The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.
August 23, 2015
So far so good
I started using hydrogen peroxide as an astringent about a month and a half ago and have seen great results. The whiteheads are healing and I don't have new ones daily anymore. Blackheads are even going away. I only use it at night all over my face. After about five minutes I use an oil free lotion. So far so good. BTW I am a 40 year old mom of three.
February 3, 2010
Can sting
I forgot to mention also that for hydrogen peroxide to work best, you SHOULD pop the pimples/acne. This allows the hydro-peroxide to get in the blemishes and add oxygen to it. This is what hydro-peroxide does and why it works! So popping actually helps in this case, as long as you immediately put hydro-peroxide on it. It will sting, but it will also!
April 23, 2012
Works, Cheap, Gentle
May bleach hair
Hands down, hydrogen peroxide is the BEST acne treatment I've ever used.
I have been on Accutane, Minocyclein, Doxycycline, Tazorac, Aczone, Benzyl Peroxide, Retin A, Differin and all the other prescriptions a dermatologist can prescribe.. along with everything from CVS, cutting out gluten and dairy from my diet. I tried proactive, birth control pills ... I was devastated from loosing my battle with acne until I tried the last thing I could think of (after trying garlic cloves, honey, orange peels, nutmeg.. etc on my skin).
Hydrogen Peroxide worked for me. It took about two weeks applying it twice daily.It drastically reduced my acne and evened out my skin tone. I'd recommend it to anyone struggling to clear up his or her skin. :)
February 12, 2010
Clears scars and cystic pimples fast
If you get it too close to your eyes can cause irritation
Just started using, woke up with a huge pimple on my chin, popped it then put HP on it. . . .let it do its thing, in 5minutes looked in the mirror and was as if the pimple reduced in half the size and was dried out. Usually this process takes me a week, not a day! Its a quick easy way to clean out the bacteria.
After a day scars are getting lighter, that usually take a month to dissapear.
I also use it as a mouth wash to whitten teeth and its other benificial uses for preventing cavities.
It sounds too good to be true but it works if you do it right. and its also still important to do your research on it as to not overuse and cause any permenant skin damage.
December 2, 2010
- Cheap!
- I find it works better than Benzoyl Peroxide
- Disinfects hair follice
- Enables blemishes to come to a head and thus be extracted easily
- Kills zits fast
- Hurts a bit if applied to an open lesion
I decided to try this after reading some positive reviews about it. Benzoyl Peroxide had begun giving me large painful papules and I needed a substitute. Home remedies recommeneded on this site have worked in the past so I thought why not.
It penetrates the pore much more effectively than BP, and with far less irritation flaking of the skin afterwards.
I dip a q-tip in the bottle and apply to any red spots. Good stuff and great value for money. I will keep using it.
November 26, 2010
Clears acne
Disinfects any popped spots
lightens acne marks and red marks
Will bleach eyebrows
Ok- bottom line this works. Yes, it can be considered harsh, but not any where near as harsh as BP in my opinion. This does not make my skin flaky or dry, and it dries out my spots in no time. If I hold this on a spot that is just starting, it makes it go away. It also lightens acne marks over time, and helps even out skin tone. It can be a little stingy, if you have an open acne or sore, but it does help. I always use either Thayer's witch hazel with lavender, or Dan's AHA+ after using this, and my acne is clearing quickly.
March 6, 2011
works great
i see overnight results
makes my eyes water sometimes
dries skin
irritates skin sometimes
if you use a moisturizer, which i do, your skin doesnt dry up anymore. the results are amazing! i use hydrogen peroxide on the affected area then on the pimple i sometimes put neosporin, which helps a lot. i use Aveeno positively radiant daily moisturizer to help with dryness. my skin used to be really bad but now all the acne goes away. good luck with you skin!
March 4, 2016
worked for my sensitive skin! :)
I am a 19 year old college student and have extremely sensitive skin. If I'm in class and put my hand on my face I'll break out- that's how sensitive I am. I went through Acutane my junior year in high school and I had a clear face for about 4 months after using it but then acne came back. I'm mostly familiar with cysts and really tender red pimples. I don't encourage you to pop pimples...but if you do, dip a q-tip into a hydrogen peroxide bottle and place it on the pimple that you popped. BE VERY GENTLE. Don't push as hard as you can to irritate it even worse than it is because it'll leave scars, just barley let the q-tip rest there for a minute or two. It does burn and it's kinda cool to look at the bubbles it makes, but it is COMPLETELY cleaning the pimple from the inside. After doing this a few times a day for only about two days, your skin will look perfect. ONLY POP PIMPLES WHEN THEY ARE READY. Don't do it in the beginning stages and some pimples just aren't the kind to be popped. lol trust me, I've more experience than I want with acne. ;) P.S. I know that everyone's skin type is different, and may not work for you, but its definitely worth the try, maybe just test it out on the pimples that no one sees first (like your chest or back)
July 18, 2016
Only treatment that has worked so far, very effective
I've had mild acne for almost two years now. I've tried almost everything from expensive cleansers to lemon juice and nothing works. Through intensive googling about acne, I decided to try Hydrogen Peroxide as a toner. The first few days were very painful as Hydrogen Peroxide stings on the skin (so if you have sensitive skin, do not try HP) but gradually I got used to it. I immediately noticed changes. I'd pop a pimple, apply HP, and then it would be gone the next day. I was amazed at the speed of this treatment. However, within the first two weeks I also got bad breakouts, but I kept on using HP. At the third week, I noticed I wasn't getting any bad breakouts anymore, and right now the right side of my face is almost clear, save for a few scars. I recently had a cyst on my left cheek and I had it gone in 3 days by applying HP twice daily. I believe Hydrogen Peroxide is the best treatment for acne, but it is widely unknown because dermatologists won't recommend it because they get paid to prescribe expensive drugs. Coupled with good diet, and sleep, I think my face can be completely clear in a few more weeks. I still get occasional breakouts, but now they're small and are not as bad as before and they're usually gone by a day or two thanks to Hydrogen Peroxide :)
May 2, 2010
cleans up acne and brightens your face
can also be used as mouth wash for a whiter smile
makes your hair a little orange so stay away from your hairline
It actually worked. Ive tried neutrogena, proactive, clean and clear and several other products and this is the only one that has actually cleared out my skin without just so much as drying it like other things.
Gets rid of blemishes and redness