Honey Mask

709 Reviews

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October 22, 2008


antibacterial and amazing



I first used honey with oat and it did cleansen my skin but it didn't decrease the acne eruption but i added another ingredient that did wonders lemon juice it made the mask perfect it reduced the eruptions markedly and even the deep existing acne appeared on the surface to drain as if it was keratolytic but without the irritation of the keratolytic acne medicinal products u should use it everyday to make a marked difference also the lemon make the mask get hold together and not keep falling off ur face like honey alone
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September 30, 2008


It leaves ur face feeling clean and fresh; plus it smells declicious!


sticks and it varies by skin type how long it should be applied

Just apply the honey all over ur face(back and chest if needed) and let it sit for 10-15 min and rinse off with warm water then cold to close your pores back up. Its works better on a clean face so apply after you take a shower. Also dont over use it. It's probably best to use once or twice a week.
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September 19, 2008


i put it on for 10 minutes and washed it off. then the next day i woke up and my acne was significantly less red!! before i did it for 30 minutes and that was probably less effective because i didnt see the results as well as when i left it for 10min


i got a lot of little bumps (their not red and not whiteheads but sort of look like a whitehead) on areas where there was no acne to begin with, but i put honey there. so i wouldnt recommend putting honey on areas where there is no acne!

its cheap. i already had some at home. and it works well. makes ur skin soft and less red. try it. leave it on for 10 min. and wash it all off.
September 18, 2008


cheaper than other acne regimes, fun, really does gets rid of pimples from the root within a reasonable amount of time and clear up pores without allowing actual pimples flare up even more


slight skin irritation where no acne was, doesn't make my skin smooth as others say

It does work, but it does take a while. I used to use it as a mask every night before bed for a week, but noticed that where i didn't have any problems, my skin felt a tiny bit irritated (eg. not soft), so I started to only dab honey onto the actual pimples, and leave it on until i wash it off to goto bed, and if it's really red, i'll barely dab a bit on them and go to bed. By morning, it'll be considerably less red and smaller (although not gone until at least 1-2 weeks), but well worth the wait since it doesn't ever get worse.
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September 16, 2008


Made my skin feel a little smoother. Smelled nice.


None really, other than the fact that it didn't clear up my acne much.

I was really hoping that this would be the secret key to all my acne problems, but it didn't really clear anything up. I applied it as a mask twice a day and left it on for about 15 minutes, but I didn't see any huge results. I guess it just goes to show that some things work for some people and not for others. I'd give it a try, though.
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September 12, 2008


easy, cheap and its probably in your cupboard right now! so go check!



i tried it...i have little breakouts here and there...im not sure if it helps out with acne, but it sure does leave my skin soft and not dry! i like..and i try to do it 3 times a week. btw..i use organic honey. =)
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September 9, 2008


It works for some people I guess. Tastes good too.


Sticky. Messy.

I've had acne for a year or two. It covers my whole face from my forehead to my chin. (Also on my chest, back and shoulders.) I used honey and my mom seemed to notice a difference but it didn't work as well as some of the stories here did. My face has no real change. It doesn't even feel much softer. You should probably test this for one or two days and if you see change maybe continue for a month. If it doesn't work maybe you should try something else. :/
July 22, 2008


SOO smooth and is making my skin less irritated, shrinkin my pimples and smells gooood.


obviously sticky and runny, I wouldn't recomend heating it first, leaving it room temp. will be fine.

DO it. its in your house, its NATURAL which is awesome. and yeah its great.
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July 8, 2008


leaves skin soft, even, less inflammed, calmed down


hard to wash off. can cause bumps if put on for too long.

great. i leave it on for about 15 minutes and it does wonders.
June 19, 2008


smells pretty good, it was realllly cheap!


it was a mess, but i used one of those butter spreader things to spread it evenly...so it diddnt run at all

I used it once...tonight and Im hoping it will work as well for me as others...Im lost though and Im 22 and have tried everything for this "Adult Acne".... waiting on my trip to the derma..thought Id give it a try..Worked pretty good..no buppy rashes or iritation, i'll repost this in about a week or two!
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