Green Tea

536 Reviews

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March 3, 2009


Eliminates oil
Makes skin brighter
Dries up pimples



Drinking green tea won't clear up your acne on it's own. You have to change your diet as well. So, along with drinking green tea I have a very healthy diet, exercise, do breathing techniques to relieve stress, take 3000mg of Omega 3 fish oil, and plenty of water. With doing all that I have noticed a huge change. Some things that are bad for your skin that I have noticed are gluten, wheat, dairy, sugar and caffeine so I have almost eliminated those harmful things and my face looks much better. Green tea was the last thing I added to my diet and it has been amazing! I drink 4 cups a day of caffeine free real green tea from China that I get from a health food store.
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March 2, 2009


It really reduces redness, and helps acne.


It takes many cups a day for it to work.

The tea does not remove all acne, but it most definately does help. I drink 2-3 cups a day, everyday.
February 18, 2009


It helped at the beginning but then it stopped working and now I really have a really bad breakout.


No cons

You cant really depend on it, dont raise your hopes , its not really a cure.. but anyway I havent really stopped junkfood along with it, so maybe if u do itll work..dono!
February 9, 2009


Green Tea really does clear up your skin! It cleared my pimples around my nose in about a week. I drink about 2-3 glasses a day and wash my face twice a day.


The taste isn't great, but you'll get used to it.

Try IT! It worked for me it can work for you.
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February 7, 2009


- will help to get rid of acne
- easy way to help you get rid of acne along with your regular treatment, you just have to drink 2-4 cups a day
- healthy :D lots-o-benifits


- you can't miss a day without green tea cause your skin will look not so great , but only by a bit .
- bitter taste at first but you will get used to it
- need to drink for a week or two to see good results, and keep drinking forever

I was skeptical at first... But decided to try green tea out anyway. I have been drinking a cup of natural organic green tea in the morning and at night, sometimes one at noon. After 3 weeks, my skin tone looks a lot better and glowy lol. I am seeing less pimples and I don't have any right now. : ) yay I wash my face with green tea soap too at night , so that might be something for you to look into as well. Drink the tea along with your treatment and you will see results, just stick with it. It's cheap to find a box of green tea elsewhere, but in New York City it's like 5 dollars a box : ( . Good luck and I hope it works for you too. (the tea I use is all natural or organic green tea- just check the box)
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February 7, 2009


it really does get rid of pimples


you go to the bathroom a lot ( although thats not really too bad)

its affordable and it is definately worth it. i started drinking green tea becuase i needed the natural caffien, as i was up all night revising fo exams. within the first few days i noticed that my skin was looking more clear and the redness was reduced. I was drinking about 3 pots of tea a day ( a bit exessive, i know) i recently stopped drinking it and have noticed that my pimples have come back. so once you start you really have to stick to it.
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February 1, 2009


It works GREAT both topically and as a drink! I prefer topically, though.
A mix of powdered green tea, water, lemon juice, and honey made my acne go away in just a week! (:


None that I can see.

I have normal/oily at the t-zone skin, and it worked for me.
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February 1, 2009


Made my skin smother, takes away acne, its inexpensive


Makes my stomach hurt just a lil bit

I had a forehead full of giant pimples for about 2-3 weeks they did not want to go away. I started drinking Lipton Green Tea a week ago, I drink 3-4 cups a day and wash my face once a day with St. Ives apricot scrub for blemishes. My pimples started going away within 2 days. Note: I was using the St. Ives face wash by itself and it did not do much to clear my acne. Now im on my 5th day and my forehead is almost clear. i'm just waiting for the scars to fade away. the green tea works good.
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January 20, 2009


Skin Glows, acne really begins to clear, and I really have a lot more energy


Taste takes a while to get used to, and I pee like an old man!

Green tea does work well with clearing up your skin, but don't expect green tea to solve all your facial problems by itself. I have tried every acne product on the market and even went to a skin specialist and nothing worked. Then I began to change my diet. I stop drinking soda, I started working out more, and I add things like zinc, vitamin E, A, C, and B-Complex, and Fish Oil (which is also great for ance) to my daily diet. My skin started to look a lot better, but I still had problems. Then I started drinking green tea and the green tea is really starting to clear up those last few skin problems. So if green tea doesn't work, maybe you need to look at your diet because that is what I had to do. Those acne products don't work if your diet is all wrong. I digress, green tea is wonderful, but it can't solve all your skin problems by itself.
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January 18, 2009


okay i really didn't think this would work, but it really did! i drink 3-4 cups a day. i mix the tea leaves with my dove soap and apply it to my face 2x a day. i only have 1 or 2 blemishes now! it works super fast :)


the taste isn't amazing, but i adjusted to it.

try it! i've been using differin for about 5 months and have only seen slight improvement. i still use it after washing my face at night with the dove soap/green tea leaves mixture. i started seeing great improvement within 10 days. i hope this info will help other acne sufferers! this site is so helpful!!!! thanks <3
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