Hydrogen Peroxide

294 Reviews

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December 16, 2011


Great so far!



I will update my review in a week or so...but it worked awesome just in two days. I applied it on my stubborn acne first with a q tip after I washed and cleansed my face...held the q tip on the spot for like 20 sec. And then used a cotton ball and held it on my old acne marks...left it on my face 2-5 min...then washed and toned my face...no new break outs...and typically I would know the next day if a product would work..some have, but then they would stop working...it has lightend my red acne marks.
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December 14, 2011


Cleared my moderately severe acne almost completely in just a few weeks
Very inexpensive
Easily accessible


Can bleach eyebrows and hairline
Stings for just a second but most other toners are much worse
Smells weird for a few seconds but dissipates quickly

This is amazing. You have to atleast try it. I have had bad cystic acne since I was 10 years old and I'm 22 now. I have been on accutane 3 times, minocycline, doxycycline, spironolactone, proactiv, retin-a, and literally every cream, gel, or serum that a derm can prescribe. Nothing ever really helped. I used this one night and overnight my small whiteheads disappeared. After about 5 days I had no white heads and my cysts were noticeably smaller. People started asking me how my skin got so clear. I've been using it for about 4 weeks now and even the stubborn hormonal zits along my jawline are gone. This can bleach eyebrows and your hairline so be very careful. I have ridiculously oily skin and this dries me out a bit. People with dry sensitive skin might not like this, however this is a pro not a con for me. I think it may be lightening my scars a bit too. In the AM I wash my face with the orange neutrogena acne face wash, use hydrogen peroxide as a toner, use a small amount of clean and clear moisturizer that has salicylic acid At night I use the same routine but I cleanse twice, once to remove makeup and once to actually cleanse my skin. I would definitely recommend this to anyone.
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December 9, 2011


Kills bacteria
Helps the healing process


Can be messy

It's great for a spot treatment, or after you pop a pimple
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December 8, 2011


- It dries the pimple!
- Clears my skin within a week!
- Leaves my skin smooth and acne-free!
- Inexpensive!


- Dries the skin a bit, but no big deal!
- Stings a litte, but it only lasts 5 seconds!

I've had a huge breakout on my chin and it has helped me a lot. I just started using hydrogen peroxide and it has changed my life! I feel more confident with my skin. I usually get breakouts, even though I use clean&clear cleansers, I still get a pimple here and there. This is my solution to clear skin! Hopefully this keeps my skin clear & beautiful. I started using this , about 3 days ago & I can already say my skin is looking better than ever! I suggest anyone that has a breakout, even if it's a little tiny pimple. Treat it with this & it'll be gone the next day! Thumbs up for CLEAR SKIN <3
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December 6, 2011


Dries up my pimples
Clears my skin in less than a week
Great for emerging pimples.


Dries the skin, but it's worth it just apply moistrizer!

It's a miracle! I used a lot of acne treatments and I never knew this would work, until I read an article online and my skin is amazing! No break outs! And my skin has been clear for about 3 months now and still going, but I still do apply it regualry just because it works great! :)
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November 15, 2011


-Heals existing blemishes
-Decreases amount of new pimples
-Reduces redness
-Readily available at any drugstore


-Can be painful for a few seconds

I've struggled with acne for two years and over the last three months, it has become severe, covering 80 percent of my face in pustules, painful nodules, whiteheads, smaller pimples, scarring, and discoloration. The physical pain became so bad, it woke me up at night to lay on my face. I've tried so many products--gels, cream washes, spot treatments, masks, foams. Salysylic Acid, Benzoyl Peroxide. Sulfur. Doxycycline oral medication. It became exhausting and frustrating and expensive. My dermatologist prescribed me Acutane as a last resort, but I'm uninsured and can't afford the high price out of pocket. I thought I was stuck forever and that my acne would continue to get worse as it had been over three months time. I started using Hydrogen Peroxide though as I knew how it is used to clean sores on the rest of the body and I noticed a difference within three days (I also combine it with Dial soap and Tea Tree Oil--see below). I had 32 whiteheads on my chin when I began using HP and they were cleared within three days. After 6 days, the larger,pustules and nodules began going down and drying out. The pain in my face went away and I do not get the nodules anymore. My face has improved so much and in a short amount of time. While my face has scars and some smaller blemishes and is not where I want it to be yet (oh to have a smooth face with NO zits at all), it is by far the most effective and fast product compared to the rest I used. My regimine: 1. Wash face with an anti-bacterial soap (i.e. DIAL) 2. Apply HP to a cotton swab and dab lightly to the affected areas (steering clear of eyebrows and hair line as it can dye it) 3. When it dries, I put Tea Tree Oil on a cotton swab and dab the affected area. I don't use a moisturizer because I have oily skin and also live in a tropical/humid climate, so I don't have much over-drying. But I would recommend using a moisturizer for anyone else because the HP and TTO have tendencies to over-
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September 9, 2011


cleans out infections


can ruin your life if you drink it

use only for cuts and infections
August 28, 2011


Really does help clear acne.
VERY cheap.
Easy to apply, no mess.


While results start fast, it does take time to get full results.
Can bleach hair/eyebrows if not applied correctly.

I am 27, and have had clear skin most of my life until this year. For some reason, my skin broke out horribly on my forehead and I could not get it to clear. I saw this article about trying hydrogen peroxide and so started a regimine with it. When my acne was really bad, and my face was ultra oily, I washed my face and applied hydrogen peroxide to my forehead (affected areas) with a q-tip three times a day- to not apply to eyebrows and keep from getting too close to hair line. I followed with a nice natural herbal moisturizer.The acne began clearing noticibly within about 1-2 weeks. My husband was even commenting about my clearing complexion. I waivered from my regimine and was so distraut about my face I went to a dermatologist; I was told I have acne, duh, and that I needed some benzyl peroxide and Ziana. I fully intended to fill those prescriptions until I found out it would cost me about $650.00 for both (I am uninsured). To make a long story short, I bought the face wash recommended by the dermatologist: Neutrogena Clear Pore Wash/Mask and did a daily regimine of washing and using peroxide twice a day, and moisturizer before bed. After a few more weeks, the acne was DRASTICALLY diminished (my family was saying how much better my face was looking- they were surprised to know I was using peroxide). Today, my acne is about 95% gone. I have a few little pimples here or there, though I don't know too many people who don't. When they pop up I just rub them real well with some peroxide and it helps. I now longer have that gross oil feild on my forehead, and I still use peroxide, just once a day, or every other day now. My skin looks SO MUCH BETTER! I am going to start trying some lemon topically to see if I can help with some of the scarring now. Hope it helps too!
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July 21, 2011


feels like it's working.


stings a bit.

I saw a bunch of reviews on HP and decided to give it a shot. I was on doxy for almost 8 months and it worked amazingly for me. sadly I have become immune to the drug and I had a horrible breakout from a perfectly clear face. I was surprised of all the good reviews pertaining to this product. I hope it helps until I can go onto tetra.
July 12, 2011


- Works instantly
- You can see and feel it working (warning: painful)
- Will, if properly applied - penetrate skin to work on an un-popped zit
- Penetrates deep on those recurrent 'underground' pimples
- Helps bring pimple to a head
- Speeds scabbing
- Speeds Healing
- Seems to reduce the formation or buildup of scar tissue
- Related to Benzoyl Peroxide - probably THE original acne medication - a testament to how well peroxides work on acne
- Dries excess o


- Burns like a mofo
- Dries out the skin (partial: Pro)
- Will cause some skin to peel.
- Bleaches hair, eyebrows, beards and sometimes clothing if you're not careful.
- Causes zits to (temporarily) look really puss-filled and gross. Effect subsides after 10-15 minutes
- Slightly smelly - but less that some other treatments

Use it! Seriously... It really works. Maybe better than anything else out there. And it's wicked cheap. I have never had much acne but when I do get the occasional zit, it's often a real doozy. For some reason, I seem to be breaking out more as I get older. Something to do with changing body chemistry. Anyway, this is the only thing that helps at all. A few spot applications, some waiting and some gentle squeezing coaxing at the appropriate time - and I can usually get it cleared up in as little as a day or two. You do have to be careful using it. Apply only on the zit and never around it as it dries the skin out. This seems to reduce the excess oils in the skin associated with acne so it really helps but you don't want to put it all over your face. Also, he reason it works as an antimicrobial is that it penetrates and oxidizes, thereby killing small organisms. Your skin cells are no different so, expect some peeling and don't over do it. It bleaches stuff too, so try to avoid hair and clothes unless you're already a platinum blonde in tennis whites. Also, it causes zits to appear more puss-filled than they actually are for a little while. Gross to look at. Effect subsides after about 10-15 minutes so don't apply in restaurant bathroom as you'll be there for awhile waiting for the whiteness to subside. Otherwise, Hydrogen Peroxide is Da Bomb and I would highly recommend it to anyone out there with acne issues. It's really cheap, available at any drug local store, works like a charm, and is basically a 'natural' remedy.
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