Hydrogen Peroxide

294 Reviews

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December 7, 2015
If you're like me you've tried just about everything for your acne. After years with dermatologists I started to believe that my acne wasn't an external problem, moreso a manifestation of an internal problem. So I began taking herbs, cutting out gluten, dairy, limited processed foods and eating less than 20g of sugars a day. That's when things really took a turn for the better! But I continued to get little bumps here and there. I recently started using hydrogen peroxide and my skins never been smoother. I suppose after all those years of popping, my skin was just seriously infected. The hydrogen peroxide cleans my pores!!! I use it after every shower. Good luck!
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August 12, 2012


-Drastically reduces and clears under the skin pimples/whiteheads and the regular ugly pimple.
-Doesn't dry out skin at ALL
-Helps with hyper-pigmentation
-Confidence booster!


May make acne appear red right after application but it doesn't last whatsoever.

I started breaking out all over my chin and jaw (6 BIG pimples) after what seemed like I just got clear which was a real bummer and put a downer on everything positive I was feeling. I used this on a whim one night all over my face and left it on overnight and thank god I did because my breakout is practically gone in less than a week. The pimples shrunk and almost all the redness around them was lessened at least 75% after the first night. I also had a few pretty noticeable whiteheads under my skin above my jaw which would have became pimples and this got rid of them in two days flat. The HP literally sucked them dry in two days! Didn't make them bigger or have a "purging" effect at all with using this. Also last summer, I had a massive cystic breakout all over my temples and forehead from a reaction to Redken All-Soft conditioner which had coconut and olive oil in it and clearly my skin did not like it. Luckily they cleared (a few weeks later) after I stopped using it but of course those kind of pimples leave a terrible pigmentation to the skin no matter what. I've had a lot of red hyper-pigmentation since then which had somewhat faded in a YEAR, but since I've started using the HP they are literally disappearing! This has been an absolute life saver to me and I think it would be wise to at least try it out.
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October 13, 2010


works fast, by next day you will see results.
cheap too


could be a little drying if used too often.

I have tried almost everything to clear up my acne and those stubborn under the ground chin cysts. I leave in Georgia, so the daily humidity really causes me to break out. Roughly 5 months ago I decided to take a cotton ball with hydrogen peroxide and use it as a toner before going to bed. The next day I could see that my redness had gone down and my white heads had disappeared. Within a couple days all of my acne has vanished. Even when I can feel a cyst forming on my chin, the peroxide clears it up within less than a week. When I wake up in the morning I use cetaphil facial moisturizer with a couple drops jojoba oil mixed together to provide me with clear, smooth and flawless skin that I haven't had in 4yrs!
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July 1, 2014
Use with caution
Although it works well just be careful as it can cause health problems later in life. It releases free radicals in the body which can cause harm and is associated with many neurological disorders.
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November 13, 2010


Cheap, not time consuming,


Bleaches eyebrows in it comes in contact.

I only have acne on my forehead, and I'm horrible at picking at my skin, so if I do pick too much, and dig in my skin too much, the peroxide heals it up really quickly. It's super cheap (about 99c for a big bottle which last a long time) I put it on my forehead but I have to be REALLY careful that none of it drips onto my eyebrows because it did bleach them yellow and I looked like I barely had any eyebrows. Most acne products (homemade or store bought) help really well for the first week and then stop helping and my acne gets worse, but Hydrogen Peroxide is reliable and helps every time!
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February 5, 2010


Refreshes skin after washing, clears acne up fast, closes open sores, evens skin tone and fades scars


Can sting but its manageable

I put this on twice a day with a cotton ball in place of my regular toner after washing. It makes skin feel tight and acne disappears FAST. I've been using this for a week now and my acne has disappeared with no recurrence and my sores are closing up well. I used to have to layer on foundation and after just one week I can dab a light layer over sores and everything is even!
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January 24, 2010


It soothes my skin, and it heals the pimples really fast. =)


It stings, but that just tells you it's killing the bacteria on your face. And it smells. Nothing you can do about that. Slightly dry skin, but a moisterizer fixes that in a jiffy.

Try it! I have way bad acne, and it feels great when applied. BE SURE TO USE A DIFFERENT COTTON BALL ON DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE FACE. One for the jaw and chin, another for the cheek, and one for the forehead and nose. It adds a new supply of fresh Hydrogen Peroxide and doesn't spread the bacteria over the face. Put on a good smelling moisterizer afterwards too. :)
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September 6, 2007


Works ONLY after poppin a pimple, blackhead, whitehead or on any irritation/blood on face.


I wish it could work on entire face. Plus, when you apply to a popped pimple, must keep on applying until blood fades away.

When I used to pop my pimples, I would just wipe away blood with a napkin or put toothpaste on it directly. However, I discovered Hydrogen peroxide after various researching on the internet. I found that when i put it on a popped pimple, the pimple NEVER comes back, NOT even a SCAR,CLOT, or redness fades away.
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February 22, 2013


Quickly cleared, reduce redness, got rid of acne


None, I'm thrilled

I've had acne for 30+ years. Grandma said "use this old bottle of peroxide up & see what happens." I did & will never look back. Thousands in "quick fix" remedies or $1.50 for a bottle of HP...hhhhmmmm tough choice. I apply it once a day about an hour after shower. My back & chest are spotless. Initial results took three days.
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November 22, 2012


- Dries out acne extremely fast
- Fades old acne scars after about a week of use morning and night.


- Stings for about a minute after you use a cotton swab and wipe down your face
- If you leave the cap open or loose it loses it's effectiveness.

I am 30 with mild acne but I still think I should be entitled to clear skin. After reading about it on the internet I immediately went to this site to see if other's have tried it. Since it has had such good reviews, the past 2-3 weeks I have used it. The bottle is so cheap how can you go wrong. I use a weird regimen but whatever works right? I use Neutrogenta T-Gel to wash my face in the morning due to it''s higher concentration of Salicylic Acid. Then I tone by face with Neutrogena Acne 2 in 1 Acne Scar Fader, then the peroxide, then Murad's Exfoliating Acne Treatment followed by moisturizer. I will give one hint though...I use Aquaphor on my lips so I protect them when using these products!
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