Green Tea

536 Reviews

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December 12, 2009


Love the taste, works wonders on redness and acne, great for general health, assists in weight loss.


None really, not unless you don't like tea.

Like all things, Green Tea will work for some people and not for others. For me, it's been amazing. It has markedly reduced the redness and occurance of breakouts on my face. I drink 3 or more cups of green tea a day and wipe the warm tea-bag over my face in the morning and evening. The results have been positive and quick to appear. Today, because I'm heading out tonight, I decided to put one squirt of lime-juice onto the tea-bag I was going to wipe over my face. I was suffering from a breakout due to said monthly time and it frustrated me greatly. Yet, the combination of Lime and Green Tea worked really well. Already the bumpy-ness of the break-out is vanishing along with the redness. I wouldn't reccomend using lime-juce daily as it may burn the skin and dry it out. But as a pre-party SOS, its great. Overall, Green Tea gets a thumbs up from me.
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December 7, 2009


Has tons of nutrients which is amazingly good for.


unfortunately, it does not at all work for me. i've tried everything since i was 10 when i first got them. i read the reviews online for this and decided to try it. but neermind, this doesnt work either.

if youre looking for something natural to work on your acne, then you should definitly get this. the thing is that my acne takes up all of my face. it's so bad that ppl stop me on the streets or the mall and ask if i use anything for my face or ask what happened to it. even my own relatives. all i know is that if your face is like mine, then it wont work for you. but if its not, then green tea will work out perfectly for you. so get this and try it out. but seriously, if your face is so filled with zits that its embarrassing, then sorry i think nothings gonna work. cuz thats what happens to me. since i was 10!
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November 29, 2009


has lots of antioxidants


didnt really work

drank abt 3 cups each day. then applied to face. didnt make a difference
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November 28, 2009


Started just....dont know the beneit


Japan gren tea

Help me out from acne
November 23, 2009


less redness and swelling and skin is clearing up...:) oh and it gives energy...


nothing at all

I wished i had known about drinking green tea a lot sooner but still is never late to fight back acne... so i started cutting on my sugars and fats and usually i drink bout 3-4 cups of tea a day specially after a meal... I read is a good antioxidant and well thats good for the skin healing process so drink it, give it a try and hopefully you'll see good results good luck...
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November 20, 2009


affordable, healthy for skin AND body


Takes some time getting use to its taste (I'm use to it now)

I've only been drinking it for about a 10 days now (I drink one cup every morning before school,) and I can already tell my face is a lot cleaner and clearer. I also haven't notice any new forms of acne. I will continue to use green tea as long as I can.
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November 20, 2009


I don't know about others but I love the tastes, I feel healthier, and my acne is clearing up



It's the cheapest acne solution I ever encountered and it works! It also increase metabolism so you'll lose some as well, healthy with no side effects!
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November 12, 2009
I had Awful acne for three full years, I treid everything i mean everything, honey , pills etc. My cure arrived when i found about green tea. I use organic green tea which is really helpfull for me. Green tea improves your skin faster if you have a healthy diet and work out daily, it may work out for the others faster on their skin but those who have really bad acne you must have a healthy diet and cut down all the sugar and junk food. Also do not buy pure green tea that one made me breakout overnight so i advice you not to drink that one but organic tea instead. Rubbing tea bag on your face and use the leaves aswell is really good for your skin and clears your skin faster
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November 12, 2009


soothes skin, provides a healthy glow, makes my blackheads surface


I don't really like the taste of green tea; for me it is more of an acquired taste.

I really like what green tea is doing for my skin. I usually drink 4 cups of green tea in every evening. I also apply the tea (at room temperature) to my face with a flat cotton pad. Drinking it and applying it directly has helped me so much with my acne prone skin. I notice less acne, inflammation, and redness. After I rub the green tea with a flat cotton pad on my face my skin gets a nice healthy glow; it really soothes my skin. I like the effects of green tea on my skin so far and I hope it can continue to help me with this acne battle and help me restore my skin.
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November 9, 2009


Reduced red and infalmed pustules on face with a day or two.



I am currently in my 2nd month of Accutane and am still completely broken out. I am getting huge red pimples that are inflamed and filled with pressure almost every day. Desperate, I read about green tea helping to reduce inflammation so I bought some Lipton Green Tea and have drank one cup for the last 3 mornings. I noticed a huge improvement in my skin by the second day. I have not gotten any new large pimples since I started drinking it. I am definitely goignt oincrease how much I am drinking and try rubbin the tea bag on my face as others have mentioned.
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