Green Tea

536 Reviews

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August 13, 2008


helps acne heal faster and keeps skin looking healthy and fresh. Prevents dryness


keeps you from falling asleep

I try to drink three cup a day and for my second cup I rub the tea bags on my face. Works great when used with my acne cream wash
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July 31, 2008


Green tea does reduce SBHG,which traps free testosterone. (Acne is an androgenic disorder). This means lower DHT and 5 alpha reductase levels. Drink a large pot daily. Use Niacin 250mg, B5, B6, and zinc daily with a meal. Ignore skin irritation.


Men may suffer from Andropause, eradication of acne is great, but say good bye to that super sex drive and super erections your used to!!! Any rebound will bring back the drive AND the acne.Been there done that. You cant have one without the other!

Acne can be defeated! Detoxify your blood, eat clean, take niacin 250, b5, b6, zinc and drink a big pot of green/black tea daily. But say good bye to that great sex drive.
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July 31, 2008


a small price to pay for such beautiful skin


taste takes a little getting used to

i think everyone, with or without acne should drink 5-10 mugs a day and rub the teabags on their faces, acne, blemishes all gone and skin is babby-butt soft and glowing. WOW!!! a miracle!!!! please anyone reading this, give green tea a try, for a month and you'll see a difference i'm an addict
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July 31, 2008


Really helped to reduce inflammation and breakouts


none that I can think of.

You need to give it at least 2-4 weeks before you start to see results. I use a loose leaf tea because tea shop owners are often very knowledge and can help you pick the right kind for you. I use Superior Grade Sencha. 1 teaspoon per cup. I drink 2-4 cups and I use a French Press to steep and strain the leaves. I make 2 cups in the a.m. which makes 1 mug full. I also put loose leaf Rosehips in as well as they are rich in Vitamins A,D and E. Which I'm sure you all know are beneficial to acne sufferers. To make 2 cups I use 1 1/2 teaspoons of green tea and 1/2 teaspoon of Rosehips. Most quality loose leaf green teas are caffeinated so to remove caffeine from your tea, simply pour boiling water over the loose-leaf tea leaves in your teapot, allow the tea to steep for 30 seconds, and then discard the liquid. Use the same tea leaves with fresh hot water to brew a close to fully decaffeinated cup of tea for drinking. Also try Rooibos tea, all the benefits of green tea without t
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July 26, 2008


Cheap, Easy and VERY effective.


None, Unless you don't like the taste of it.

I have mild-moderate acne. I've been suffering from acne for almost 2 years. I've tried over the counter products (Proactive,Neutrogena,Pills..etc. You name it..)Even my dermatologist was starting to give up on me. Spent hundreds of dollars. But I found about Green tea. It works wonders! I drink about 3-4 cups a day. I recommend the decaffeine kind. One in the morning, afternoon and right before I sleep. After drinking a cup (I only do this in the morning&right before bed) I take out the leaves inside the bag. I know it sounds a bit weird but it works. And I gently rub the leaves into my skin, kinda like a cleanser and then wash it off with warm water and dry off with a towel(Don't use the white kind). My skin feels so much smoother and less oily. Good luck!
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July 22, 2008


really great



works really great
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July 16, 2008




a bit drying but not too bad

i tried everything to my acne, over the counter ointments, clearasil, and even my dermatologist gave-up to me but when tried green tea it helped me a lot i drink 3 cups everyday and i rub the used tea bag on my face evry nyt and it really works my acne cleared up.
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July 9, 2008


Cheap, effective, safe and easy to use. I also feel more alert throughout the day.


Nothing, so far.

Like many, I have tried everything under the sun to control my acne (prescription pills & creams, over the counter remedies, etc. etc.). I have been drinking 2-3 cups of green tea a day, plus using the tea bag as a toner at night. The combination really seems to be working. Before I was getting several new comedos a day, but since I've been using green tea, I hardly have any and my old breakouts are drying up nicely. I know how if feels to be humiliated by acne - not wanting to go to work or even leave the house. I'm getting married in the fall and I REALLY want to have a clear complexion for it. I hope the green tea keeps on working!
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July 4, 2008


Works fast, heals acne, tastes good. Use only organic green tea.


I can't sleep well if I drink it after 4 pm. I bought the decaf one, but I think it's not as good as the regular one.

Don't drink green tea more than 3 cups daily, otherwise it'll be toxic. Too much caffeine and antioxidants are not good for you. I usually have matcha (Japanese green tea) in the morning, Chinese green before lunch, and american (i think lol) green tea in the afternoon. Oh yeah, one more tip, don't drink green tea or water when you eat. And I also brew green tea in the morning, put it in the small bottle (don't pour it when it's still hot), and use it as a toner. After that, put organic aloe vera gel to moisture skin. The aloe gel works amazingly! When looking for aloe vera gel, make sure if it's organic and doesn't contain too many preservatives. Don't buy it at CVS, buy it at organic stores. One more thing, I just found out (I'm pretty sure), the major cause of acne is stress. I've been living stress-free for a while now, and it helps me clear my skin. when I feel anxious, I usually take 100mg of magnesium, safer way than the anti-anxiety pills. btw, m
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June 26, 2008


Works great as a topical treatment. Easy to make and can be very cheap. Healthy to drink too. Doesn't dry out your skin like Benzoyl Peroxide.


Be aware that drinking too much caffeine can increase oil production in the skin. A few cups a day shouldn't have any effect though. Green tea has around 1/3rd the amount of caffeine that coffee does.

Use it. The pros obviously out-weigh the cons.
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