Green Tea

536 Reviews

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May 10, 2016
nothing happens
ive tried but no see any result. didnt work for me
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December 9, 2014
No results in terms of acne great otherwise
I have been drinking 3-5 cups of green tea a day for the past month and using it as a toner and have seen no improvements in my acne. I am 29 and have mild-moderate acne. While taking Yasmine my acne totally subsided but since I have been off birth control it is back with a vengeance. I was hoping to cure it with natural remedies and diet changes but nothing seems to be working so far, although I am not sure how long you need to wait to see results.
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March 1, 2018
February 2, 2013


Tastes fairly good and is good for your overall health


Takes some time to prepare/wait for it to cool down and does nothing for acne

I'm a 20 years old guy with acne. I drank 3 cups of green tea per day, before every meal, mixed with a bit of sugar, for 1 week. I also applied once or twice a day the tea bag on my face. It did quite literally nothing for my acne. My advice is to not waste your time on home remedies since as the site says, they're largely ineffective. I tried it for like 10 days, but it's probably enough to see if it works or not.
December 14, 2012


Tastes great

This is my experience and that must be taken into consideration when reading this as all skin is different and different things work for different peoples skin. Around two years ago I started to get quite a few black heads and a few puss filled spots. fast forward a year later and I started to break out really bad with a few cysts here and there. It was at that stage that I really started to research how to controll my acne and one of the first things I found was green tea. For the past year I have been drinking the stuff religiously trying multiple differnt brands (But mianloy drinking TickTok decafinated green tea). During this time I have tried different topical lotions (benzyol peroxide which helped clear my black heads up and clindamycin which worked well with a strict vega diet of absoultly no grains, sweets, cakes deep fried foods and all thta crap) Bottom line is it didn't work for me but I'm still drinking it because I love the stuff and it tastes great. It's inexpensive so i will recomend anyone to try it as you have nothing to loose.
September 14, 2011


Applied topically made me break out.

Left my skin dry and broke out in a few days. "/ I was really disappointed.
December 27, 2010


- tastes good
- healthy for you
- gives you energy


- did not do anything to help my acne
- You quickly get sick of drinking cup after cup of green tea

nothing has worked for my acne so I gave this a try. Drank 3-5 cups a day and used a tea bag on my face for about 3 months and it did not help my acne at all.
April 13, 2010


-tastes ok


doesnt do anything to acne

many of the reviews on this site is complete bogus, ive been drinking green tea everyday for the past 2 years and it hasnt done anything to my acne...dont waste your time drinking it
December 24, 2009


just started it, 2 days ago. i've been drinking around 4 cups a day and applying the tea bag to my face twice a day before bathing.


the acne scars and pimples are not really vanishing like some said they got clear in 3 or 4 days.

hello everybody, i am highly depressed! i started getting pimples in april this year. at first it was minor, but recently it got really bad! whenever i get one pimple, after it goes away, it leaves a reddish or a black scars. so my cheeks are covered with such scars! i was never like this, last year at this time, i had a glowing skin! this problem is do depressive! i have tried everything! all sorts of topical acne creams, scrubs, mosturisers, face masks, face washes. I should say that i tried both cheap and expensive ones! but nothing really cured my acne. it got worse! and yes, i am nearly 22 and i have oily skin. since 1 week i am on a diet - no milk products at all, supplements of vit A, D, C and B, 6 litres of water, 5 fruit serves, i have lunch and dinner only and i eat nothing except from fruits in between. 2 days ago i started green tea. i read this blog and wanted to share my acne prob. i really dont know what to do. i was such a chirpy and happy girl. now i am so depressed. i dont feel like going out(luckily am in holidays!), i dont feel like talking to anyone. i was so confident of myself and loved myself so much! now i hate myself! i really need to clear my face or else i'l have a nervous breakdown. will green tea really help me? should i continue using it? i have stopped all the creams and actually i am just following my diet and taking the vitamins. i am hardly eating and i have always been underweight! i dont know what will happen to me
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December 7, 2009


Has tons of nutrients which is amazingly good for.


unfortunately, it does not at all work for me. i've tried everything since i was 10 when i first got them. i read the reviews online for this and decided to try it. but neermind, this doesnt work either.

if youre looking for something natural to work on your acne, then you should definitly get this. the thing is that my acne takes up all of my face. it's so bad that ppl stop me on the streets or the mall and ask if i use anything for my face or ask what happened to it. even my own relatives. all i know is that if your face is like mine, then it wont work for you. but if its not, then green tea will work out perfectly for you. so get this and try it out. but seriously, if your face is so filled with zits that its embarrassing, then sorry i think nothings gonna work. cuz thats what happens to me. since i was 10!
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November 28, 2009


Started just....dont know the beneit


Japan gren tea

Help me out from acne