using this, and my acne is clearing quickly.
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November 13, 2010


Cheap, not time consuming,


Bleaches eyebrows in it comes in contact.

I only have acne on my forehead, and I'm horrible at picking at my skin, so if I do pick too much, and dig in my skin too much, the peroxide heals it up really quickly. It's super cheap (about 99c for a big bottle which last a long time) I put it on my forehead but I have to be REALLY careful that none of it drips onto my eyebrows because it did bleach them yellow and I looked like I barely had any eyebrows. Most acne products (homemade or store bought) help really well for the first week and then stop helping and my acne gets worse, but Hydrogen Peroxide is reliable and helps every time!
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November 1, 2010


Clear acne
Shrinks pimples
Easy to apply


A little dryness

I can not believe I waited so long and spent lots of money on other treatments. This is under a dollar, compared to many kits that cost more than 20 dollars. Easy to apply. Just used a cotton ball and spread over entire face. Wait to dry. Apply any oil-free lotion. Of course, wash with any face cleanser you prefer prior to applying H.P. I have suffered from acne long enough and I can't believe I have seen results within the first day of using it!
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